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I've seen a great stupid questions thread by tazo, but it's been closed. What is the stupidest question/story you have?

For me, easy. Got the Mac Book, and my friend asked me why i would get a laptop that only worked when I connected it to another computer...
I brought him over to my house to show him that it did work w/out any assistance. He brought out a CD-R, and told me that i could'nt get any of the songs from it. I put it in, and imported every one into itunes, and copied some of my synched songs on to his CD-R. He asked me why I would get it if I could not get games for it because it has no video card. I told him that's why I have an alienware desktop. He called me a hypocrite, and bought the mac book a month later... :confused:

He's much better w/ pc's then I am, but i kick his MicroAss on a mac any day, at least I converted him.:D

haha, I was one of these people. My brother had a Macbook pro for about a year and I ripped on him all the time for it, constantly backing how awesome i thought PCs were. He finally got tired of it and one day in the mall he forced me into an apple store. He showed me all the different models and showed me how to use OS X and within a month a had an iMac and I've never been happier with my computer.
A lot of PC users I know still have old ones that have a separate monitor and computer. I never tire of showing them my mac. They instantly start circling the desk, trying to find the computer and wires hidden somewhere :D
By the way... converting someone to the light side is called maconverting fyi :D
A lot of PC users I know still have old ones that have a separate monitor and computer. I never tire of showing them my mac. They instantly start circling the desk, trying to find the computer and wires hidden somewhere :D
By the way... converting someone to the light side is called maconverting fyi :D

I showed my mate my iMac a few weeks ago and he said "thats a cool monitor, but wheres the computer", he just couldnt seem to grasp the fact that the computer was built-in to the screen he was looking for a separate computer everywhere... He thought I was joking... In the end he just went "wow". :D
Pc sales people

I got my iMac two years ago at circuit city unfortunately my computer retarded mother was there and I ended up arguing with two sales men at the same time about how pound for pound an I imac with osx is way better than any Pc. I'll pay 200 extra for functionality and stability.
I showed my mate my iMac a few weeks ago and he said "thats a cool monitor, but wheres the computer", he just couldnt seem to grasp the fact that the computer was built-in to the screen he was looking for a separate computer everywhere... He thought I was joking... In the end he just went "wow". :D

You know what would confuse them more?

Hook up an Apple Cinema Display to the iMac. :D
Something stupid this guy said on a South Park forum I use:

Apple isn't selling computers, their selling a way of life, any ties with any organizations you know of? (lol Scientology)

To which someone else replied:

So basically, you're saying owning an iPod makes me a cult member?

Some dumb stuff

Here's some things I can remember about people from work. Now mind you, most of these people were just dumb and it didn't really have anything to do with them being Windows users. They were dumb whatever operating system they would have been using...

One lady, when we first set up Windows for her, asked what the peddle was for (she was referring to the mouse, which I guess she thought looked like the pedal of an electric sewing machine). :eek:

A guy, who had a Masters degree in accounting, asked me if he could catch a virus from his computer! (like he could catch an actual disease from his computer). :eek:

The same guy with the masters degree, used to use Excel but didn't know how to make the columns add automatically, so he added them up by hand then put the numbers at the bottom of the columns. :confused:

Both of these people were mouth breathers and they were later "let go" from the company.

I've seen some real jewels in my days. I've been an MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) for years so I've had to use Windblows at work but for home, only Macs. Almost without exception, for any job, I'd rather use a Mac computer than a Windows based one any day.

Windows people are always asking, and this gripes my ass big time, "Aren't Macs sort of like Windows anyway?" and I say "Yeah, like a Lamborghini is like a Volkswagen." That usually shuts them up. :D
Here's some things I can remember about people from work. Now mind you, most of these people were just dumb and it didn't really have anything to do with them being Windows users.

Oh, those are great.

Reminds me of the time by bosses secretary ask me to help her make a copy of a file for our VP.

So, I ask her where she had it on her PC.

She said, "In word."

I tried to explain to her that word is not a location but the program... didn't even snag on the point. So I ask her to show me the file.

She opens Word and goes right to it and says, "See, it's in Word!"

I made a copy of it on CD and we sent to across the street to the VP.

(Wait, it gets better.) So, she receives an Excel file via email and calls me in to help her open it. I knew she would need to download it so I walked down to her office instead of trying to talk her through it...

I showed her how to download it from Outlook and told her to go open it...

She opens WORD and proceeds to try to find the file in her My Documents...

Turns out the only way she knew how to navigate was via Word because that was the only program she ever used...

She's come a long way since then... Now she uses a network drive for back up all by herself.
Oh, those are great.

Reminds me of the time by bosses secretary ask me to help her make a copy of a file for our VP.

So, I ask her where she had it on her PC.

She said, "In word."

I tried to explain to her that word is not a location but the program... didn't even snag on the point. So I ask her to show me the file.

She opens Word and goes right to it and says, "See, it's in Word!"

I made a copy of it on CD and we sent to across the street to the VP.

(Wait, it gets better.) So, she receives an Excel file via email and calls me in to help her open it. I knew she would need to download it so I walked down to her office instead of trying to talk her through it...

I showed her how to download it from Outlook and told her to go open it...

She opens WORD and proceeds to try to find the file in her My Documents...

Turns out the only way she knew how to navigate was via Word because that was the only program she ever used...

She's come a long way since then... Now she uses a network drive for back up all by herself.

I only recently came to realize that many people believe that their files live in these applications. There was a poster here on MacRumors yesterday or the day before who said he could no longer find his files. He said that they were no longer in appleworks. Later he posted, "Oh I found them, somehow I must have accidentally moved them into the iFinder." :rolleyes:

I'm probably wrong, but from my personal experience, it may have something to do with the fact that when the original iMac was introduced, it was toted as easy to connect to the internet, when in reality, due to running OS 8, it was unbelievably hard and a major pain in the *** for the average user.

I had a revision A Bondi iMac the first month they came out in the UK.
It was a nightmare for the first few months until all the various updaters came out. it took a month to get the printer going.
However it was a great machine once all that stuff was sorted out. I've still got it somewhere.
Anyone else get totally hooked on MDK?
I've owned a mac for about 3 years now.

One of the most ignorant/funniest/most annoying things ive heard is "I've seen those in the iPod store!"

AHHHH it makes me crazy!

Being in high school, I don't come across too many people who know as much as I about computers. However, I've converted at least two of my friends, and I'm working on a few more ;)
I've owned a mac for about 3 years now.

One of the most ignorant/funniest/most annoying things ive heard is "I've seen those in the iPod store!"

AHHHH it makes me crazy!

Being in high school, I don't come across too many people who know as much as I about computers. However, I've converted at least two of my friends, and I'm working on a few more ;)

The best part is many people who know Apple makes computers think that they were an iPod company and have just recently moved into the computer business.
Oh, those are great.

Reminds me of the time by bosses secretary ask me to help her make a copy of a file for our VP.

So, I ask her where she had it on her PC.

She said, "In word."


Turns out the only way she knew how to navigate was via Word because that was the only program she ever used...

She's come a long way since then... Now she uses a network drive for back up all by herself.

Yep, I've seen that same kind of behavior when people were using Word Perfect. Many people also tried to open every file they ever get using word. Pretty scary that people can't seem to understand the concept of computers and what they are all about. But I guess I shouldn't blame in on computer users either. There are some pretty gullible people out there. I can remember when I was in the service, that I had a guy convinced that you had to drain the excess electrons out of an extension cord or it would get plugged up and have to be replaced. What's scary about that is that he believed it!:eek: How can people, in general, be that ignorant? I'll never know, I guess.
Yep, I've seen that same kind of behavior when people were using Word Perfect. Many people also tried to open every file they ever get using word. Pretty scary that people can't seem to understand the concept of computers and what they are all about. But I guess I shouldn't blame in on computer users either. There are some pretty gullible people out there. I can remember when I was in the service, that I had a guy convinced that you had to drain the excess electrons out of an extension cord or it would get plugged up and have to be replaced. What's scary about that is that he believed it!:eek: How can people, in general, be that ignorant? I'll never know, I guess.

How did he get the excess electrons out?

PS: get your signature out of your post.
How did he get the excess electrons out?

PS: get your signature out of your post.

Oops sorry about the signature thing...

I told him he had to hold the extension cord up in the air with one end on the ground, then walk it over his head to drain them all out. Sort of like how you would drain water out of a large firehose. It was very funny to see him in the passageway doing that. I had to keep a straight face or the gig would have been up.
^ why is that stupid? [scratches head]

but that does remind me of a post on an Aussie Mac blog

… Throughout my career at University in Engineering, there were issues with the Apple computers that we were forced to use within the computer labs. Issues that made me pay compensation for damages because I smashed one of the Apple computers in the lab. Simply because they were excrutiatingly slow with their annoying bouncing icons everytime you click on something and if you don’t eject your USB sticks the unintelligent Apple computers will completely destroy all the memory sectors on you USB sticks. …

and then the reply from the blog author

… if bouncing icons and the need to eject USB drives are the worst you can come up with, it couldn’t have been that bad. Even Windows requires you to “safely remove hardware”. Mac OS X warns you that you “may” have corrupted data, which is probably a little alarmist, as you’ll usually be fine unless you were transferring files at the time.
Windows people are always asking, and this gripes my ass big time, "Aren't Macs sort of like Windows anyway?" and I say "Yeah, like a Lamborghini is like a Volkswagen." That usually shuts them up. :D said:
Lamborghini is now [since 1992] a subsidiary of the German luxury car manufacturer, Audi AG, which is in turn a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group (Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft) (VWAG).

We all know what you mean Steve. Bet it didn't shut up those guys who knew anything about cars though...
Having gone through about 10 pages of posts, it's quite clear, you lot seem to be confusing general ignorance/inexperience with computer use (windows based, or otherwise) with general knowledge of how a computer works.

I have never heard anyone mention about 85% of the things posted.

What a useless, degenerative thread that shows the stereotypical mentality of what annoys me most about mac users. Attitudes like that actually makes me ashamed that I still own a Macintosh.

Another thing that annoys me is your desire to "convert" people. It's not a religion and Steve Jobs is not your Saviour.
Having gone through about 10 pages of posts, it's quite clear, you lot seem to be confusing general ignorance/inexperience with computer use (windows based, or otherwise) with general knowledge of how a computer works.

I have never heard anyone mention about 85% of the things posted.

What a useless, degenerative thread that shows the stereotypical mentality of what annoys me most about mac users. Attitudes like that actually makes me ashamed that I still own a Macintosh.

lol true however ignorant people about computers can be funny just like its funny when people know nothing about cars

for example ive had people believe cars need "blinker fluid"

also was told by a motorcycle course teacher that the clutch on motorcycles was MEANT to be be ridden as opposed to cars. talk about making no sense lol
Having gone through about 10 pages of posts, it's quite clear, you lot seem to be confusing general ignorance/inexperience with computer use (windows based, or otherwise) with general knowledge of how a computer works.

I have never heard anyone mention about 85% of the things posted.

What a useless, degenerative thread that shows the stereotypical mentality of what annoys me most about mac users. Attitudes like that actually makes me ashamed that I still own a Macintosh.

Another thing that annoys me is your desire to "convert" people. It's not a religion and Steve Jobs is not your Saviour.

i think people are just chucking in funny stories from people who have next to no knowledge of computers or computing which i agree is not nice, but there are also stories of Windows users being ignorant towards Mac users as well. i think you need to get a grip of yourself.
i think people are just chucking in funny stories from people who have next to no knowledge of computers or computing which i agree is not nice, but there are also stories of Windows users being ignorant towards Mac users as well. i think you need to get a grip of yourself.

Indeed, but how often do you see Redhat/FreeBSD/CentOS/Ubuntu/Solaris/OpenSUSE users ripping into Mac users? It's exactly a mirror of how Firefox users rip into anyone who doesn't use it, despite firefox being an inferior product to Opera. They have no basis on their arguments, and are judgmental on others without warrant. Likewise, as with many Mac users and firefox users alike, they possess this "holier than thou" attitude.

It seems to be the general consensus that Mac users rip into PC users in general. Often, it actually is ignorance on the Mac users part. It may be a rash statement to say, but I'm sure the majority of Linux users (who evidently fit into the PC user group) know significantly more about computers than Mac users. Would it be fair to warrant prejudice against Mac users for that reason?

A good thing to note and a frequent argument is that Windows only supports up to 4GB of ram. It's wholly untrue. It actually supports up to 128GB and can use every last bit of it too, it is available and you can buy it now, if you have £32,000 spare. Vastly more than the MacPro which can be spec'd up to 32GB, inferior in comparison.

A good metaphor would be, you see yourself as a Mac user, the older brother, and the Windows user as a younger sibling in need of direction. The older brother drives a Porsche, with his black sweatshirt, thin armarni glasses, designer jeans and styled up hair. The younger brother pushes himself around in a tricycle wanting to be like the older brother. The older brother hangs around groups of people and follows the latest trends, flashing the latest iPod, iPhone, etc.

I'd quite find that Linux users would be the Cambridge don who drives a Zonda to the local shops, and takes the Rolls to work and gives the older brother work. They have a fuller understanding of how things work and attain better harmony.

A point to note too, it's amazing that I have never, ever, ever, seen a host which runs a webserver that runs on a Mac. They may exist, but I have yet to find a reputable one. Wonder why? Poundhost, Rackshack, UK2, Easyspace, Fasthosts, WebIntellects, list goes on and on.

Even say:

For most sites we recommend Unix Hosting, as it provides faster and more efficient delivery of web pages.
Indeed, but how often do you see Redhat/FreeBSD/CentOS/Ubuntu/Solaris/OpenSUSE users ripping into Mac users? It's exactly a mirror of how Firefox users rip into anyone who doesn't use it, despite firefox being an inferior product to Opera. They have no basis on their arguments, and are judgmental on others without warrant. Likewise, as with many Mac users and firefox users alike, they possess this "holier than thou" attitude.


I was gonna argue with your points but then i smelt troll bait so i decided not to.
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