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Jun 24, 2013
Tried to register my Gear VR promo, but it just gave me a confirmation page through the Shop Samsung app. Didn't ask me for the imei or Mac address.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Tried to register my Gear VR promo, but it just gave me a confirmation page through the Shop Samsung app. Didn't ask me for the imei or Mac address.
Because the app read your Samsung account login when you went through setup.


Jun 12, 2016
Think the position would bother me

If it's where the pixel one is that's not as bad

Position sucks but that actually hasn't been the issue. I am able to slide my finger on it without touching the camera lens. It's the scanner. Pretty finicky.

However: Iris scanner is on point. Better than Note7. Works almost instantly.

The phone is not as fast as the Pixel. It's actually somewhat jarring to go from pure Android to a skin again.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Position sucks but that actually hasn't been the issue. I am able to slide my finger on it without touching the camera lens. It's the scanner. Pretty finicky.

However: Iris scanner is on point. Better than Note7. Works almost instantly.

The phone is not as fast as the Pixel. It's actually somewhat jarring to go from pure Android to a skin again.
I haven't noticed a speed difference between my Pixel XL or S8+ to be honest.


Jun 24, 2013
Because the app read your Samsung account login when you went through setup.

I remember that part. Here is the caveat though, the primary account holder's name showed up on the receipt for the phone. I put their name in even though I was logged into my email account. Shouldn't be an issue, right?


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
I remember that part. Here is the caveat though, the primary account holder's name showed up on the receipt for the phone. I put their name in even though I was logged into my email account. Shouldn't be an issue, right?
Shouldn't be an issue. Did you get confirmation? Try to do it again and it will tell you it's already been claimed.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
The rear camera is pretty much what is in the S7 edge but with a little better post processing.


Sep 11, 2014
Boo....Just found out that my order is delayed until the week of May 1st. I go through a local carrier and they sometimes get inventory late.
That stinks! Ours have not shipped yet, which is a good thing. I was at a funeral. I spent nice quality time (considering it was a funeral--of someone who lived a great life to a ripe old age) with the brother-in-law who scared the bejezeesus out of me Monday. He was actually very nice to me. He's just scary with doors, I guess.

When I got home I found just the second clear TPU case I ordered via Amazon/Slickdeals and my husband got the Samsung LED wallet case that he ordered from Samsung. I have an Orchid gray one on order via Amazon but there is no sign of it shipping anytime this week, at all. :confused:

His DeX dock and my Samsung clear Orchid purple case remain on backorder. We had thought hubby's phone was arriving today but that was the wallet case. I'm fine with waiting until Friday because I'll be in Washington tomorrow with cousins and our kids. But if we have to wait much longer than that we will be pretty disappointed.

But the waiting isn't so bad, since I get to read this thread to tide me over. Congratulations to all who've gotten their phones early! Enjoy and discuss! I'll be reading during breaks, even when I can't post.


macrumors 601
Dec 25, 2013
That stinks! Ours have not shipped yet, which is a good thing. I was at a funeral. I spent nice quality time (considering it was a funeral--of someone who lived a great life to a ripe old age) with the brother-in-law who scared the bejezeesus out of me Monday. He was actually very nice to me. He's just scary with doors, I guess.

When I got home I found just the second clear TPU case I ordered via Amazon/Slickdeals and my husband got the Samsung LED wallet case that he ordered from Samsung. I have an Orchid gray one on order via Amazon but there is no sign of it shipping anytime this week, at all. :confused:

His DeX dock and my Samsung clear Orchid purple case remain on backorder. We had thought hubby's phone was arriving today but that was the wallet case. I'm fine with waiting until Friday because I'll be in Washington tomorrow with cousins and our kids. But if we have to wait much longer than that we will be pretty disappointed.

But the waiting isn't so bad, since I get to read this thread to tide me over. Congratulations to all who've gotten their phones early! Enjoy and discuss! I'll be reading during breaks, even when I can't post.

Yeah what sucks is that the second thoughts are still happening. I have an upgrade from my 6s and there's still a part of me that says stay with iOS and go with the 7 Plus. Mostly because of my Apple Watch and iMessage
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macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Forgot how good Samsung pay is..... just used it after the checkout lady told me the terminal wasn't setup for mobile payments. Love the look on people's faces :)
Yup Samsung was very smart in purchasing that company (I forget name). Surperior to apple and google pay.


Jun 24, 2013
Shouldn't be an issue. Did you get confirmation? Try to do it again and it will tell you it's already been claimed.

Gave me an error online. I got an underwhelming outsourced tech support agent when I called. I can try from my S8. Surprisingly, I have stuck with my S7 right since I am caseless with my S8. Don't want to take chances.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Gave me an error online. I got an underwhelming outsourced tech support agent when I called. I can try from my S8. Surprisingly, I have stuck with my S7 right since I am caseless with my S8. Don't want to take chances.
Install the Samsung shop app


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Wow, usually Verizon takes very good care of our account and I've never had an issue with them until today.

I preordered the S8 yesterday and paid the $14.99 for priority overnight shipping by 10:30AM. I got the shipping notification today - it was sent via FedEx 2 day and it shows a deliver by 4-21-17 by 4:30PM. Okay, I won't get it early for sure, I guess that's fine I'm not going to make a fuss about that, but then why did I pay Verizon $14.99 for priority overnight 10:30AM shipping if they only paid for FedEx 2 day shipping? Seems simple, right?


Online chat, the person just keeps telling me, "We don't decide when the release date is unfortunately. If you want you can cancel your order and choose 2 day shipping, but then it won't ship until 4-21-17 and then you won't get it until next week. The reason you paid for priority overnight shipping is so that you would get it on release date, everything else won't be shipped until the 21st (which is 100% wrong)". I tried to clarify the situation a couple times before I just gave up and told him I'd just call in instead.

First guy I talk to when I call in tries to say, "Well there's still a chance it will be there on 4-21-17" to which I respond with, "Oh, it says it WILL be here on the 21st. I'm not worried about that. It's that I paid you $14.99 to ship it using priority overnight by 10:30AM and you guys are only paying for FedEx 2 day AND it's coming by 4:30PM, not 10:30AM". He responds, "Well there's still a chance it could get there before 10:30AM and until that possibility is gone, we can't refund you anything". Are you KIDDING me? The fact that the original point is so far over his head was killing me - I don't care if it does get here by 10:30AM by random chance (and it won't, FedEx usually comes later afternoon to my office unless we choose priority overnight shipping), they still did NOT pay for the service that I paid for! Anyway, he then says, "Even if we do refund you, the charge hasn't been posted to your account yet so we can't make any credits until that happens". Wow. I keep cool and tell him alright I guess we'll just call back (I had given up because this was going nowhere) thanked him and hung up.

I was about to just say screw it but just the principle of the situation was really irking me - it's only $15, but damn if I give them $15 for absolutely nothing - and it's not like we don't all pay them enough to begin with. I figured I'd try one more time. I called and the guy answers and I tell him immediately that I don't want to be rude but that I want to talk to a supervisor because the past two people I've gotten nowhere with. He then said, "well just let me know the situation and I'll see if I can help". I explained it to him and finally he said, "Okay so you just want that $14.99 credited to the account?" and of course I said, "YES, that is all, thank you". Well all is good now, but he still had to throw in a comment that was, "I don't see how you got a shipping email already, those phones (S8s) don't get shipped out until the 21st, but I set the credit anyway".

Ugh, now accuse me of making something up but just act like you're doing me a favor? Cool. If you guys would look at your own system you would see my sales email and the shipping email that I received (and YOU sent) today along with the tracking information that shows you sent it 2 day instead of priority overnight which is why I'm here to begin with. Also, do these guys all not know how their own preorder system works? The phone doesn't ship until release date usually? I think not, I even told them I understand that there is a release date but they still used the wrong shipping method - I've had iPhones sit at FedEx for 2-3 days then delivered on release date - but by 10:30AM priority overnight. Give me a break. Sorry this got me way more worked up than it should - I just can't stand terrible customer service and I was very taken aback by all of it because like I said, Verizon has usually always been great to us.

tl;dr I paid Verizon $14.99 for priority overnight shipping to deliver by 10:30AM, but they shipped it via FedEx 2 day by 4:30PM, took three calls before I finally got the shipping charge credited to the account but still got attitude even when it was finally resolved because these three employees don't understand their own internal procedures

Hmm sounds like fraud to me, you paid for overnight shipping. I'd consider reporting them to the better business bureau, last t ime I did that a high level exec called me and fixed my situation pronto. State attorney general, FTC, etc all can get complaints as well. You will also get a lot of mileage out of their social media believe it or not, facebook, twitter, etc.
Gotta love Samsung Smart Switch....restored from backup all my apps and settings from my S7 edge to my S8+.
My home screen and icon layouts all just the way I like them.

It's nice to know at least Samsung has caught up with Apple in this regard. I hope Google can get their act together and offer something like this as well.
The rear camera is pretty much what is in the S7 edge but with a little better post processing.

Is it just me, or does that seem slightly washed out and blurry? I'm not sure that I'm impressed.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Hmm sounds like fraud to me, you paid for overnight shipping. I'd consider reporting them to the better business bureau, last t ime I did that a high level exec called me and fixed my situation pronto. State attorney general, FTC, etc all can get complaints as well. You will also get a lot of mileage out of their social media believe it or not, facebook, twitter, etc.

It's nice to know at least Samsung has caught up with Apple in this regard. I hope Google can get their act together and offer something like this as well.

Is it just me, or does that seem slightly washed out and blurry? I'm not sure that I'm impressed.
Tapatalk compressed the heck out if it


macrumors member
Jan 23, 2017
Forgot how good Samsung pay is..... just used it after the checkout lady told me the terminal wasn't setup for mobile payments. Love the look on people's faces :)

I didn't even know there was Android Pay and Samsung Pay. Confusing.
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