Just discovered this forum. My wife and I were LONG time windows users and I have to admit I was one of those who used to make fun of Macs all the time. Last year, I was frustrated with my windows machine - I was a long time PC gamer, and my daughter was also into gaming, and not only was I sick of paying for two copies of a particular game, but with the new Battlefield coming out I was due for yet another upgrade that I did not want to do... I was sick of paying 500 bucks for yet another graphics card, another 500 for the processor, taking this apart, etc etc.... at my age I just wanted things to work. No more fussing around sort of thing. Thought it might be time for a change, so I headed dow to the Apple store to check things out. Checked out the Macbook air and was surprised by how light and fast the thing was - and how long the battery lasted. Thought to myself - hell, lets try it - if I hate it, I'll return it or sell it on eBay.
30 days later I dismantled my PC and sold it for parts on ebay. A few months after that my daughter got a macbook air and we sold her PC on ebay (we now game on the XBOX 360 on the big screen which turned out to be more fun than playing on the PC).
The biggie though was my wife. She was NOT convinced at all by my conversion to the mac, and she hated the trackpad - saying she'd need a mouse etc... My birthday came around, and I upgraded to the new Macbook air (512gb hard drive - woot) and really did a bang up job cleaning up and tailoring the macbook so her wallpaper, music, bookmarks etc was all there for her to use. I told her to try it for 30 days, and if you wanna go back, you can. She immediately asked for a mouse - and I said no... try it for 30 days and if you don't like it you can have anything. She grumbled...
30 days later she no longer wants a mouse, and loves her macbook air.