Two points:
You don't need to crave power alone to be a 'car freak' or 'love cars.' Engines have become so overpowered I'd argue the horsepower wars are over from a practical perspective. You can get 300+ reliable horsepower out of any modern engine now, from three cylinders to 16. It's a technological triumph but power has skyrocketed while roads and tires (and drivers' ability!) have changed relatively little in decades. I am fascinated by high performance cars. But I don't feel threatened by people (correctly) pointing out that they are hugely overpowered and environmentally unsound. That is not an argument against their existence, merely against their prevalence. As a niche category for enthusiasts they are fine, and you don't need to defend that. And as I argued earlier, the problem is not 670HP 'Vettes, it's all the suburban middle class people that insist that they absolutely need a Tahoe for daily driving. Because they don't - but for every 'Vette on the road there are tens of thousands of those Tahoes tooling around.
'Gutless' is a subjective term. You can't draw a line where 'gutless' ends and 'gutsy' begins. Anyway there is no ceiling. Koenigsegg or Bugatti drivers might call your dream Corvette gutless. Whereas a corvette ZR1 owner in 1991 might wonder what the heck you'd do with 670hp on the street. Interwar issues of Autocar praised the performance of many roadsters with substantially less 100HP. A old Lotus Seven with 120HP will make you soil yourself with fear if you drive it on the limit - no reasonable car enthusiast would call one of those 'gutless.' It's simply a question weight ratios, as the '1st Soldier with a Keen Interest in Birds' said in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
And Story Time:
There is a big two lane-wide hairpin turn near where I live, followed by a long gently curving section of road, gradually sweeping up a hill that is sometimes a speed trap. if there is no traffic I can enter it in 3rd gear in my 'gutless' 120HP Fiesta at just the right speed and revs, heel-toe down to 2nd, and pull out right in the middle of my powerband. Whenever I am next to a guy driving something go-fast I zoom through and usually surprise them by wafting by quickly, at which point their brain stem kicks in and they punch it out of the exit to 'show me who's boss', roaring off to - nowhere - while I'm still pootling along at 30mph, chuckling. Big powerful cars are fun but they are not the only way to fly. I can take the same corner much faster in the Fiesta ST but the 'gutless' car is actually more fun in tight spaces.
If I had more money and garage space I'd probably own something truly 'fast', I have no bias against performance cars. I just don't see car enthusiasm as having to be a 'Power Guy vs Earthy Guy' dichotomy, even though it does seem to have spiralled into yet another culture war.