Hello - I am having issues with by macbook air. Yesterday all of a sudden, the machine started to blow fan at high speed and I pressed the power button to turn the machine off. I checked there is a kernel task taking 400% cpu. Figured that's causing it and restated the machine. Upon powering the machine continued to make noise. I turned it off and tried the SMC reset procedure.
After the SMC reset, now the machine doesn't power on anymore. Pressing the power button causes nothing to happen.
After few googles searches, I decided to open the machine and disconnect the battery. Without battery, I connect the magsafe and press the power button, the machine reboots and is back to normal. Then I shutdown the machine and restarted and it works fine without the battery.
Now I connect the battery back. The machine doesn't work. The power button doesn't work. Figured this is a dead end and disconnected the battery.
With just the magsafe adpater, I was able to restart the machine and then connected the battery. Now the machine can suspend, resume and restart and works fine. Except if I shutdown the machine, the machine never comes back.
In summary, the power button only responds without the battery. With the battery sleep, restart works fine. I can continue to work like this as, very rarely, I actually shutdown my machine. It is always suspend / restart.
I read quite a few forums but can't figure the issues. Experts out there, do you have any advice or guidance on how to fix this issue.
I suspect something with SMC reset didn't go as planned. Made numerours SMC & PRAM resets and they are of no use. The only to cold boot this machiine is without battery and then connect battery for rest of the system to work.
Thanks for your help