I don’t care what anyone says, they did it to save your phone from randomly shutting down (possibly in a critical situation) for people who were to obtuse to realize their battery was shot and needed a new one. You didn’t even have to go to Apple for it. There was nothing nefarious (like forcing people to buy a new iPhone) about it.
I don’t even use an iPhone anymore and I’ll still defend this action. Should they have been more transparent about it initially? Absolutely. Did they do it to force you into a new iPhone? Not even close to anything resembling the truth. Other than those looking for a false “narrative” (hate that word) where they had an axe to grind already and needed something, anything to hold on to it.
i was going to let this go but...since we are expressing our opinions....
Sorry but this was inexcusable. They had a known battery defect and ignored it. They played God and figured they knew what was best for its customers...total BS.They should have issued a recall or offered to fix the issue without having a class action suit filed and all the bad press coverage.
They throttled the phone without informing customers they were doing it to cover up the battery defect.
So what happened to people who noticed their phone was slow at certain times? Well naturally they upgraded to a new phone because that is what loyal Apple customers do.
Here we have a company covering up a known defect with slowing down the product....which in turn drove new product sales making the company millions of dollars. They made money slowing down the product. It would have cost them money fixing or replacing the defective part in the product.
So take Apple out of the equation and apply this to say a car or whatever products. Would you still defend a company doing this? I don't think people would accept this from other companies to be honest.
Then they were not proactive about this...they only came out with this information after people had hard evidence they were throttling.....at first they denied it.....
Then I am not just dumping on Apple here. Because I believe every big corporation will or have done this sort of thing.
They all have their bottom line in mind over their customers