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Just ordered my MBA 13"/8/128 yesterday. Waiting for the money transfert and for the delivery.

Soooooooo ready !
Just got my 13 inch today. Loving it so far! Mine shipped from Lewisberry, PA. I live in Pittsburgh, so it didn't take long to get here. I only ordered the base model 13 inch. I think 128 GB is plenty for me. I never used anywhere near that on my old HP. I have an external HD so if I do get close, i'll just use that.
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Just received new MBA i7/8GB/256GB.

Just got the new MBA from yesterday. It came with Mountain Lion pre-installed even though Macmall said it had Lion. I personally cannot tell much difference between the two.

The additional space of the SSD is nice. The SSD in the 2012 MBA was a 128GB Toshiba model that benchmarked at 260/420. The new 2012 256GB SSD is a Samsung and it benchmarks at 420/440 according to Blackmagic.

The display is a Samsung vs. the previous one LG screen. I cannot tell the difference between the LG and Samsung, but others may have more precise vision.

The i7 does get a tad warmer after a while of using, but nothing too much.

I partitioned the SSD, got all my apps re-installed, and made a few tweaks to Finder to make it suck less.

My only complaint is that the trackpad appears to be slightly off center in the frame. I will probably take it over to the local Apple Store to correct it.
Congrats on your new system. I know why I partition a Windows machine but what is for on a Mac and how do you go about doing it?
I got the same machine today from Apple Online Store (i7/8gb/256gb) and damn it's swift and light.

Never going back to MBP/rMBP (had MBP for ages, swapped to rMBP and returned that and got the ultimate Air).

Maybe I missed it, but did you get the 11" model or the 13"? I have the 11" i7/8/256 ... pretty much the 'ultimate' Air as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely love the machine.

Gave 11" air to my grand daughter she starts UWM so I purchase the new 13" like the extra screen size my eyes getting bad old age.
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Maybe I missed it, but did you get the 11" model or the 13"? I have the 11" i7/8/256 ... pretty much the 'ultimate' Air as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely love the machine.


I got the 13" MBA. If I traveled a lot I would get an 11" instead of getting a tablet.


Wat? Do you have pictures?

I will take some pics this evening and post to this thread. I use my Logitech USB mouse a lot over the trackpad, but for $1675, the thing better be perfect.
I really wish I could justify (through hook, crook or educated finger) having both the 11" and 13" - I'd buy the 13" so fast my head would spin.

Tragically, I can't.

I guess if I sold off my MBP, I could get the 13" without any pangs of guilt, but I have a 512GB SSD in my MBP and the MBA equivalent doesn't come cheaply.

Enjoy your Air! Every time you use the SD card slot, think tenderly of those of us who don't have one.
I really wish I could justify (through hook, crook or educated finger) having both the 11" and 13" - I'd buy the 13" so fast my head would spin.

Tragically, I can't.

I guess if I sold off my MBP, I could get the 13" without any pangs of guilt, but I have a 512GB SSD in my MBP and the MBA equivalent doesn't come cheaply.

Enjoy your Air! Every time you use the SD card slot, think tenderly of those of us who don't have one.

The SD reader and larger screen were the reasons I chose the 13" over the 11". You can get a USB SD card reader for cheap for the occasions to need to read SD cards.
After seeing how my Air performed on 4GB ram with 1GB page file thrashing the system, and still how OSX performed, I was no longer worried about the other 4GB ram and went ahead and kept my 2011 model as it offered great value compared to the 2012.

I went with the 11" model, I figured for the odd time I needed to make use of an SDCard I can just use a USB card reader.

I am curious to see what an off-centered trackpad looks like as well. Enjoy your new Air :)
When you're connecting jack to 3.5 mm input in Air, do you also have about 2 seconds sound from speakers, and then in headphones? Sometimes 1 sec, sometimes instantly?
Whooohoo got my base 13'' Air. Go the Toshiba SSD, but lucked out with the Samsung display. Looks great and feels great.
Just picked up a new MacbookAir 2011 model! I am stoked! :D I'm inheriting it form a guy who left my company, so I dont even know the specs yet! Its just standing there restoring a time machine backup now... Upgrading form a 2 gb 2010 version.

Just had to tell some like minded folks.

EDIT! Up and running on the new one! Great machine. Feels close to the 2010 model, however the keyboard is a little bit different. And with improved geekbench score!

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My first 2012 13" MBA had the LG display, the 2nd 2012 13" MBA has the Samsung display. I cannot tell the difference in the two.

Hah, yeah, it doesn't matter too much, but I've read reviews (Anandtech) that comparing them side by side there is a tangible difference. In a vacuum, though, they both look great. Either way, it doesn't matter, I was just happy because I usually don't luck out on these type of things.
Just got my MacBook Air Apple refurbed 11" 2011 base model about a week and a few days ago. I'm beyond pleased. It's been my favorite Mac so far and it is the ONLY Mac I have ever had (besides my Mac Mini) that arrived with ZERO issues. No marks, scratches, crooked hinges, loose bottoms, dead pixels, dust under the screen, nothing - absolutely PERFECT.

My only fear is that it being so incredibly small and thin and light I will destroy it like I did my iPad (smashed it into the wall corner by accident). I don't want a hard case on it since that's what I had on my iPad when it STILL got destroyed, so I am buying a Thule Gauntlet sleeve. Just hope I don't damage it while putting it in / pulling it out or while using it through some freak accident... which always seems to happen to me.

Anyway. I would highly suggest Apple refurb units for anyone considering an MBA purchase.
Also just got my refurb 2011 MBA 11", and am super excited about how responsive and snappy everything is. Actually upgraded from a late 2008 MBA, which had HDD, and the difference is absolutely huge!

I do miss the 13" screen size though, as I feel like I have to strain my neck or my eyes to read at this resolution/pixel density, but I chose the 11" for the price and for portability. Refurb is the way to go! And it's my first post--long time lurker. :)
New macbook user here, i was going to wait for a MBP Retina 13" that was rumored to release soon but saw this great deal on a MBA.. couldn't resist, at first i was going to just use this to hold me over until the retina is available but at the price i got the MBA i don't know if i can double down for a retina at the moment so here i am with my MBA that came and had 1 charge cycle!! Basically new! So happy i got it for the price. But i don't know if i like this more or would i like the MBP.. the MBP seem to have a better processor, more storage, and a nicer glass covered screen and that's what is leading me towards the MBP but the MBA is soo light and nice!

Also if i can ask a question and someone can answer that'll be helpful! On windows laptop i can usually have 100% brightness on A/C power and like 50% on battery, is there an option on the macbook that allows me to do 100% brightness on power but 30% brightness on battery automatically everytime so i don't have to keep readjusting when i switch from battery to power? TIA!
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