I'm over the moon with it. I replaced a Mac Pro 1,1 that was still on Lion so you can imagine what a massive improvement it is. It is as small as they say it is and surprisingly heavy. It's a real quality product, which doesn't come as a surprise, of course. And so quiet you can't even tell when it's switched on.
I got fed up with Adobe's Creative Cloud (that's another story) so have gone back to CS5 (as well as looking around for replacements, but more on that in a moment). Photoshop took about a fortnight to open on my Mac Pro 1,1 but on my new kit it takes less than 2 seconds. Wow!
I was always a bit dubious about the port arrangement and the whole "swivel it round to plug things in" idea but to be honest having it on the desk rather than under it does make the whole plugging devices in thing much easier even if you can't really turn it around all that far without knocking your tea over.
The other advantage of having it on the desk is that I can keep looking at it and smiling.
So pleased with it. Well worth the wait.
My old machine is still on the desk while I migrate although I'm pretty close to shutting it down for good and can then enjoy the silence!
Hope yours ships soon!!
BTW slightly off topic, but have downloaded a trial of Pixelmator 3.1 as a possible Photoshop replacement. Unlike Photoshop, it uses the dual GPU's on the Mac Pro. Worth checking out.