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Good to know. I'm still undecided on whether I should get the 38mm or 42mm, so trying on the 42mm in the store would definitely help make up my mind.

I actually don't mind the down payment since it keeps the monthly payments down. Although I can only imagine how much one would have to put down on the X when it's released.
I'd rather pay more per month and have less of a down payment
I've only pre-ordered my phones through the T-Mobile website (last 3 years). Each year I've had the phone ordered by 7A and had it delivered on launch day (actually, I think last year was 1 or 2 days later, so not too bad). In the past, the problems have been with people trying to order when pre-orders start at 3a. It's like the website can't handle the load and orders disappear. Last year, I decided to just wait until 7a and had my phone ordered in 5 minutes.

This. Ill be good. preorded the 6-6s and 7 and had no issues getting it launch day
My replacement phone still makes the popping noise :mad: does anyone else’s still do this? Can I get it replaced (again) but through Apple instead of Tmobile?
I do not have my replacement phone yet. I put the order in on Saturday and the guy never set it up. So yesterday i called to see what was going on. They set it up. Except I decided to switch to iphone 8 gold instead of the plus size. So I will be getting it tomorrow. The plus size is really a heavy phone. I just want something lighter to carry. So we shall see if this one does it. Hopefully not. Cause I heard it is happening to the 8 also.
My replacement phone still makes the popping noise :mad: does anyone else’s still do this? Can I get it replaced (again) but through Apple instead of Tmobile?
Yes I would take it to apple. I heard in the other thread they are going to be doing repairs to the ear speaker. That is what I heard.
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I do not have my replacement phone yet. I put the order in on Saturday and the guy never set it up. So yesterday i called to see what was going on. They set it up. Except I decided to switch to iphone 8 gold instead of the plus size. So I will be getting it tomorrow. The plus size is really a heavy phone. I just want something lighter to carry. So we shall see if this one does it. Hopefully not. Cause I heard it is happening to the 8 also.
Yes I would take it to apple. I heard in the other thread they are going to be doing repairs to the ear speaker. That is what I heard.
Thank you! I’ll contact Apple and drop into one of their stores nearby. Hopefully you get your phone in the mail soon! It is a pretty heavy phone now that you mention it.
I had an LG phone that was paid in full that they wouldn't unlock right away. Really annoyed me. One rep told me they won't do so until after 40 days of purchase, which seemed random. Another told me not until I've spent $100 in prepaid coverage. Once I spent $100, the unlock was processed. It was prior to the 40 days.

How lenient is T-Mobile when it comes to unlock policy? Does it really need to be fully paid off before they unlock for you? I’ve heard both versions. And how easy is their unlocking process? I remember years back AT&T would require you to connect your phone with iTunes or something.
Well I have my iphone 8. I crackles worse than my iphone 8plus did. :(
So now I don't know what I'm going to do.
Good to know. I'm still undecided on whether I should get the 38mm or 42mm, so trying on the 42mm in the store would definitely help make up my mind.

I actually don't mind the down payment since it keeps the monthly payments down. Although I can only imagine how much one would have to put down on the X when it's released.

$279 with Jump on demand and excellent credit.
How is T-Mobile? I had them before the iPhone came out originally but that was 10 years ago now!
My company is switching from Sprint to T-Mobile so I am currently waiting on my new phone.

I had AT&T which I was very happy with but moved to Sprint for work because they payed for it.
I did not like Sprint. Huge downgrade from At&T.

I can't say I have high hopes for T-Mobile, but it CAN'T be any worse than Sprint...hopefully.
Source? JOD pricing hasn’t been released for the X yet.
How lenient is T-Mobile when it comes to unlock policy? Does it really need to be fully paid off before they unlock for you? I’ve heard both versions. And how easy is their unlocking process? I remember years back AT&T would require you to connect your phone with iTunes or something.

Phone has to be completely paid off and you can't have any past due balance.

Just unlocked my mothers iphone 6. They issue the unlock to the sim, then you have to restore the phone for the unlock to take place.
How is T-Mobile? I had them before the iPhone came out originally but that was 10 years ago now!
My company is switching from Sprint to T-Mobile so I am currently waiting on my new phone.

I had AT&T which I was very happy with but moved to Sprint for work because they payed for it.
I did not like Sprint. Huge downgrade from At&T.

I can't say I have high hopes for T-Mobile, but it CAN'T be any worse than Sprint...hopefully.

Well coming from Sprint, T-mobile is going to be amazing... all jokes aside, it really depends on your location with all of these carriers... if you’re in an area where T-mo has good coverage they are great and LTE speeds are really fast
Your JOD has an EIP. Every time you do a JOD you get an esign EIP form. They go hand in hand.
This is simply not true my friend. EIP is full retail price over 24 months, Jump is a lease over 18 months with buyout option at the end. The down payments also often vary. For example, as you can see in the spreadsheet you posted, EIP for the 64GB 8 Plus requires $80 down, whereas JOD for the 8 Plus requires $0 down.
This is simply not true my friend. EIP is full retail price over 24 months, Jump is a lease over 18 months with buyout option at the end. The down payments also often vary. For example, as you can see in the spreadsheet you posted, EIP for the 64GB 8 Plus requires $80 down, whereas JOD for the 8 Plus requires $0 down.

I think he meant the electronic signature document you received in email. For eip and JOD they are the same form if I’m not mistaken.
Well coming from Sprint, T-mobile is going to be amazing... all jokes aside, it really depends on your location with all of these carriers... if you’re in an area where T-mo has good coverage they are great and LTE speeds are really fast

Thanks for the info.

I'm in St. Pete/Tampa Florida and coverage looks good.
In fact, looking at their LTE coverage map it does look all around pretty good!
So if speeds are up there it seems that I will be happy with the switch.

Space Gray 8+ should be here on Monday!
Thanks for the info.

I'm in St. Pete/Tampa Florida and coverage looks good.
In fact, looking at their LTE coverage map it does look all around pretty good!
So if speeds are up there it seems that I will be happy with the switch.

Space Gray 8+ should be here on Monday!

Hey I'm flying down there tomorrow morning! I'll be there till tuesday so i can let you know how T-mo performs on my 7plus. I'll be going to the Bucs-Giants football game on Sunday and visiting some friends.
Hey I'm flying down there tomorrow morning! I'll be there till tuesday so i can let you know how T-mo performs on my 7plus. I'll be going to the Bucs-Giants football game on Sunday and visiting some friends.

Awesome! I was originally going as well but something came up and had to give up my ticket :/
Oh well, enjoy!
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Just saw this for iPhone X ( Tmobile ) -
sprint hasnt said anything on Down payment if needed -
& Att also has posted a monthly Price

Ive posted all 3 Carrier shots

Goodluck to everyone on Pre-order/Launch day :):apple:


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Do you guys recommend Pre-ordering with Tmobile over Apple? I do not know how the phones are allotted, but something tells me Apple's site will be a bit bogged down on the 27th :)
Do you guys recommend Pre-ordering with Tmobile over Apple? I do not know how the phones are allotted, but something tells me Apple's site will be a bit bogged down on the 27th :)
I honestly am going to preorder with Apple this year as I’ve always been frustrated with T-Mobile on preorders
FWIW I think using the Apple Store app on your iPhone will be the best bet.
That's just my opinion though because I was successful in ordering my 6 when it first came out.
That may not be the case anymore...
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