I finally took the plunge and got a 13" Macbook Air ordered through Best Buy. This will be my first computer since my 12" 2005 Powerbook i got when I started college. I loved that computer. And subbornly, I held out on getting a new one. I got an iPad 2 last year, allowing me to hold out for longer. But alas, it turns out a tablet cant fit all my needs and I need a personal computer. I refuse to go back to Windows, after having a terrible experience with my parents HP pos with Windows Milennium. So I bought a Macbook Air. I figure I wont miss the cd drive too much, and when I do Ill grab a $30 one off of Amazon. The thing looks sweet and I cant wait to get it!!
Btw, does anyone know what I can do with my Powerbook? The thing can barely turn on for 5 mins before overheating and going real slow. If it was worth it, i might even fix it. But if not, maybe I could scrap it? Thanks!!