Yeah, they're pure crap.
The latest story I got from my buddy was about a Cherokee. 100 miles in, wiring harness started smoking. Dealer gave them his money back. Dealer sent the car back to Jeep. They saved the VIN and ran it a few days ago. It ended up at another Jeep dealer 2 hours north as a used car.
A Cherokee they sold... got towed back in a week later because the driveshaft fell out on the highway. How is that even possible?
I don't trust these cars one bit. Hell no.
Yeah, I know two with transmission issues that had to be rebuilt. Another the front differential exploded, causing other front end damage (axels if I remember correctly). The electrical issue killed the entire infotainment, HVAC, and gauge systems and ended up having to have the dash removed and system rewired. My neighbor has one, I haven't asked him about it but about a month ago it disappeared for a week and there was a patriot in its place. I wonder what that was about...