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Some that I can't figure out are the ones who say "Macs are just toy computers!". These are always the very same ones who talk up a storm about how many games there are for the windows platform. Huh? :confused:

Now, I'm not a gamer, but looking over the available titles, there seems to be quite a selection of very entertaining games for the Mac platform.

For the ones who say "There's no software for it!!", well, I just ask what software they mean, exactly. Be advised though, that if you use that approach, it can take some time. Typically, they'll go over all the well-known titles, then mention some obscure, small-market title that no one has ever heard of. Then it's "Ya see??" I told ya there's no software for it!". Sound familiar?

Better to put you energies elsewhere.

completely agree. its ignorance like this that just makes me cringe.
Imagine a businessman in a dark suit putting one of these old clamshell iBooks (in bright green or orange) on a conference table... But nowadays Apple is more on the serious side design wise.

at the time there were the Lombard/Wallstreet black plastic powerbooks.

for POWERtie wearing executives!
at the time there were the Lombard/Wallstreet black plastic powerbooks.

for POWERtie wearing executives!

Yes, I know that the powerbook at that time were made of black plastic. My point was rather that Apple designed much more crazily in the past. And today you don't have to pay for a professional machine to get a serious looking Mac laptop.
I had a customer yesterday @ work, of course they're looking @ the Mac Table..

Me: got any Questions?

Customer: nah , just lookin

Me: i say you got an ipod?

Customer: yeah

Me: then you know apple

Customer: I thought the ipod was made by Microsoft

Me: :confused: :confused: then grabs the ipod on the table and shows the back to customer..

customer: Oh, i thought Microsoft build these machines..

Me: no .. apple build these items on this table..

customer: thought iTunes was a microsoft product too.. :confused: :confused:
Customer: I thought the ipod was made by Microsoft
customer: thought iTunes was a microsoft product too.. :confused: :confused:

Priceless!! :rolleyes:

One of the strangest ones I ever encountered, was one whose work PC had just plain died. We have a very good department that handles this, in-house, but it was going to take at least a day to get the PC back to him.

He had saved his power point project on a CD. I let him use my aging, but still perfectly good sawtooth G4. It went kind of like this:

"So, you just put the disk in the tray, right?"

CD mounts on desktop now.

"What the heck is that? It does that?"

"Where's the C drive?".

Not knowing if I should just chuckle, or choke the guy, I explained that the Mac platform has never used letters for drives, and that lettering drives was a legacy IBM thing. I added that we could name drives whatever we wanted, and that you could do this on windows as well. (With the letter designation, though) I probably shouldn't have done this.

Looks at me. Looks at screen, showing a finder window, and the files on his disk. Looks back at me. Looks annoyed, and asks "How do you people (?) live like this??"

He was able to finish his work, and save it to another CD-R. Oh yes,,, "It burns CD's too?"

I didn't win a convert that day. He got his PC back. What's scary: This guy holds a Master's degree in electrical engineering. Uhhhh, Yeah. :eek:
I was watching a game show called 1 vs. 100, hosted by Bob Saget, and one of the questions was "Which one of these colors is not part of the Microsoft Windows logo? A - Yellow B - Green, or C - Brown". She thought for a moment and Bob Saget said, "Are you a Windows user?" Her reply: "Of course, doesn't everybody use Windows??" Bob: "No, I'm a Mac user myself." :D

Another question in the same episode was "If you wanted to use a certain product by Apple to listen to an mp3 of "Old McDonald had a Farm", which of these would you be using? A - ePod, B - iPod, or C - e-i-e-i-o-Pod?" The guy picked iPod, but how the game show works is that there's 100 other people answering questions in these big booths, and the main contestant wins a certain amount of money for each person on the "mob" who gets it wrong. There was one person out of 100 who got it wrong, and usually they mini-interview the wrong people about it, but they didn't for that guy.
Not neccesarily a question, but a comment. I always find it entertaining when PC laptop owners try to justify their oversized heaps of junk. In one of my classes, one guy next to me pulls out a Dell laptop. That thing had to be at least 2 inches thick. I can't find a pic of it online (I'm not 100% sure it was even a Dell) but trust me, it's thick. Like a desktop replacement or whatever. I don't even know why one would bring it to class. So I comment, "Holy crap, that thing is thick." He justifies all that bulk by saying "Well, it has a gig of RAM". I pull out my PowerBook, and say "Oh really? Mine has 2 gigs"

Or, I hear all the time, "Well, I install antivirus and antispyware so I don't have to worry about viruses on my Windows machine" That's not the point, at all. Yes, you can prevent them to an extent, but we don't have to dedicate precious and limited resources to these anti-whatever programs that must run constantly in the background and slow everything down. It's the fact that your OS is even able to be compromised that easily which is troubling. That would be like saying, "Well, I always leave the door to my house unlocked because I know my dog will attack any intruders." Well, great and all, but what if the dog is exhausted, tired and sleeping, and doesn't notice any intruders or just doesn't give a sh*t, or would rather hump the intruder's leg than attack. I'd rather lock the door and have the peace of mind that no matter what, I'm protected.

Other than dumb things like that, I've never had any really dumb comments. Well, at least that's the only memorable one. My immediate family uses Macs, except my sister who has some crappy Dell laptop but never says anything. None of my friends use Macs but will say things as jokes just to try to piss me off. And for the most part at college, the PC users don't say much. It's a pretty techy campus, and while it's definitely a Windows majority, the students are smart enough to know that Macs and PCs use the same internets and crap like that.

The one time I can actually remember being asked, "Why are Mac's so much better?" was when my parents' PC, for the lack of a better term, blew up. I said, "Looks like you guys need a new computer, I think we should get a Mac mini" and my mom asked that. Being as computer illiterate as she is, I could have said "Because I said so" and she probably would've been content with that, but of course, I explained, and a year later and they love the mini.

Although, if I had a dime for every time I heard "Macs only have 1 mouse button" I'd be able to buy a shitton of Mac Pros.

I love you.:D
"I don't use a mac because I do graphics work."
I tell them that mac is the best platform for imaging and movie editing.
"Oh, but don't you get annoyed that you have no right click?"
I tell them that I don't have to use the right click because of the design of the OS, but If I needed to I could, and that macs support multibutton mice
"Oh, well I just don't like them."

I also get so annoyed at the people who say like OH, macs look too playful kidish, meanwhile load the default theme of XP :p
I remember a couple of years back I took my iPod somewhere, and the people I was with started talking about mp3 players. Two of us had iPods (the other person didn't have his with him at the time), and there was another guy who we asked, "What do you think of the iPod?". His response is "I've never been a fan of Apple". Now, I've known this guy for years, and he's never used an Apple product in his life! The reason he doesn't like Apple is because all the garbage he got fed by other clueless people.
Just yesterday...

More a statement:

Person: "Macs aren't as good for doing Pro Audio work because the Intel boards are better for doing that"

Me: "The new Macs use intel boards and processors and the Mac Pro has Intel Xeon processors"

Person - after a few seconds of a blank stare: "Macs aren't as good for doing Pro Audio work because the Intel boards are better for doing that..."

I don't know. I think the US is the only country where you can talk English to a native speaker and he/she still won't understand you... (me included).
I was talking to my pc using friend and we got into talking about backgrounds and he went and said this. (I had a picture of my Nintendo Wii as the background for my mobile so that's what started the conversation.)
him: "So is that your screen saver for both you cellphone and computer?"
Me: "It's a background not a screen saver."
him: "Same difference."
I once saw on Usenet someone ask about the special type of hard drives used by Macs. This was only a few years ago, and Macs were using standard IDE drives at the time and had been for a while.

To be fair, though, many Mac users are similarly clueless when it comes to PCs.

Maybe they were referring to HFS+ instead of FAT32/NTFS
(Banging head on table.)


It's more of a dumb statement. My friend's computer teacher said something along the lines of how did this indesign file open on windows when you made it on your mac.
I've actually read this entire thread before I joined. This has got to be the funniest thing I've ever read. Some of these stories are just incredible. I wish I had a good story to share. I'm going to have to work on that....

- The Don Ditty (aka Mike)

Wow, I must've had something really thick in my throat. It's gone now. :D

Well, after all, your vocal chords and throath pipes are really a series of tubes. They're not just a dump truck.

Anyways, I don't really have those problems over here in Belgium, mainly because there are very few people who really have a clue about what macs are. Let alone they would know something about the number of mousebutton, or the number of internets on them.
When I use my White Macbook, they seem to think it's an expensive design laptop. Others vagely asociate it with artist, iPods, professionals, or something along those lines.

Mostly I don't care, and just sit back and watch their jaws drop when I use Keynote, Front Row, iMovie, or some other feature.

Standard response: So how do you do this with Windows? (they seem to think Mac OS X is just a hacked version of windows I use)
one of my teachers in school wants to have smash-a-thon on all the macs at school... he thinks he would make a lot of money on a dollar a swing. o yea and he says all macs are made by fisher-price.
Not a stupid question, but overheard at the local Gravis (huge german Apple retailer)... customer picking the Front Row remote:

"Hey look, I got that Shuffle too, but without the menu button in the middle!"

I have some more PC users:

A program that I was running under parallels with windows was getting an error and I posted about it on a mostly PC using forum and here are some of the responses. (I gave them the specs of my MacBook Pro)

Person A: "I'm not getting that error so it must be your precious virtual machine." :rolleyes:

Person B: "It's either your computer is too slow or it's your virtual machine."
(The program's minimal requirements were a Pentium II 233MHz and 32MB of RAM and it did not require 3D)

Person C: "You're using a MAC, the program won't work on it."

I don't see why they fail to grasp the concept of a virtual machine.
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