Fedex fooled the heck out of me....
in a good way.
On 9/5, I ordered a CTO MBA i7/8g/256gb, and because I ordered through the back to school program, I also got a $100 Apple gift card. Of course it was configured in China - I live in Virginia, about 45 miles from Richmond.
On 9/6, I received an email from Apple indicating that the gift card had shipped, along with a tracking number indicating that delivery would take place on 9/10.
The next day, 9/7, I received another email from Apple indicating that the MBA had shipped with a tracking number - delivery scheduled for 9/12. You can imagine how disappointed I was - first, I had hoped the items would be shipped together and second, I would get the gift card two days before the computer (what a drag).
On the morning of 9/8, the tracking information indicated that the MBA and the gift card had made it to Richmond (the sort facility), so I was hopeful that both would be delivered on 9/10! Then, a few hours later, the tracking update indicated that the gift card was at the local fedex facility in my town, but that the MBA was still in Richmond; what a bummer!! I kept checking over and over during the course of the day/weekend but no change between 9/8 and 9/9 to the tracking information.
This morning, 9/10, the tracking information indicated that the gift card was still at local facility in my town but was not on truck for delivery; the MBA's tracking info indicated that it was still in Richmond at the sort facility - so I knew for sure I wouldn't be getting it today.
I own my own business and 2-3 days out of the week I have to travel to DC. Well today I am off and was hopeful that both would arrive today, together, but I had little hope. However, I was still somewhat excited about the gift card delivery.
Anyhow, I put my 5 y.o. on the school bus at 8:30, started doing some yard/lawn work, took a break a couple of minutes ago and came inside. Low and behold, I wasn't inside 10 minutes before the doorbell rings. I'm pretty sure it is fedex but not absolutely sure. I'm a little excited but not too excited - afterall, it is only a gift card.
I get to the door, open it, and see a fedex delivery woman holding a brown box about 16x4x12 in diameter and another fedex envelope on top of that... For a split second, I immediately wonder if both are for my house?!! Then, I hear words that are like sweet music to my ears!! She says "I have TWO packages for Mr. _________!!!"
I play it cool; afterall, she's also kinda cute, but I am happily married!!

I sign for the packages and as I'm closing the door - I tell her to be careful of the mess in the walkway that I had made from the yard work.
WHAT A DAY, WHAT A DAY, people!!! Yard work is half done but the day is young. I have better things to do...
So sorry for the long post (first post) but I had to share....