Yes G3HOT is good and there is no liquid damige it charges baterry everything seems normal but no video on screen
remove dc in board plug magsafe into board
you should read left to right
here is my good dc-in board
\So, I was replacing a hdd in a 2009 macbook air, and I had to copy over some data. The battery was almost empty, so I attempted to connect the magsafe connector, but the magnet pulled the connector towards itself. Sparks from the dc-in board. The computer was still running, so I could just turn it off. (It also went back on, so I think nothing happened to the logic board).
However, the powercable is not recognized (tried with 2 chargers, and they both work fine on the other mac). I'm assuming it's the dc-in board, as that's where the sparks came from.
Is there a way to check if it really is the dcinboard? I've done some multimetring on the board itself (disconnected from the macbook).
I got 0.10 volt from pin 2 and 3 iirc.. (might be 1 and 3).
With the charger connected, I get 0.3 volts instead of 0.1.
I don't get any led blinking, but as it should do some sense/negotiation I figured that will not come.
What do I need to measure to be sure it's the dc board? Should I just be getting 16.5 volts on one of the +es? or is that only done after negotiation is done. If this is the case, how does that work when there's no battery?
What exactly is the SMC, and is it helpful to try and reset it? (is that possible without battery?)
I have a late 2008 MBP 15. No spill or dropping occurred. About 5 days ago, something SMC related failed. The laptop had reset itself and when I got it to turn back on, the fans were running full speed, the battery was not being recognized, and the battery indicator light wasn't working. So I reset the SMC and everything was happy for the rest of the day.
Then it happened again. And again, and again. Last time, after successfully reseting the SMC, the laptop switched off within 3 minutes of running and I'm now running in what I assume is the SMC bypass state- still "no battery", fans running at high speed, everything else apparently fine. It also seems to run on the battery successfully if I unplug it.
Are there any tips on things I might try to rectify the problem? Is there a way to force it to reload the SMC firmware? The Apple download firmware update just seems to say- you have it! No update required- not helpful. Anything else recommended?
Assuming there are no soft solutions, (my guess is that whatever chip runs the SMC is failing and needs replacing) while I am actually a hardware engineer with plenty of solder and reflow skills, I don't want to risk the laptop when it is otherwise functional, especially as it is my primary work computer. Is there any reason (appart from annoyance) not to run it on SMC bypass? An external battery charger and fan control software are much cheaper than a new laptop.
Originally Posted by Musicsoul78
remove dc in board plug magsafe into board
you should read left to right
here is my good dc-in board
see post #1106
More news before/ in case anybody replies to my first question above (#1181).
About 10 hours ago, I did the following: Take out the adapter and the battery, press the power button for about 30 seconds. Leave.
After two hours, I plugged in the adapter and the computer could start without battery!.. (no need to do the "SMC-skip trick") Shut down and inserted the battery again.
(cannot find the link now, but on apple support forums, someone wrote that s/he had done more or less the same to a Macbook running 5.1 and it worked.).
Now, the sole problem I have left with is the "sleep" problem. The computer sleeps when the lid is closed, but not when I manually click on "sleep". (This should not be a software related problem as the same thing happens with different hard discs.)
Would this still mean that the logicboard is gone?
The device is Y2810 found on page 24 of the schematic. See attached. I do not believe this is your issue. Have you removed your memory one at a time and tested?Hello,
I am trying to rescue my MacBook 13" (Unibody Late 2009 model A1342) that all of a suddend stopped working. There is no sign of life when you press the power button. No liquid damage - just stopped working.
The battey charging works fine, I can measure the G3HOT and 12V. When I try to boot connecting the pin 5 of the keyboard to ground and the baterry and the MagSafe are connected, the voltages 5V,3.3V, 1.05V appear and they are steadily available. When I try to boot when only the battery is connected, the 5V,3.3V, 1.05V appear for just several seconds and they are gone.
Have you ever seen such a behaviour?
Could you please help me to identify the long black element indicated as EAZ2 located close to the CPU and the MCP? The element indicated with the red line is connected to one of the pins of the EAZ2 and gives 0 oHm.
Logic board 820-2883-A.
The device is Y2810 found on page 24 of the schematic. See attached. I do not believe this is your issue. Have you removed your memory one at a time and tested?
Ok, I have a 13" 2009 MBP 2.53GHz. Green light on magsafe, will not charge battery. Will not boot with magsafe. Will only boot with charged battery. Then works fine. It works with or without magsafe plugged in as long as the battery is charged.
Any thoughts?
fingers crossed the new dc in will fix you readings are:
0.3 - 0 - 0.3 - 0 - 0.3 on de solder spots
0 - 0 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.1 on he connector that should go into the MBA
(my gnd is on the metal lip
So thx! ordering a dcin board from ebay. hopefully the logic board is not damaged![]()
Hi all, great thread, great help can be found here. I need some help from you guys. I hav 13 MBPRO 2010 2.4 after water damage.
Most damage was done around U7000.
All cleaned etc. now what happens:
1. when battery is in and I connect magsafe - starts on its own
2. No magsafe but battery in - I can start either through power button or using smc bypass.
In both cases macbook gives me 1 beep - no memory, with the ram or without. RAM is 100%. Nothing on the screen
G3 is 3.39 (might my meter is a bit off)
Got some measurment from the U7000:
1 - 0v
2 - 15.9
3 - 3.8v
4 - 0
6 - 3.35
7 - 0
8 - 2
9 - 0.87
10 - 3.3
11 - 3.3
12 3.4
14 - 2
16 - 5
18 - 12.5
20 - 5
21 - 0.5
23 - 2.3
24 - 16.3
25 17.4
28 - 16.4
1.5v and 0.75v for memory is present, 1v for cpu and 5v for usb is there
Also what I noticed that I dont have 18.5 around U5805? IC was replace along with diode and choker - still no joy.
Hello folks!! I have been missing here for a while. I just picked up a Macbook pro 15 I5 that has wine damage. The keyboard has died but it will come on with the short pins. But only for a few seconds. It does charge and battery indictor also works. Does anyone no where to start with this one? I have not cleaned it yet but it doesn't look to be a terrible spill.
I also have a 1342 board that had a charging issue, i tried to remove the chip at 280 to 300 degrees with a hot air station. Normally these come right off but this one is pretty stubborn. any suggestions would be great. i didn't want to burn the board out.
Hello Friens,
I have a problem with my MB unibody. No power, no led light.
I make the measurement on board and no power on G3Hot. I removed the D6905 and now I have the 16,5v on the first Fuse and the magsafe light burn really dimm. I don't find any information about this D6905. On the schematic the name is HN2D01JEAPE, no match in net.
Have you any Idea where can I buy this piece?
Thanks a lot in advance!
1, clean board first with isopropyl ....... then test power! never do it before...
2, removal of chips is best done with loads of flux.. and i mean lots and a tiny bit of solder on soldering iron just to transfer heat. then it should come straight of
cmrdata is your man for this?
Anyway i have 2 of these boards
where is the d6905 locacted???
do you have an image from which i can see??
might be able to remove mine and send it you!
Hello Friens,
I have a problem with my MB unibody. No power, no led light.
I make the measurement on board and no power on G3Hot. I removed the D6905 and now I have the 16,5v on the first Fuse and the magsafe light burn really dimm. I don't find any information about this D6905. On the schematic the name is HN2D01JEAPE, no match in net.
Have you any Idea where can I buy this piece?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Without looking at schematic (just going by memory), D6905 is dual diode package (see attached), that routes raw DC power (16.5v) from magsafe or battery (12v) to the G3HOT circuit. Without either of these, you will NOT get 3.4v needed for signaling between SMC and various other power control logic. For example, the I2L serial data/clock lines are normally pulled up to G3HOT level (3.4v) when not being pulsed to communicate to/from the SMC. So the first order of business should be to get the G3HOT voltage working. Without G3HOT, I think nothing will start, not even SMC bypass mode. Then start looking at the 16.5v flow to the protection circuit (overvoltage/overcurrent), then to the creation of 12v PPBUS_G3H and lastly the charger path.
PS: When looking for part number in the internet, I usually skip the last few letter codes (typically packaging type). So if you search for HN2D01JE you'd found lots of info and datasheet for that part.