For some reason, the new Apple is highly resistant to admitting persistent software issues. Customers just want a fix, but for whatever reason, the new Apple is terrified of even acknowledging a persistent bug.
I would argue this has long been Apple's modus operandi. It has a long history of ignoring hardware and software issues - preferring to direct users to their Community Forums whether the poster would then get ravaged by the more rabid Macolytes, who would defend every Apple product and decision by blaming the user, calling them names or questioning their parent's decision to have them at all. All the while Apple would remain mute and hope the furor would just go away.
Apple only gets involved if the issue hit the mainstream Media, and that starts to make the company looks bad. And then, it will initially try the same ploy as their fanboys - "You're holding it wrong" a particularly memorable example of that.
If that fails and Media gets even louder, Apple will find a cheap fix (not solution) that will do - a silicone bumper case for the above example, a bulgy battery pack case, turning off the temperature gauge on a heat sink....the examples are long.
Insofar as, say, neither the NY Times nor Washington Post or some of the bigger, well-known tech mags have spent any time commenting on this particular issue, and telling people to immediately avoid the product (and maybe consider a different OS entirely) that's why its not been fixed.
And insofar as it looks like upcoming Apple gatherings may be cancelled because of COVID-19 - so they'll not hear of the issue first hand - it will remain a 'forgotten' issue.