Actually, DisplayMate gave credit to Samsung first for developing and manufacturing the OLED display. Take a pause for a second. Can you imagine if a company in China took the iPhone, and changed only the look of iOS to their liking. Nothing else under the hood of iOS, only the look of it, very slightly. Then presented and sold that phone as their very own. Now imagine millions upon millions of the Chinese population loyal to that phone without a fault, and giving that Chinese company full credit for coming up with such a phone. Not even mentioning how Apple did years of work creating iOS. Just imagine how shameless that would look. Imagine the loyal users of that Chinese company and its new phone, being completely blind to how everyone else is telling them, " Hey, they just rearranged a few things and just changed the look of iOS little bit. It's all Apple that created the original." kinda nutty.
There’s no iPhone X without Samsung Display but when you completely discount what Apple did with the panel that was lame.
“First we need to congratulate Samsung Display for developing and manufacturing the outstanding OLED display hardware in the iPhone X.
“But what makes the iPhone X the Best Smartphone Display is the impressive Precision Display Calibration that Apple developed that transforms the OLED hardware into a superbly accurate, high performance, and gorgeous display!!”