I've got a white iPhone 3G that I've had for over a year
I've never had so many phone swaps since the iphone. It changed my life lol!
I started my smartphone interest with an ancient BB 7100, then moved to an LG Cu510(?) which I hated and sold immediately, and moved to the Samsung blackjack which I really liked a lot. (tethering and MMS out of the box. sheesh.).
Then the iPhone launched and I got one for free (I used to work for Apple) and I was just in absolute heaven, despite the 8 replacement phones I had to get. Fast forward a year and the iPhone 3G comes out, a couple months after launch I sell my 2G iPhone for a 3G. (net to me it was still a free phone

In that time-frame I had a wealth of problems with my iPhone 3G and had numerous replacements. (I'm on my 6th as of right now. Which still has problems) I got so fed up that I bought a Blackberry Bold, which broke the day I got it (The trackball didn't work and I couldn't type w/ 2 columns of keys). The ebay guy was kind enough to send me another one. Once I had a working Blackberry I really really liked it a lot. It did everything well. The only thing I missed were all the incredible apps on the iPhone and how easy it was to use.
I wound up selling the blackberry afterall (I still wish I had it, as a second phone) and went back to my iPhone 3G.
I'm not intending to get the 3Gs, but I'm contemplating another phone because I get awful reception still and I'm just tired of the problems. (which is too bad because there are SO many things the iPhone does right!)
*sigh* what a twisted love/hate relationship I have with this thing.
I am very intrigued by the Pre but I have an absolute loathsome attitude towards sprint. Which leaves the android platform (Or verizon and the blackberry Tour.)