Mine was finally delivered this evening. Have spent the last 4 hours setting it up and getting it configured to my liking. I took some photos getting it out of the box:
My "Late" Late 2013 Mac Pro
Well, the object of my desire has finally arrived this morning at 10 AM (UPS) with overnight shipping (never requested by me, but given by Apple). It was shipped last evening from Texas.
Ordered Jan. 12:
3.5GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5
16GB 1866MHz DDR3 ECC - 4X4GB
512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
Dual AMD FirePro D300-2GB VRAM
Ordered 12/19 about 8:00 am, finally arrived via FedEx next day on 3/6 at 11:10 am.
Now comes the really hard part--it's here, but I won't be able to open it since I will be out until early evening. I've taken it out of the shipping box, but I won't get around to opening the package and seeing exactly what this bad boy can do until later in this evening.
Delayed gratification is a virtue I would happily forgo....
Came in today! Thanks for keeping me sane while waiting for my Mac Pro these past few mUpdate!
Ordered jan 6
Cc charged
Shipped today and set to arrive Friday!
it's been a long road indeed, but finally we are preparing to ship!
6c/16gb/512/d700, ordered on 17/jan with education discount.
just checked my order status again:Ordered the exact same jan 18. Preparing to ship. Let us know when it actually ships. I'm wondering how long it stays in preparing to ship.
i have had a free UPS My Choice account for a while now; its great. as soon as the tracking number is in the UPS database, you can change the delivery options to "hold for pickup." i do this all the time as i hate waiting!
Thanks I will try that. I have the free my choice account.
It depends on policy of sender. It may not be easy such as Dell does not allow to hold products at nearest Fedex office. I doubt Apple will allow to do that as Mac Pro is expensive. It is some sort of security.
it's been a long road indeed, but finally we are preparing to ship!
6c/16gb/512/d700, ordered on 17/jan with education discount.
yes indeed, i remember! mine is (hopefully) sitting tight at the local UPS warehouse until i can pick it up monday morning. after nearly 2 months it's terrible waiting another 2 days when i know its only about a mile away!I ordered the same exact model and discount as you! Mine arrived at the store yesterday! Been down with the flu so won't get a chance to set up until later this weekend when I can focus
Mine was finally delivered this evening. Have spent the last 4 hours setting it up and getting it configured to my liking. I took some photos getting it out of the box:
My "Late" Late 2013 Mac Pro