Weird. Earlier this morning my order said Processing. Now it says Pre-order. Also just got the “we don’t know when the heck your phone is gonna ship” text. LOL
Ok, this is scary. I just got the following text from T-Mobile:
Free T-Mobile Msg: Thanks for your order! Supply is very limited and no shipping estimate is currently available for your T-Mobile order SXXXXXXXX. Check out for updates to your shipping estimate and status while your order processes
I was told it was shipping 11/2. I hope we don't all end up waiting for weeks now.
It still shows the following in order status:
Estimated to ship 11/02/2017 - 11/03/2017
Yeah, I'll never suggest anyone go the ebay route when it comes to iPhones. Robbery.It's been toxic for 3 years...
That said it's back-ordered. Probably by a month. So if you want it sooner? It'll be a good idea to buy from Apple or Ebay who is charging a 100% premium (sometimes FAR MORE)
Confused as to why people are pissed off about having down payments.. even if you don’t pay one immediately, the cost of your bill is still going up so you’ll be paying it eventually. Might as well get it over with and at least keep your monthly charges the same.
Because if you have a down payment, and you do a Jump anytime prior to the full 18 months, you will lose money. If you typically Jump once per year, with each upgrade cycle - we'll assume next year's iPhones get released 11 months from now -- you've lost $108 if you jumped, compared to the person that doesn't have a down payment. That also doesn't include the taxes -- which in many states, is applied to the cap cost reduction (the $279) in addition to the $26 monthly payment.
Down Payment $279 + ($26 x 11 mos) = $565 cost over 11 mos
No Down Payment $0 + ($41.56 x 11 mos) = $457.16 cost over 11 mos
Of course, you can counteract this by just holding on to the phone for the full 18 months -- in which case the costs are the same whether you had a down payment or not.
Not necessarily. I bought the 7 Plus 128GB last year and put down $200. I then paid $30 a month for 12 monts. With Taxes and all I probably paid $596. I was able to sell my phone last month for $625 so I ended up making $29. Lol. I broke even and made $30.. lol I win.This is exactly what I have been explaining to people. You’re paying a bit more with the T-Mobile jump or T-Mobile Apple upgrade program. Better off just paying full price as I did and sell it next year on swappa.
Nah - the website didn't work. But I called and that was an amazing experience. Should be getting the X on launch day. Super excited!For past launches, anyone have luck getting a launch day iPhone when preordering through t-mobile's website? This will be my first time this year.
Not necessarily. I bought the 7 Plus 128GB last year and put down $200. I then paid $30 a month for 12 monts. With Taxes and all I probably paid $596. I was able to sell my phone last month for $625 so I ended up making $29. Lol. I broke even and made $30.. lol I win.
Weird. Earlier this morning my order said Processing. Now it says Pre-order. Also just got the “we don’t know when the heck your phone is gonna ship” text. LOL
I placed my order for a 256gb Silver at 2:04 CST over the phone with a rep. Still seeing a 11/2-11/3 delivery estimate.I got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
Orders at 1153, 1155, and 1202 (PST) according to confirmation email(s); 2 via website, 1 via appI got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
Yeah, I'll never suggest anyone go the ebay route when it comes to iPhones. Robbery.
As far as being back ordered, that was to be expected. Our shipping dates aren't that bad, in the scheme of things. Despite the fevered pitch around here (and other TMO-centric threads) the reality is we see a tiny fraction of the traffic that Apple does on their site - particularly traffic willing to spend so much on a phone. It's why the 64GB variants were quicker to show shipping date slippage, and why the JOD option was by far the more popular route.
According to our internal tracking, we shuld be getting some for walk-in customers on launch day. I'd have to imagine that flagship stores in major cities may even have a "nice" supply of each combination. We'll see...
I got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
2:52 or 57 I can’t remember. Eastern time. Pretty sure it was 52 tho.I got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
Orders at 1153, 1155, and 1202 (PST) according to confirmation email(s); 2 via website, 1 via app
256GB (2 Silver, 1 Space Gray)
Est. Ship dates show 11/2-11/3
I'm still showing Estimated to ship 11/02/2017 - 11/03/2017. Ordered at 12:05 PST iPhone X 64GB.I got the text earlier this morning. Got my order in around 12:45a, and it said 11/2-3 on the site and on my email. However, now it says “no estimate currently available” on the site and on the app.
Those of you who are still seeing 11/2-3 or 11/3-10 on the site, when did you order, and what type?
I hope not. I was speaking to a rep that mentioned that they've been promised a certain amount of phones from Apple, but until they actually have them in hand, they are just covering their buttsI just got the same text. They are setting us up for a disappointment