TL;DR - you both made valid points. However I do prefer the simplicity and predictability of IUP. Selling/trading in all the time is less predictable. It also means money in and money out all the time vs simple monthly payments. And dealing with selling to strangers and the complexity of that (I’ve done eBay before). Also it means I have to take care of my phones to a very high priority vs (honestly) me being pretty careless since I know IUP has got me covered. I enjoy that luxury.Yeah and If you go 2 years you can pocket the money from the sale.
Technically speaking, might be missing something, but how would you do that mid cycle with trade ins? The whole point of IUP for me is I like getting a new phone every year. I don’t want to wait 2 years, or else I wouldn’t be on IUP. I would be paying upfront and then be getting money back.
The IUP program doesn’t require this sort of upfront payment for the first gen ordered. It’s a simple month to month thing. So as I said, it might make sense in the long term (not sure about the math) but for sure isn’t as easily accessible to begin with and has a lot more caveats.
Also, IUP is a sure thing. Trade in values can fluctuate with the years. Happy to hear your thoughts regarding these points
P.S. @Bstephens, thanks for your advice regardless, I’m sorry for any lack of patience on my part before.
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