Last year when I was using using the loaner gold S7 AT&T gave me, sun hit the shInu gold bezels and gave me a nasty few minutes of spots in my vision. So I knew I wanted a black S7 eventually, after that. But I could not resist getting the silver S7 Edge that made me fall in love with the Samsung design to begin with. I have no regrets, but I'm careful out in the sunlight with it. 
I'm hoping these pics are real because it really does making choosing something other than black less of a dilemma if you want the unbroken clean look to the front.
Though honestly I did think the white one with white bezels was kind of cute. In a VW Bug cute kind of way.
I'm hoping these pics are real because it really does making choosing something other than black less of a dilemma if you want the unbroken clean look to the front.
Though honestly I did think the white one with white bezels was kind of cute. In a VW Bug cute kind of way.
If I could have only one, between my iPhone 7Plus and a new Samsung or one of my existing Samsungs I am sad to say I would choose the iPhone because its camera is specced out and working to my satisfaction, finally. And the iOS is still good to use. I'm having some reliability problems but they should resolved when the beta testing is all finished. They're not horrible problems by any means, just annoying. And I am unfortunately stuck with iMessage for the rest of the school year. That's all the teachers and other parents seem to be using.I have fairly large hands and tried to duplicate the functionality on my 7 plus. It's difficult to get my index finger in that spot with my left hand for reasons different than what I thought. What I find is that my index finger is too far in, and I actually have to double it back to hit that spot to the side of the camera, and even then it's almost impossible to lay my index finger flat. Very unwieldy and a recipe for a dropped phone IMO. This is with a larger phone though so I'll withhold judgement until I hold a S8 in hand.
I still think it was a poor decision, but just my personal opinion. Just one point that gets taken away from Samsung and given to Apple in my mental tug of war of which phone to buy.
No I think it's pretty obvious the G6 wouldn't outsell the S8, but it does add one more choice for consumers and a significantly cheaper one. I think LG may take a larger bit out of Samsung this year than last year.