Thanks. Can you add the same for the BOOT/var folder or don't you have this folder?In that case here you have:
Sorry, no idea. You can try the suggestion by @joevt above which seems to make sense and seems easiest if it works.Is there a way that legacy windows is put with a personal line into chainloader config.conf? If you add a second ntfs volume it shows both and you dont know which one is the OS.
It is also possible to add the boot details into the manual stanzas in the config.conf file and block it from auto detection as done with OpenCore.
Both options are however more of a detailed rEFInd configuration issue which is out of scope here.
Follow up on the rEFInd project discussion board linked in Post 1 or create a new thread here to ask for help.
EDIT: Just checked and the suggestion by @joevt should work since RefindPlus does the following to name volumes:
- Try to read FileSystem Name (It can't read Windows one on a Mac without help such as the suggested driver)
- If not FileSystem Name, try to use the Partition Name
- If not Partition Name, try to use FileSystem Type and Size
- If not FileSystem Type AND Size, try to use FileSystem Type only (E.G., "NTFS Volume")
- If not FileSystem Type, call it "Unknown Volume"
Don't know I'm afraid. Would have thought a drive is a drive regardless of transport protocols and that you should be able to but I might be totally wrong (Think I have read somewhere that it has to be on a SATA Port but can't recollect - I have mine on a SATA Port).Is there a way to boot legacy windows from pcie card?
Don't ... Could be a bad idea
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