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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Hey if having an overzealous Apple hatred that is permanently festering like some giant boil on the rectum of humanity, leaving it's unmistakable skid mark on every single post they make, makes them happy ....
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macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Higher bandwidth speed doesn't really mean you'll use more. But when you want to download something, like a huge game update or a large zip file from the cloud, speed makes a difference. Plus resolution quality when you're streaming a TV app is more stable.

Some areas where I live, on T-mobile I get over a 100mbps down and other places around 35mbps down. I can easily notice the difference.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Note 8 becomes Samsung's biggest seller.

That's why I'm curious. I suppose maybe an occasional huge game may download faster, but how often is that? I've never had any issues streaming TV or any kind of video over LTE. I'm not being difficult, I'm honestly curious. What large files are you guys downloading so often that you need that kind of speed. Just about the only serious use case I can imagine is someone using his cell phone service for home internet, and they will just butt up against the data limit anyway.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
That's why I'm curious. I suppose maybe an occasional huge game may download faster, but how often is that? I've never had any issues streaming TV or any kind of video over LTE. I'm not being difficult, I'm honestly curious. What large files are you guys downloading so often that you need that kind of speed. Just about the only serious use case I can imagine is someone using his cell phone service for home internet, and they will just butt up against the data limit anyway.
What kind of data caps do you get on your plans over there. Here average LTE is around 5-10gb which means 2 hours of high quality Netflix and you are at the end of your data here.

It amazes me that mobile carriers are pushing for faster and faster speeds but then giving users no real ability to utilise it meaningfully here.

macrumors 68020
Jun 17, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
It's interesting how different people can hold the same devices in hand and walk away with a difference experience.

I just got back from Best Buy where I saw the G6 in person for the first time. I spent maybe 5 minutes with it and walked away unimpressed, picked up the S8, and wondered why anyone would like the G6. I wrote in a prior post that I'm completely sold on this AMOLED tech, but it's more than that. I just like the whole Galaxy S package better than anything else.

I was reading comments on Reddit this morning, people saying that third-party apps are better on iOS. But every third-party app I use I feel has a better experience on Android.

One thing different from me than many iOS users is I leave iMessage disabled on my iPhone. I had it enabled a few months ago and was parked in a garage waiting on my mom to text me to pick her up. I never got any texts from her. She called wanting to know where I was at. I didn't have a good signal in the garage so her texts sent through to iMessage but my phone wasn't downloading them. As soon as I left the garage they all downloaded. I turned it off and have left it off since then. And in all my years of iPhone ownership I've yet to use FaceTime. So, nothing is really tying me to the iOS platform, and I have more purchased apps on Android than iOS after years of switching back and forth.

very interesting regarding G6 vs S8. To be fair, the S8 demo mode was quite annoying, brightness was turned down low (and when I would try to change any setting it would kick me straight to demo mode), and I didn't get much time with the device as others were trying to play with it too. I had a lot longer time with the G6 and demo mode wasn't quite as annoying on that model. Suffice to say, I'm extremely excited about the S8 and can't wait to get it set up the way I like it and get rid of that nasty demo mode software ;)


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
That's why I'm curious. I suppose maybe an occasional huge game may download faster, but how often is that? I've never had any issues streaming TV or any kind of video over LTE. I'm not being difficult, I'm honestly curious. What large files are you guys downloading so often that you need that kind of speed. Just about the only serious use case I can imagine is someone using his cell phone service for home internet, and they will just butt up against the data limit anyway.

It's not an issue of how often, it's just nice to have when needed. I don't download large files on my phone often, but when I do, it sucks to wait long for it to download. Every once in awhile I do download large files from my cloud. And then there are times when a game requires almost a half gig update to play, when it takes too long, I get discouraged to wait, and just update and play another time.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
What kind of data caps do you get on your plans over there. Here average LTE is around 5-10gb which means 2 hours of high quality Netflix and you are at the end of your data here.

It amazes me that mobile carriers are pushing for faster and faster speeds but then giving users no real ability to utilise it meaningfully here.

That's exactly my point. In the states the carriers have ONLY just embraced "unlimited", but unlimited really means only until 20gb or so, with each carrier slightly varying but being around that limit. You're going to burn through that VERY quickly with these new speeds. That's why I could care less for any new data technology as it gets useless very quickly. Now if I lived in South Korea that would be a different story, and I can see what market Samsung is catering to.
It's not an issue of how often, it's just nice to have when needed. I don't download large files on my phone often, but when I do, it sucks to wait long for it to download. Every once in awhile I do download large files from my cloud. And then there are times when a game requires almost a half gig update to play, when it takes too long, I get discouraged to wait, and just update and play another time.

I hear ya, I'm big on choice. It's nice to have it when you need it, you're stuck in the airport and really would love to download that new game before your flight leaves.
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macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
What kind of data caps do you get on your plans over there. Here average LTE is around 5-10gb which means 2 hours of high quality Netflix and you are at the end of your data here.

It amazes me that mobile carriers are pushing for faster and faster speeds but then giving users no real ability to utilise it meaningfully here.

In Thailand I picked the lowest speed package 4gb for $5/mth it's a snail by comparison to some speed posted by others but fine for google maps and general mail/mesgs

I recall you were thinking of buying from Germany just be careful re Samsung Pay as it's IMEI coding can make it tricky to register

My dual sim unlocked S7E was purchased in UAE that has Samsung Pay coming only so I have the app officially but cant register cards yet, however it is available in Thailand but I can register Thai cards due to the IMEI is from UAE

I suspect in Europe you should be ok but make sure it will allow/list Irish bank accounts

I haven't checked fully but I think there is a way around this ie side loading country specifc apk after registering
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
In Thailand I picked the lowest speed package 4gb for $5/mth it's a snail by comparison to some speed posted by others but fine for google maps and general mail/mesgs

I recall you were thinking of buying from Germany just be careful re Samsung Pay as it's IMEI coding can make it tricky to register

My dual sim unlocked S7E was purchased in UAE that has Samsung Pay coming only so I have the app officially but cant register cards yet, however it is available in Thailand but I can register Thai cards due to the IMEI is from UAE

I suspect in Europe you should be ok but make sure it will allow/list Irish bank accounts

I haven't checked fully but I think there is a way around this ie side loading country specifc apk after registering
Thanks for the heads up.


macrumors 68040
Aug 1, 2009
What kind of data caps do you get on your plans over there. Here average LTE is around 5-10gb which means 2 hours of high quality Netflix and you are at the end of your data here.

It amazes me that mobile carriers are pushing for faster and faster speeds but then giving users no real ability to utilise it meaningfully here.

I average about 25 GBs usage on LTE ( TMobile, US) monthly, and no throttling or overages.. Great speeds too..for the most part!
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Question ...

Those that have seen the device in person have you seen all three colours and regarding the Silver, is it very similar to the platinum S7 ?

The Orchid ? How does the black front, silver sides and lilac back hold together aesthetically in reality ?

And finally I assume the black with its black sides is probably going to be the most popular due to its stealthier look, but of the ones you have seen, which is the one your going for.


macrumors 601
Oct 2, 2011
Question ...

Those that have seen the device in person have you seen all three colours and regarding the Silver, is it very similar to the platinum S7 ?

The Orchid ? How does the black front, silver sides and lilac back hold together aesthetically in reality ?

And finally I assume the black with its black sides is probably going to be the most popular due to its stealthier look, but of the ones you have seen, which is the one your going for.

I've seen the black and the orchid.
The black is stealthy, but isn't for me.

It is a bit like the jet black iPhone which I wasn't a huge fan of. My sister has that and it looks awful now a couple of months on after she got it. And she has tried to protect it.
I think it looks a bit cheap personally but others will have the opposite opinion which is cool as we all have different tastes!

The orchid is delicious. Tilting it round it all kind of blends in as it catches the light. I love the dark front and light back as it's something I have been wanting from Apple for years and years. Still waiting. 5C doesn't count. :p

Obviously, never seen the platinum one. But if that was available at launch that would easily be my choice. I think it's by far the nicest design. I loved the platinum S7 / edge and it looks to be very similar to that in the pictures I've seen.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
Thanks for the heads up.
I down loaded the latest Spay apk and installed it just gave me a sim error saying I must have a Korean sim in, fortunately could uninstall and revert back to my waiting 17 days screen for UAE

So will try later after I get at least one working
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Sep 11, 2014
What do you like about the stock Samsung app? Been using Gmail since I got the phone.
I'll have to go fire up the Gmail app up so I can compare but I used Samsung first when I switched to Android and I got very comfortable with how easy it is to delete emails I don't want. Things are just more clear cut like a trash can means delete and not Apple's "archive". Sorry I'm rushing so not very articulate today.
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Sep 11, 2014
Question ...

Those that have seen the device in person have you seen all three colours and regarding the Silver, is it very similar to the platinum S7 ?

The Orchid ? How does the black front, silver sides and lilac back hold together aesthetically in reality ?

And finally I assume the black with its black sides is probably going to be the most popular due to its stealthier look, but of the ones you have seen, which is the one your going for.
It's similar but maybe more subdued and less "chrome" than my silver S7EDGE...I think. I didn't have my Edge with me to compare. It can look white sometimes and sometimes a bit golden under the store lights. It's elegant. Classy.

I think the Orchid had Orchid sides and not pure silver. But it's such a faint trace if it does. It was really beautiful. Let's put it this way, if I can't remember for sure, it means they did a beautiful job of making sure the chassis doesn't distract from the display. The display rules, it's the star, all else is a bit player. I never felt that way about phone colors before. Especially not on Samsungs back when the colored bezel was such a part of the scenery.

The black does look so incredibly like a jet black iPhone from the sides and back. I like jet black but a lot of people think it's too shiny.
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that be me

macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2013
I'll have to go fire up the Gmail app up so I can compare but I used Samsung first when I switched to Android and I got very comfortable with how easy it is to delete emails I don't want. Things are just more clear cut like a trash can means delete and not Apple's "archive". Sorry I'm rushing so not very articulate today.
For both Gmail and Apple's email app, there's an option in settings to delete emails instead of archiving them by swiping in either direction. To be fair, they're not set by default as it is with Samsung's offering.
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macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Question ...

Those that have seen the device in person have you seen all three colours and regarding the Silver, is it very similar to the platinum S7 ?

The Orchid ? How does the black front, silver sides and lilac back hold together aesthetically in reality ?

And finally I assume the black with its black sides is probably going to be the most popular due to its stealthier look, but of the ones you have seen, which is the one your going for.
I dont like black fronts on phones so id go for silver. The back is getting covered up with a case.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
Do you mean bezels because all the fronts are black regardless
I was excited to see registration (not order) was finally opened here in Thailand I filled out the details so quick I did not realise you could also specify colour and the default selection is Gold :oops::eek:

Its suppose to come with a free bundle including charger and VR headset plus some other goodies
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place

Well, no. The front of mine is gold and i dont really like it it but i couldnt get a white one. I guess that is the bezels. Regardless, i dont like them black.

Really ? I haven't seen that model / variant. Can you put a pic up to demonstrate ? I thought all the s8's were coming with black fronts and only the back and side bezels varied.

The only pic I've found has a black front on gold here, which I actually like myself.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Really ? I haven't seen that model / variant. Can you put a pic up to demonstrate ? I thought all the s8's were coming with black fronts and only the back and side bezels varied.

The only pic I've found has a black front on gold here, which I actually like myself.
Oh all the GS8s come black is what you meant. I forgot about that. Then it doesnt matter what color to get for me,its getting a case on it, but im skipping this phone.
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