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I took the plunge and got the 2011 11" MBA / 1.6 i5 / 128 SSD / 4GB ram earlier this month. Upgrading from my 2008 MBP 2.4 Duo Core 2 / 4GB ram.

I couldn't be happier. I got it as a refurb to save some money and it's so much quicker than the MBP I had.
Just got New MBA

So, I just this morning sold my old 2010 MBP, and bought a current-gen MBA to hold me over until June 11th when the suposed new MBPs are to be released.

I must say this thing is sweet, the SSD is blazing fast.

We just need a 2.4Ghz quad core processor and dedicated graphics in one of these and it would be awesome! aha :eek:


So, I just this morning sold my old 2010 MBP, and bought a current-gen MBA to hold me over until June 11th when the suposed new MBPs are to be released.

I must say this thing is sweet, the SSD is blazing fast.

We just need a 2.4Ghz quad core processor and dedicated graphics in one of these and it would be awesome! aha :eek:

Sorry folks missed the "just got my new/refurb etc. MacBook Air" thread :p
So, I just this morning sold my old 2010 MBP, and bought a current-gen MBA to hold me over until June 11th when the suposed new MBPs are to be released.

I must say this thing is sweet, the SSD is blazing fast.

We just need a 2.4Ghz quad core processor and dedicated graphics in one of these and it would be awesome! aha :eek:


Sorry folks missed the "just got my new/refurb etc. MacBook Air" thread :p bought it just to return it in 10 days? Not cool
Not wanting to open this box heehee

So I am in Shanghai, China to finish my bachelor degree, and my father just came to visit me and bring me my new Macbook air 13 256gb.

It is still in the box, completely unopened.

I do not want to open it.

I must admit... I stared at the box for 20 minutes like a giddy kid before opening it. Trust me though, you'll like what's inside more.
Thanks guys, I am super stoked right now.

I already have opened stickies, for my daily reminders.
I updated iCal with my school and work schedule.
And I am going to go to the Apple store, so I may borrow a Superdrive and install iWork 09.

What other basics should I do?
I understand what I am asking can be found in other posts but I dont really want to read 50 pages about how to do something advanced.
Im talking about the basics, the cool stuff, the stuff everyone has.
Not how to do some crazy music, video thing.

Hey everyone,

I ordered a brand new MBA 13" 1.7 GHz i5 256 GB. I wanted to wait until WWDC but I was ordering through my graduate school and I had to order by the end of May. The computer is currently shipping and should arrive any day.

I will bummed if new MBA's are released at WWDC. It would be great to swap my brand new, possibly unopened old gen MBA for a new gen version. Any advice for how to do this? Does Apple accept returns or swaps? Is there some forgiveness policy I could utilize? Or is eBay/craigslist my best bet (i.e., sell old MBA as soon as new one is announced)?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Just got my 3month old mba 11.6" yesterday, love it. My wife wanted the mbpro for her photography. I couldn't be happier with the purchase. I saved a bundle on Ebay over new.
My first post ever on Macrumors, long time lurker.

I'm typing this on my brand new just-off-the-shelf 2012 MBA! Got the 13" 1.8/4/128GB model - and it's ridiculously fast so far! Will report back as I test stuff like Aperture, Adobe, etc. I sense that I won't be disappointed. Quite pleased with the purchase! :apple: :)
Hi there,
I just bought my first Mac ever, a MacBook Air 13", 8gb RAM, i7, 512gb SSD. So happy. Boot times are so fast it is ridiculous with the SSD.

Been using the iPhone 4 almost since release and an iPad 2 since release. My wife has also got an iphone 4. After using these products and loving them I couldn't do anything else than by a Mac when my windows laptop needed an upgrade.

I'm now leaving a Sony Vaio from late 2007 behind and I feel I won't regret it a second. I'm not even gonna miss the built-in Bluray player that I've used only a handful times since I got the laptop.

Looking forward to also start using my Apple TV and 2 TB Time Capsule that got into the virtual shopping basket as well.

Bought a new MBAir 1,8GHz/4GB RAM/128GB yesterday! I was somehow surprised they already had it here in Luxembourg. And it really is amazingly fast! I already had the impression my 2011 Mac Mini was fast, but this is crazy! I had a boot up time of 10 seconds to usable. It restarts from sleep in the time I need to open up the display. I don't know if it was the same with earlier MBAir's since this is the first one I ever used and it's just amazing! Definately worth buying after a first hands-on check.
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