Something not mentioned here is that the LG screens seem less vibrant, probably due to LG not using the same M14 process as Samsung. You can instantly tell Samsung vs LG in store without doing anything by just tilting the top of the phone toward or away from you while looking at the home bar area. If there’s significant blue shift then it’s probably an LG display.
Yep, Samsung displays have worse uniformity. I’ve been through 9 phones myself and the mix was about 7 LG and 2 Samsung. One of the latter had a great screen but multiple horizontal bands at 5% uniformity (not a huge deal), but the camera focus was totally off vs the 15 Pro Max so I had to return it.The blue shift is more visible on the Y axis when tilting the top of the phone towards me. All other directions it’s normal. The worst screen I saw was an LG that had really bad green shift at every angle. My personal preference re: screens is slight blue off axis shift. Hate pink tint / shift.
I’ve gone through I think six 16PM, viewed three other ones from family / friends. I sold 3 of the bad ones and am selling my nicked frame one now too. So maybe 7 in total?
My limited observations with the 16PM have been that Samsung screens have uniformity issues and less off axis shift. All of the LG screens I’ve seen have been uniform, just more likely to get one with strong off axis shift.