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Hey, I only ordered one phone but I have to order numbers. Does the order lookup system not work for anyone. I just want to verify everything has went through. How do you know a that everything is processed and that all you have to do is wait? Please refer to earlier post on why I am worried.

Also the rep that actually processed the order, put the wrong type of phone for trade in. SoWhat is the best course of action? Thank you!
A couple of things:

Comparing T-Mobile's and Apple's stock availability via their respective websites isn't an accurate gauge - though you do select your individual "store" to shop from, their numbers are literally worldwide. Their order of magnitude - even for just preorders - is staggering, and DWARFS what T-Mobile sees.

I don't doubt that there may be some slippage for a few customers unfortunately - it's why we put "estimated shipping dates" on there, and give "delivery windows". There's justification for skepticism; just know that if you were relatively quick on the draw - especially if you ordered online and didn't have to deal with calling - you should be very happy next weekend.

Good luck!!
It weird it went so smooth I called about 40 mins after and still got a nov2/nov3 shipping estimate. Is anybody else worried that these dates mean nothing that Tmobile can change them as they please or maybe even Tmobile doesn’t know how many there getting and when the finally see there stock they will update new dates
mines say no shipping estimates currently available, got the eip confirmation email at 2:54 ET and order placed email at 2:55 ET
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Hey, I only ordered one phone but I have to order numbers. Does the order lookup system not work for anyone. I just want to verify everything has went through. How do you know a that everything is processed and that all you have to do is wait? Please refer to earlier post on why I am worried.

Did you get an email confirmation? The first two orders I placed went Fubar after I hit the final buy button. Saw the charge attempt but got an “oops” screen instead of a confirmation screen. No email for those. 3rd time was a charm. Got confirmation screen then email about 5 min later.
Did you get an email confirmation? The first two orders I placed went Fubar after I hit the final buy button. Saw the charge attempt but got an “oops” screen instead of a confirmation screen. No email for those. 3rd time was a charm. Got confirmation screen then email about 5 min later.

Sorry, the reason why I know I have two order numbers is because I was emailed for 2 EIP's. I did get a confirmation that the documents where signed but not on the overall order.
Since I just paid my 7+ off I didn’t have any credit to offset the X, so I had to put down $719.99 plus tax, bringing my monthly payment to $17.92, which was fine because I traded in my 6+ and will be getting a credit of $12.50 per month. In the end I will be paying $5.42 per month for 24 months. My bill will be cheaper for the first time in 3 years since I added JUMP!
even current orders show a 11/03 delivery date. i think tmobile's site is broken...when they figure out the delivery snafu, many people will be unhappy when their orders are delayed by weeks.
Got my Silver 256GB order in at 3:20am EST, with 11/2-11/3 shipping.

Hard to believe, but T-Mobile's shipping estimates may actually be accurate. The Space Gray 256 just got updated...


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Hello all, nice seeing everyone here again.

So I ordered my 64 GB Silver 7 minutes before preorders were supposed to open and got estimates of 11/2-11/3.
I feel like anyone ordering within 30 minutes should be expecting theirs on launch day.
Got my Silver 256GB order in at 3:20am EST, with 11/2-11/3 shipping.

Hard to believe, but T-Mobile's shipping estimates may actually be accurate. The Space Gray 256 just got updated...

I wonder if their site snafu cost them some orders? Doubtful but you never know.
I am hoping this is the case and we still get it.. I was like a dufas refreshing like wtf! then just gave up and moved to a human.
In expecting to get it. I had something similar happen with the 6s plus. The EIP took 12 hours to get to me and I still got it launch day. This time the EIP took 30 min
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Has anyone ordered the 256gb space grey and got the 10/3/17-10/10/17 estimate on their order?

I got 10/10/17-10/17/17 for the 256 spay grey. Those dates aren’t always accurate. Usually it’s a week or more earlier. We should all know in a few days. They also get cancelled orders together with peoples credit card insufficient funds
I was able to do JOD online on the X and got a shipping date of 11/3-11/10. Didn't have to call.

Is this something new?
where can I see an order status? everywhere I enter my order number, nothing pops up. I know it takes time but how are people already looking at their order status. I signed my EIP at 3:22 am.
the last thing I see is the eip agreement available for download and theres a - where the amount supposed to be. I dont se an option to actually look at the order like in the screenshots people are posting
In the ALERTS box, it should say something like "Order in progress: your device order # XXXXXXXXX for line (XXX) XXX-XXXX is being processed. You can click on it.

It took a little while to show up after my order...
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