I was talking about the desktops, not phones. It's clear that phones have a very different user case. They are portable devices used for communication which have to be reliable, first and foremost. And the iPhone is good at it while being easy to use.
My reasoning was just, "here is what I think Apple has to do if they want to take the gaming market more seriously".
I think this sort of argument that "Apple doesn't need you" is not only a strawman designed to make the other person look stupid, but it doesn't benefit anyone. It doesn't benefit Apple, which can't penetrate on the gaming market more seriously, and it doesn't benefit users, which have less choices.
The way it is now, Apple desktops are dangerously positioned as niche computers for content creation. If you need heavy content creation, sure, go for the very expensive pro computers. But seriously, why would you need the desktops when you can edit content on the iPhone and the iPad? Because you're aware that most of this 3 trillion income comes from their mobile devices, right? So, what happens to Apple if somehow they lose their upper hand on mobile? After all, their profit is dangerously concentrated there.