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I did some more testing and broke out a 2015 MBA7,2 which is a GOP Mac rather then UGA and did a drivers listing

its interesting to note, that while UGA macs have a "UGA Console driver" thing in the driver list, this GOP mac does not have anything like "GOP Console driver" so I wonder what this UGA Console driver thing is exactly (also worth noting is the Generic XHCI driver I might try extracting that and loading it on my MP5,1 and see if that does anything with the USB 3.0 card I know the MP6,1 XHCI driver would cause the boot picker to lock up on a MP5,1)

View attachment 798208

View attachment 798209

Thanks for the dump, we don't know what the "unknown" drivers are. One of them maybe the console driver and the others maybe AGP driver.

2D, 8E, A0, and FD are not linked to anything, the others are. You could try to unload them one at a time and see if your screen goes dark.

BTW, no need to make screen shots, just pipe the output to a file, and put it in a code box.

Much easier to read.

            T   D
D           Y C I
R           P F A
V  VERSION  E G G #D #C DRIVER NAME                         IMAGE NAME
== ======== = = = == == =================================== ==========
57 0000000A B - -  1 16 PCI Bus Driver                      PciBusDxe
59 00000011 ? - -  -  - Block MMIO to Block IO Driver       BlockMmioToBlockIoDxe
5A 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio PCI Driver                   VirtioPciDeviceDxe
5B 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio 1.0 PCI Driver               Virtio10
5C 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Block Driver                 VirtioBlkDxe
5D 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio SCSI Host Driver             VirtioScsiDxe
5E 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Random Number Generator Driv VirtioRngDxe
5F 00000010 ? - -  -  - XenIo PCI Driver                    XenIoPciDxe
60 00000010 ? - -  -  - Xen PV Block Driver                 XenPvBlkDxe
61 0000000A D - -  3  - Platform Console Management Driver  ConPlatformDxe
62 0000000A D - -  2  - Platform Console Management Driver  ConPlatformDxe
63 0000000A B - -  3  3 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
64 0000000A ? - -  -  - Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
65 0000000A ? - -  -  - Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
66 0000000A B - -  2  2 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
67 0000000A B - -  1  1 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
6B 0000000A D - -  1  - Graphics Console Driver             GraphicsConsoleDxe
6C 0000000A B - -  1  1 Serial Terminal Driver              TerminalDxe
6D 0000000A D - -  6  - Generic Disk I/O Driver             DiskIoDxe
6E 0000000B B - -  2  4 Partition Driver(MBR/GPT/El Torito) PartitionDxe
71 0000000A D - -  1  - SCSI Bus Driver                     ScsiBus
72 0000000A ? - -  -  - Scsi Disk Driver                    ScsiDisk
73 0000000A D - -  1  - Sata Controller Init Driver         SataController
74 00000010 D - -  1  - AtaAtapiPassThru Driver             AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
75 00000010 B - -  1  1 ATA Bus Driver                      AtaBusDxe
76 00000010 B - -  1  1 NVM Express Driver                  NvmExpressDxe
77 0000000A D - -  1  - PC-AT ISA Device Enumeration Driver IsaAcpi
78 0000000A B - -  1  6 ISA Bus Driver                      IsaBusDxe
79 0000000A B - -  1  1 ISA Serial Driver                   IsaSerialDxe
7A 0000000A D - -  1  - PS/2 Keyboard Driver                Ps2KeyboardDxe
7B 0000000A ? - -  -  - ISA Floppy Driver                   IsaFloppyDxe
7E 0000000A D - -  2  - FAT File System Driver              Fat
7F 00000010 ? - -  -  - UDF File System Driver              UdfDxe
80 0000000A ? - -  -  - Simple Network Protocol Driver      SnpDxe
81 0000000A B - -  1  2 MNP Network Service Driver          MnpDxe
82 0000000A B - -  1  1 VLAN Configuration Driver           VlanConfigDxe
83 0000000A B - -  1  1 ARP Network Service Driver          ArpDxe
84 0000000A B - -  1  1 DHCP Protocol Driver                Dhcp4Dxe
85 0000000A B - -  2 10 IP4 Network Service Driver          Ip4Dxe
86 0000000A B - -  2  2 MTFTP4 Network Service              Mtftp4Dxe
87 0000000A B - -  6 10 UDP Network Service Driver          Udp4Dxe
88 0000000A B - -  2  2 Tcp Network Service Driver          Tcp4Dxe
89 0000000A D - -  6  - UEFI PXE Base Code Driver           UefiPxe4BcDxe
8A 0000000A D - -  1  - iSCSI Driver                        IScsi4Dxe
8C 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Network Driver               VirtioNetDxe
8D 00000020 D - -  3  - Usb Uhci Driver                     UhciDxe
8E 00000030 D - -  1  - Usb Ehci Driver                     EhciDxe
8F 00000030 ? - -  -  - Usb Xhci Driver                     XhciDxe
90 0000000A B - -  4  2 Usb Bus Driver                      UsbBusDxe
91 0000000A D - -  1  - Usb Keyboard Driver                 UsbKbDxe
92 00000011 ? - -  -  - Usb Mass Storage Driver             UsbMassStorageDxe
93 00000010 ? - -  -  - QEMU Video Driver                   QemuVideoDxe
94 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio GPU Driver                   VirtioGpuDxe
A7 0165B159 B - -  2  2 8086100e.efidrv                     Offset(0x24600,0x3A9FF)
A8 00013E00 B - -  1  1 AMD GOP X64 Release Driver Rev.1.62 Offset(0xE800,0x1CBFF)
D9 0000000B ? - -  -  - Partition Driver(MBR/GPT/Apple)     \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\PartitionDxe-64.efi
E2 00000000 ? - -  -  - Clover hfs File System Driver       \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\VBoxHfs-64.efi
E7 000B69E1 B - - 10  8 APFS                                \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\apfs.efi
E8 0000000A ? - -  -  - FAT File System Driver              \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\Fat-64.efi
ED 00000010 ? - -  -  - Serial Terminal Driver              \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\Term.efi
Last edited:
Thanks for the dump, we don't know what the "unknown" drivers are. One of them maybe the console driver and the others maybe AGP driver.

2D, 8E, A0, and FD are not linked to anything, the others are. You could try to unload them one at a time and see if your screen goes dark.

BTW, no need to make screen shots, just pipe the output to a file, and put it in a code box.

Much easier to read.

            T   D
D           Y C I
R           P F A
V  VERSION  E G G #D #C DRIVER NAME                         IMAGE NAME
== ======== = = = == == =================================== ==========
57 0000000A B - -  1 16 PCI Bus Driver                      PciBusDxe
59 00000011 ? - -  -  - Block MMIO to Block IO Driver       BlockMmioToBlockIoDxe
5A 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio PCI Driver                   VirtioPciDeviceDxe
5B 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio 1.0 PCI Driver               Virtio10
5C 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Block Driver                 VirtioBlkDxe
5D 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio SCSI Host Driver             VirtioScsiDxe
5E 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Random Number Generator Driv VirtioRngDxe
5F 00000010 ? - -  -  - XenIo PCI Driver                    XenIoPciDxe
60 00000010 ? - -  -  - Xen PV Block Driver                 XenPvBlkDxe
61 0000000A D - -  3  - Platform Console Management Driver  ConPlatformDxe
62 0000000A D - -  2  - Platform Console Management Driver  ConPlatformDxe
63 0000000A B - -  3  3 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
64 0000000A ? - -  -  - Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
65 0000000A ? - -  -  - Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
66 0000000A B - -  2  2 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
67 0000000A B - -  1  1 Console Splitter Driver             ConSplitterDxe
6B 0000000A D - -  1  - Graphics Console Driver             GraphicsConsoleDxe
6C 0000000A B - -  1  1 Serial Terminal Driver              TerminalDxe
6D 0000000A D - -  6  - Generic Disk I/O Driver             DiskIoDxe
6E 0000000B B - -  2  4 Partition Driver(MBR/GPT/El Torito) PartitionDxe
71 0000000A D - -  1  - SCSI Bus Driver                     ScsiBus
72 0000000A ? - -  -  - Scsi Disk Driver                    ScsiDisk
73 0000000A D - -  1  - Sata Controller Init Driver         SataController
74 00000010 D - -  1  - AtaAtapiPassThru Driver             AtaAtapiPassThruDxe
75 00000010 B - -  1  1 ATA Bus Driver                      AtaBusDxe
76 00000010 B - -  1  1 NVM Express Driver                  NvmExpressDxe
77 0000000A D - -  1  - PC-AT ISA Device Enumeration Driver IsaAcpi
78 0000000A B - -  1  6 ISA Bus Driver                      IsaBusDxe
79 0000000A B - -  1  1 ISA Serial Driver                   IsaSerialDxe
7A 0000000A D - -  1  - PS/2 Keyboard Driver                Ps2KeyboardDxe
7B 0000000A ? - -  -  - ISA Floppy Driver                   IsaFloppyDxe
7E 0000000A D - -  2  - FAT File System Driver              Fat
7F 00000010 ? - -  -  - UDF File System Driver              UdfDxe
80 0000000A ? - -  -  - Simple Network Protocol Driver      SnpDxe
81 0000000A B - -  1  2 MNP Network Service Driver          MnpDxe
82 0000000A B - -  1  1 VLAN Configuration Driver           VlanConfigDxe
83 0000000A B - -  1  1 ARP Network Service Driver          ArpDxe
84 0000000A B - -  1  1 DHCP Protocol Driver                Dhcp4Dxe
85 0000000A B - -  2 10 IP4 Network Service Driver          Ip4Dxe
86 0000000A B - -  2  2 MTFTP4 Network Service              Mtftp4Dxe
87 0000000A B - -  6 10 UDP Network Service Driver          Udp4Dxe
88 0000000A B - -  2  2 Tcp Network Service Driver          Tcp4Dxe
89 0000000A D - -  6  - UEFI PXE Base Code Driver           UefiPxe4BcDxe
8A 0000000A D - -  1  - iSCSI Driver                        IScsi4Dxe
8C 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio Network Driver               VirtioNetDxe
8D 00000020 D - -  3  - Usb Uhci Driver                     UhciDxe
8E 00000030 D - -  1  - Usb Ehci Driver                     EhciDxe
8F 00000030 ? - -  -  - Usb Xhci Driver                     XhciDxe
90 0000000A B - -  4  2 Usb Bus Driver                      UsbBusDxe
91 0000000A D - -  1  - Usb Keyboard Driver                 UsbKbDxe
92 00000011 ? - -  -  - Usb Mass Storage Driver             UsbMassStorageDxe
93 00000010 ? - -  -  - QEMU Video Driver                   QemuVideoDxe
94 00000010 ? - -  -  - Virtio GPU Driver                   VirtioGpuDxe
A7 0165B159 B - -  2  2 8086100e.efidrv                     Offset(0x24600,0x3A9FF)
A8 00013E00 B - -  1  1 AMD GOP X64 Release Driver Rev.1.62 Offset(0xE800,0x1CBFF)
D9 0000000B ? - -  -  - Partition Driver(MBR/GPT/Apple)     \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\PartitionDxe-64.efi
E2 00000000 ? - -  -  - Clover hfs File System Driver       \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\VBoxHfs-64.efi
E7 000B69E1 B - - 10  8 APFS                                \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\apfs.efi
E8 0000000A ? - -  -  - FAT File System Driver              \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\Fat-64.efi
ED 00000010 ? - -  -  - Serial Terminal Driver              \EFI\CLOVER\drivers64UEFI\Term.efi

yeah I too wonder what the Unknown ones are...

I noticed the UUIDs are constant across machines (ie despite the fact the PCI NVMe driver is different between Mac models they all have the same UUID of 51116915-C34B-4D8E) so maybe we could cross reference all the UUIDs and see if any of the Unknowns have names in other systems

and yeah I know you can feed the output to a .txt file but the above was very much just touch n go grab the shots and GTFO :)
yeah I too wonder what the Unknown ones are...

I noticed the UUIDs are constant across machines (ie despite the fact the PCI NVMe driver is different between Mac models they all have the same UUID of 51116915-C34B-4D8E) so maybe we could cross reference all the UUIDs and see if any of the Unknowns have names in other systems

and yeah I know you can feed the output to a .txt file but the above was very much just touch n go grab the shots and GTFO :)
Not UUID but GUID.
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Reactions: LightBulbFun
Hopefully this means the new 2019 Mac Pro will release with NVIDIA cards! AMD's contract with Apple expires soon, right?
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Reactions: stevekr
I would highly caution against anyone investing in NVIDIA GPUs for Mac or massive amounts of time until NVIDIA at least releases updated web drivers for High Sierra 10.13.6 build 17G3025. Ideally they also release an update for all other older OS versions that were just updated with security patches. Without those drivers, most of the cards are pretty useless over an AMD GPU in macOS. I'll ignore the lack of Mojave drivers for this immediate discussion...
I would highly caution against anyone investing in NVIDIA GPUs for Mac or massive amounts of time until NVIDIA at least releases updated web drivers for High Sierra 10.13.6 build 17G3025. Ideally they also release an update for all other older OS versions that were just updated with security patches. Without those drivers, most of the cards are pretty useless over an AMD GPU in macOS. I'll ignore the lack of Mojave drivers for this immediate discussion...
Nvidia Web Driver release for 10.13.6 SU (17G3025)
Direct download:
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Reactions: star-affinity
Last edited:
So has it been confirmed that the pulled 387. drivers had Volta support? I was a bit late to the party and grabbed 387. which looking through the Kexts clearly dont. Truly fascinating turn of events if so.
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Reactions: bsbeamer
I can confirm that the Palit GeForce RTX 2070 8GB Dual (NE62070020P2-1060A) does have boot screen as well!

I'm booting with a 2010 27" iMac in Target Display Mode at 2560x1440 using a DisplayPort cable. I'm running on the Mac Pro.

My system PCI Slots have:
Slot 4 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - Dual SATAIII to PCIe drive adapter with two Samsung 850 SATA SSD (booting from one of these drives)
Slot 3 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - FL1100 based 4-port USB3 PCIe card
Slot 2 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - Simple PCIe 4x to NVMe adapter, no NVMe drive right now
Slot 1 - Palit GeForce RTX 2070 8GB Dual

Currently there's no driver support in Mojave, so the card is listed as a 22MB Video Adapter. But I get the full 2560x1440 resolution on my monitor.

I can:
  • Boot into Recovery Mode
  • Boot into the Mojave installer from usb
  • Boot regular Mac OS Mojave (if previously installed)
  • Boot Windows 10 in EFI mode
  • Install Mojave from usb after first patching the installer with Dosdude1's Mojave Patcher
I can't
  • Boot Windows 10 in Legacy Mode
  • Install Mojave from usb without first patching the installer. (It complains about "No Metal compatible card installed")
If there's anything else you'd like to know, I'd be happy to help!

Edited: :) Thanks bsbeamer
Last edited:
Just installed a 2080Ti Founders edition and can confirm that the card has native boot screen support. If you are using rEfit, no need to hold the alt key.

I can confirm that the Palit GeForce RTX 2070 8GB Dual (NE62070020P2-1060A) does have boot screen as well!

I'm booting with a 2010 27" iMac in Target Display Mode at 2540x1440 using a DisplayPort cable. I'm running on the Mac Pro.

My system PCI Slots have:
Slot 4 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - Dual SATAIII to PCIe drive adapter with two Samsung 850 SATA SSD (booting from one of these drives)
Slot 3 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - FL1100 based 4-port USB3 PCIe card
Slot 2 - (Debroglie, Chinese brand) - Simple PCIe 4x to NVMe adapter, no NVMe drive right now
Slot 1 - Palit GeForce RTX 2070 8GB Dual

Currently there's no driver support in Mojave, so the card is listed as a 22MB Video Adapter. But I get the full 2540x1440 resolution on my monitor.

I can:
  • Boot into Recovery Mode
  • Boot into the Mojave installer from usb
  • Boot regular Mac OS Mojave (if previously installed)
  • Boot Windows 10 in EFI mode
  • Install Mojave from usb after first patching the installer with Dosdude1's Mojave Patcher
I can't
  • Boot Windows 10 in Legacy Mode
  • Install Mojave from usb without first patching the installer. (It complains about "No Metal compatible card installed")
If there's anything else you'd like to know, I'd be happy to help!

Thanks for these reports, two things:

1. Apple/nVidia need to resolve the lack of drivers for Mojave
2. Hopefully we will see boot screen support in the RTX 2050/2060 when they ship.
there is no RTX 2050/2060 from what iv seen there just rebranding the gtx 1060 as 'GTX1060X' and sticking DDR6 ram on it or something?
but at least it wont have worse support than a gtx 1060 :rolleyes:
was hoping the GTX 1070 was going to be rebranded as the next GTX1060, dark times

i relay think this gen of RTX cards are relay for game devs and NVIDIA wants people to wait for the die shrink next year for the real consumer cards.
is there any chance this move make AMD think about adding UGA boot support on METAL compatible AMD card firmware? :) (at least the reference models)
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