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"I'm used to the way my homepage looks now"
"What good is a Mac if I can't check my email online?"

"Mac's suck becuase nothing's compatible"

Yeah...maybe viruses, but most mainstream things work on Macs these days.

I just spent the better part of 4 hours into the wee hours of the morning building Excel spreadsheets for auditing. No major problems with file formats, using the program versus the PC version...idiot windows users.
"Im in the iPod shop"

Someone said that in the Bluewater Apple Store while they were on the phone...
Cassie said:
And even then, they kicked ass. :)

Using my iMac G3 the other night, with a friend over.
Unbelivible quote from her : "Macs have color screens?"
LOL. Wow. "No, Apple pretty much stopped all development in 1984 and have been selling the original Macintosh since. It's retro! This computer is just a hallucination of yours. ...Did you stop taking your meds?"
Found this review on the MagSafe airline power adapter.

"If it doesnt charge the battery , and it doesnt work for 12VDC outlets , what good is it .
I bought a Macbook , after my windows sytem died ( 10 years of service from a USED Dell laptop over clocked and running XP)
I thought I was making a good transition based on all that I have heard about Mac.
All I have had is trouble, service sucked , Hard drive replacement a total ripoff, Mac store insists you use their drive and charge THREE times what an standard Serial ATA costs, I will admit that the Mac drive is probably Quieter but THREE TIMES THE COST????????? example : Serial ATA 7200 rpm from Yodobashi camera 120 GB was just over 20,000 ¥ , The Mac drive from a Mac store 120 gb almost 50,000 ¥
Mac you need to get your act together if you want to get Windows based customers to cross over to a Mac platform , Just my opinion"

In case you didn't get it, the person refered to Apple as "Mac". :)
No offense, but most of you guys suck; I got a macbook (after wanting an ibook g3, then g4, then wanting an intelibook months before it was released). All I got all day for ages was 'macs suck'. The next computer every single person in my family got was a mac (brother and sister got macbooks. Dad got macbook pro. Mum got mac mini. Grandad got an iMac). I think that the reason apple is fairing pathetically compared to microsoft is that people are too busy complaining about windows than to convert their mostly ignorant users. I am only 15 by the way; this is the reason that my dad would not buy me a computer from the iPod company, as my opinion is apparently not as valid as someone older. He is regretting his decision of spending the five years before his macbook pro, struggling with breaking windows computers.

I retract my no offense comment.
Chundles said:
Trust me, I know people similar to that guy's Mum. You could explain until you were blue in the face about what Opera was but it wouldn't matter one iota. To them, the internet is the big blue "E" and nothing else will suffice.
Yup. Update though: she now can use Opera without changing the icon! Success!
Over the years, i've heard some pretty ignorant things said about Macs.

Me: I think that new Mac looks pretty nice!
Them: Macs suck!
Me: Why do they suck?
Them: I don't know.. they just suck!

Things got a little better when the iMac first came out. Apparently stuffing something in a neat case makes it somehow 'better'.

But i'll tell ya.. for years and years, if you had a Mac and wanted to buy software, you were SOL in a lot of places. Even today, places like Best Buy, Babbages, Wal-Mart.. when you go to their software sections you see rows and rows of 'PC' software, and little, if any, software for the Mac.

A friend of mine bought a Mac from a garage sale a few years ago, and called me one afternoon to ask, "How the %@*# do you get the CD out of this thing?! There isn't an eject button!!"

I'd had that question asked of me a few years earlier when a buddy of mine was using one of my PowerBooks.. he'd put a floppy in and couldn't wrap his brain around the fact that there wasn't an 'eject' button.

"Drag the floppy icon to the trash can", I said.

A few moments pass.

"HEY!", he said like he'd just discovered lost treasure, "That's freakin' cool!!"

More recently, my little brother, who is a PC man for the same reason most 20 year olds are PC men (better game support) was using my G4 tower for something involving a CD.. I came home a few hours later, and he was gone.. and his CD still in the drive.

"That stupid thing ate my CD!", he said when he came in later that evening, "I kept pushing the eject button, but the damn thing wouldn't open!"

"Check this out.", I said as I drug the CD icon to the trash and the CD drive opened.

"Well that's stupid!", he said taking his disc.

Yea.. he's right. Not a very 'intuitive' design to put an eject button on something that only works for putting something IN and not taking it OUT.

By and large, the biggest complaint I hear regarding Macs is the lack of a 'right click' button.

Yes, I know two mouse buttons can be quite confusing to people who aren't at all familure with a mouse.. but this isn't 1995.. most folks can handle two buttons without much difficulty. Why Apple continues to try and make 'idiot proof' mice is beyond me.. especially considering that awful, awful 'hockey puck' mouse they introduced with the first iMac.

I suspect that some Apple 'bean counter' has determined that they've saved a boatload in production costs over the last decade by making only single button mice.

And they're probably right. .10 multiplied by how many millions of computers shipped in the last 10 years?

But the absolute #1 question I hear from folks who see my Mac is, "How do I get that on my computer?"

Then I have to tell them they cant. They'd have to buy a whole new computer. Then it still wouldn't run a dozen or so programs, and thousands less games.. unless they buy a $200 copy of windows, and set it up to dual boot.

That's where you loose them.

Well summed.

As you can see by a few pages ago, the one-button mouse issue is alive and well. Myself, I'd prefer the powerbooks had a two-button, but hey, I'm willing to look past it for the other goodies I get with a mac.
"Maybe it's your computer". My bosses favorite comment anytime i have an issue with the network, ( it has never, ever, turned out to be my Mac's fault). I don't know why he feels the need to do this, it's not like i've tried to proselytize him, I just say I prefer MacOSX, but he seems to take it as a pesonal affront.

But it all comes full circle, if your patient. His brand new Thinkpad got a browser hijacker, and he can't seem to get rid of it. I told him, "Maybe it's your computer"!
0010101 said:
Me: I think that new Mac looks pretty nice!
Them: Macs suck!
Me: Why do they suck?
Them: I don't know.. they just suck!
Exactly what one of my friends said. I told him to research something before he says it sucks, but he said he doesn't want to. Anybody else see anything wrong with that logic, or is it just me? :confused: :p
No offense, but most of you guys suck; I got a macbook (after wanting an ibook g3, then g4, then wanting an intelibook months before it was released). All I got all day for ages was 'macs suck'. The next computer every single person in my family got was a mac (brother and sister got macbooks. Dad got macbook pro. Mum got mac mini. Grandad got an iMac). I think that the reason apple is fairing pathetically compared to microsoft is that people are too busy complaining about windows than to convert their mostly ignorant users. I am only 15 by the way; this is the reason that my dad would not buy me a computer from the iPod company, as my opinion is apparently not as valid as someone older. He is regretting his decision of spending the five years before his macbook pro, struggling with breaking windows computers.

I retract my no offense comment.

Apple is fairing pathetically? Young blood hey? Born in 1991-2? Go read, go educate yourself, learn the history, come back with an informed opinion, plus you'll be a little older ;).

Exactly what one of my friends said. I told him to research something before he says it sucks, but he said he doesn't want to. Anybody else see anything wrong with that logic, or is it just me? :confused: :p

Nope, seems perfectly fine to me... when something is to hard or requires effort most people give up. Not everybody has the will of Lance Armstrong!

(Thanks HexMonkey)
Yes, I know two mouse buttons can be quite confusing to people who aren't at all familure with a mouse.. but this isn't 1995.. most folks can handle two buttons without much difficulty. Why Apple continues to try and make 'idiot proof' mice is beyond me.. especially considering that awful, awful 'hockey puck' mouse they introduced with the first iMac.

I am coming from the PC world and the two mouse button issue isn't a big deal to me. But of course the first thing I did with the mighty mouse once I figured out it had pressure sensitive sides was set up the secondary function on the right side.

So, now I have two buttons on a one button mouse...pretty cool! :)
This dialogue just happened between my ignorant PC using brother and myself:

Brother: Do you know where any of the Windows install CD's are?
Me: No. Why do you need them?
Brother: I need to reformat my computer.
Me: Why?
Brother: Mines having a lot of registry problems.
Me: You should go by a Mac, Mac OS X doesn't experience registry problems because they don't have a registry
Brother: Shut up, Mac's suck!
Me: You can put your precious Windows on them if you want.
Brother: If you don't shut up, I will pawn your computer.

When will they ever learn :D
I used to do Support/Admin (ie: system/network admin, not office admin :p ) for a Novell/Windows network (about 50 sites in all, thousands of PCs, about 25000 student accounts)

anywho. i STILL find it hilarious when people (normally one guy in particular) tries to tell me that my mac isnt compatible with xyz device, or how intel macs have the same driver issues (incompatibilities cus of hotch-potch "bitsa" machines) as windows boxes..

best one recently was the bull***** drivers for windows for simple devices. why does it have to re-install the same generic usb mass storage driver for every different device on every different bus? (and if you use a Limited user account, as is suggested, you can't install the drivers for the flash drive). this of course delays the use of the device.

"oh but macs must do the same".

he also seems to have a hard-on for dodgy white-box machines, and refers to IBM, HP, etc (and bundles apple in with them) as "proprietary ***** that can't be upgraded without going through premium factory dealers".

im still not sure exactly what he was referring to..
This dialogue just happened between my ignorant PC using brother and myself:

Brother: Do you know where any of the Windows install CD's are?
Me: No. Why do you need them?
Brother: I need to reformat my computer.
Me: Why?
Brother: Mines having a lot of registry problems.
Me: You should go by a Mac, Mac OS X doesn't experience registry problems because they don't have a registry
Brother: Shut up, Mac's suck!
Me: You can put your precious Windows on them if you want.
Brother: If you don't shut up, I will pawn your computer.

When will they ever learn :D

That's really being hypocritical there. He say's he's having problems with his PC's registry which, IMO, would be reason for PC's to "suck". Yet he say's Macs suck without giving any reason like you did. :confused: ;)

I think what he meant to say after you told him to get a Mac was: "Shut up, I know PC's suck!" ;)
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