But will still run Touchwiz

I don't care what anyone says, TW blows compared to stock Android.
All my years with Android, I have owned almost all the Nexus phones, and also a ton of Samsung flagships, like the Note 2, Galaxy SIII, Galaxy S4, Note 5, and Galaxy S7 Edge.
Don't care what anyone says, but once the these Galaxy phones get a few months old, they lag. But every Nexus phone I've owned, didn't matter one day old, compared to six months old, or one year old, they always ran smooth as butter super fast all the time every time.
All my co-workers got brand new Galaxy S7 Edge's for Christmas here at work, I had to help set them up. I was shocked at the little micro stutter, and a few hiccups here and there on these phones. They we're not ultra smooth, warp speed like I was expecting.
I'm no iPhone fan at all, but I actually have a 7 Plus as my main phone right now, and it is super duper smooth, all the time, anytime, just always constantly smooth. Never a hiccup on this 7 Plus, but the S7 Edge, is far more stuttery in comparison.
I remember when the Galaxy Note 7 first came out last Summer, the T-Mobile rep was showing me his personal phone, and saying how smooth it was, etc...and as I was watching him play with it, I clearly saw it stutter a little here and there, and a tiny lag. He then let me play with it, and said look how silky smooth this phone is, and I moved around the screens and into Settings and back to the homescreen, and I clearly had some lag on there. I was like this phone's isn't buttery smooth, yes it is 75% of the time, but not 100% smooth all the time. The iPhone 7 Plus I can say is smooth 99% of the time, and the Nexus phones I can say almost the same