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I had a mate over who wanted to know if all my installed applications were for mac! I was like, WHAT?!?!?! Of course they are stupid.
That's what I do. :eek: Which key are you referring to when you say "break"?

Man, I've *never* heard of those Windows shortcuts before, even though I can do practically anything on my Mac without a mouse. Is this stuff documented anywhere? Certainly, Windows doesn't tell you in any obvious place. I don't think I blame those PC users for not knowing.

I'm not in front of a windows box at the moment. (use strictly Mac at home!)
But I think it's under help, then do a search on keyboard shortcuts. Then, the shortcuts that use the windows key are called "Natural shortcuts", or something like that. Yes, they're sort of hidden, for some oddball reason.

Other help, for those times when you are required to use windows: A book called "Windows XP, Inside out". Check it out. It's available in paperback. Tons of tips and tricks here. I keep a copy handy on the job. Students: See if your library has copies, and save yourself some bucks.
Here's what happenedupon telling one of my friends that I now have a MacBook, he said to "convert it to Windows or Linux. I would." I said, "Not if you found out how easy stuff is." "It's too easy. I need difficult." :rolleyes:
zephead said:
Here's what happened upon telling one of my friends that I now have a MacBook, he said to "convert it to Windows or Linux. I would." I said, "Not if you found out how easy stuff is." "It's too easy. I need difficult."

Then windows is perfect for him :D

Sister: Why is my computer running so slow?
Me: (really pissed off already for reasons I can't remember) Because it's running Windows, Any questions? :D
Break & Win-keys

That's what I do. :eek: Which key are you referring to when you say "break"?

Should be on the top right of the keyboard, near Print Screen or something like that. Depending on the make of computer, it might normally be a FN setting (i.e. on some Dells, 'Break' is written in blue because it is usually a Fn-key thing) even though you shouldn't have to press Fn here.

Here are ones I know... any others?

Windows Key + D: Show Desktop
Windows Key + E: Windows Explorer
Windows Key + F: Find Files or Folders...
Windows Key + M: Minimize All Windows
Windows Key + Shift+M: Undo Minimize All
Windows Key + R: Run... (my personal favorite)
Windows Key + Tab: Select Task
Windows Key + Break: System Properties
Windows Key + F1: Help
i was told by a windows user that, "Macs were toy computers" my reply was what can a mac not do that a windows pc cant, to which he replied "err dont know"
I was showing my friends dad (who had just bought a Dell at Xmas) my MacBook and he asked "Where's the start button", "Why is it better", etc etc. But the best one was along the lines of this:
Him: "Does it get viruses?"
Me: "No."
Him: "Why not?"
Me: "Because its a Mac-they just don't get them."
Him: "But don't they find their way into the system anyway, regardless of its a Mac? I though they infected the hardware..."
Me: "No, its because Windows is unsecure and vulnerable."
Him: "Oh right, wow, I didn't know that!"

Windows shortcuts....

How about ALT TAB to show how you can switch between applications?

I remember years ago showing someone that trick when they asked me how they could be surfing the web while doing work. Their jaw dropped.

Of course, Apple Tab does the same thing.

But of course, Expose is much more slick....
I was showing my friends dad (who had just bought a Dell at Xmas) my MacBook and he asked "Where's the start button", "Why is it better", etc etc. But the best one was along the lines of this:
Him: "Does it get viruses?"
Me: "No."
Him: "Why not?"
Me: "Because its a Mac-they just don't get them."
Him: "But don't they find their way into the system anyway, regardless of its a Mac? I though they infected the hardware..."
Me: "No, its because Windows is unsecure and vulnerable."
Him: "Oh right, wow, I didn't know that!"


Well, at least he now knows the horrible, painstaking truth.Infect the hardware? What and idiot! :rolleyes: :D
I was speaking to someone yesterday who just ordered a macbook online. I told her that she'll love macs, partly because of the virusless safety.

Her response: "yeah, but you still get viruses when you go to dodgy websites, everyone does"
Okay, I'm old and stupid. What the heck are "dodgy websites?":eek:

Porn, hackers, pirates, etc.

File sharing apps had a lot of viruses on them, and other places where you could download illegal songs / videos / computer programs.

And those kinds of sites had the worst culprits in terms of advertisements that used ActiveX / COM plug-ins that exploited MSIE to install themselves on your computer. But even on Windows, with Firefox, they're pretty negligible in their potential to harm your computer or infect you.
Oh, the Pause/Break key on *PC* keyboards. Translated into Mac terms that's F16. For some reason I was thinking hopejr meant the dash key or something.
lol, I'm used to looking at a PC keyboard when doing that shortcut, and didn't realised that it matched up with F16. Learn something new every day.
I found out about all these shortcuts back in the Windows 95 days when they were new and the PC keyboards started to come out with the Windows Key and Context Menu Key. The help page was easier to find then.
BTW, the start menu can be brought up with Ctrl + Esc, and the context menu with shift + F10 (the latter is useful if you've booted to Windows with boot camp and haven't got a mouse plugged in to do right-click). I learnt those ones when I had a Windows 95 computer without a windows keyboard.

"You can't upgrade an iMac."

Maybe this is just me, but I don't get it. Why would you want to upgrade a computer? Throw it in the corner, let it serve your music, and buy a new Mac. You've spent slightly more money, true, but you have two computers instead of one. You didn't even get your hands dirty.

"You don't have any PCMCIA/PCI slots."

WTF for? I already have wireless, ethernet, USB, firewire, an optical drive and an extra display output.

"Macs are overpriced."

I've heard this a horrific number of times. I won't dig into the many logical rebuttals to this -- just the emotional one. I have only paid for about ten things in my life where I didn't say "Jesus H. Christ, I really wasted money there." All of the Macs I've owned are in that short list.

"There's no software for it."

But that's me saying that. Windows doesn't have DEVONthink Pro, which is my killer app. Windows doesn't have anything like AppleScript or Automator built-in, at least that I've seen. No built-in industrial-strength webserver with PHP support? I have to download a program to display PDFs? And what if I want to run a UNIX app that's available only in source? Nothing happens when I type "make" :p Nothing like the NS Services, either...
Maybe this is just me, but I don't get it. Why would you want to upgrade a computer? Throw it in the corner, let it serve your music, and buy a new Mac. You've spent slightly more money, true, but you have two computers instead of one. You didn't even get your hands dirty.

I love how the upgradability issue is a big issue for people who don't even know how to install RAM or a HD, and have never upgraded a computer in their life.... Although of course, there are some people who do a lot of upgrades.
Some that I can't figure out are the ones who say "Macs are just toy computers!". These are always the very same ones who talk up a storm about how many games there are for the windows platform. Huh? :confused:

Now, I'm not a gamer, but looking over the available titles, there seems to be quite a selection of very entertaining games for the Mac platform.

For the ones who say "There's no software for it!!", well, I just ask what software they mean, exactly. Be advised though, that if you use that approach, it can take some time. Typically, they'll go over all the well-known titles, then mention some obscure, small-market title that no one has ever heard of. Then it's "Ya see??" I told ya there's no software for it!". Sound familiar?

Better to put you energies elsewhere.
Well, those Alienware laptops certainly don't look "normal", but what does?

I have encountered some people who are very concerned about what their laptop computers will look like in a meeting. Really, I have heard some people say "I can't take that into a meeting!". Uhhhh, Ohhh-Kayyyy. Apparently, in the world of paneled conference rooms pricey suits, a notebook computer must be black, and say "Dell" on it. Heh-Heh. It would be very tempting in such a place to take in one of those Alienware laptops. Didn't they produce a bright green one at some point?
Well, those Alienware laptops certainly don't look "normal", but what does?

I have encountered some people who are very concerned about what their laptop computers will look like in a meeting. Really, I have heard some people say "I can't take that into a meeting!". Uhhhh, Ohhh-Kayyyy. Apparently, in the world of paneled conference rooms pricey suits, a notebook computer must be black, and say "Dell" on it. Heh-Heh. It would be very tempting in such a place to take in one of those Alienware laptops. Didn't they produce a bright green one at some point?

Imagine a businessman in a dark suit putting one of these old clamshell iBooks (in bright green or orange) on a conference table... But nowadays Apple is more on the serious side design wise.
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