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I'd think if you already are in Alaska, that you're fine. It's the Shanghai to Anchorage part that I think is disrupted.

But looking back a few pages, this thing erupted on June 15th or whenever, and people have had their tracking list flights from China to Alaska on the 17th 18th and 19th, so wtf Apple?

Are orders to the UK affected by this? Sorry - don't know where Anchorage is
Got my first real Mac today. I'm pretty excited about it. I got the 2.66 Ghz 15' MacBook Pro.

Used Education discount, got Applecare, and iWork '09. It is a beautiful machine!

I bought the iPod Touch since it was free, but I already have an iPhone. I figure I'll give it as a gift or sell it, haha.
Wow, after 20+years becoming a moderately advanced PC guy... I am way impressed with my new MacBook Pro. I caved in to a Mac after coveting my iPhone the last few months. Talk about easy, but powerful! Who knew? :D

Yep! Exactly the way I felt a little over 3 years ago!--)) Welcome aboard the Mac Train! Enjoy computing again, the way it was meant to be. ;)
I'm typing this from my 13" MacBook Pro. Purchased it on the 13th. I bought a base model, but yesterday I upgraded the hard drive to a 500 gig one I bought on Newegg. I used my college acceptance letter and got an educational discount, too, which is pretty cool, plus the free iPod touch to replace my old beat up one.
Picked up my new 15" (2.66) MBP today. I had previously had a 15" 1.33 G4, so this was a minor improvement in speed and operation. :D

I opted for the 16GB nano as I have a iPhone already.

The battery life was really good today, I probably used it on and off for about 5 hours.

Any other comments on the new battery life so far?
Dead Pixel?s

i just got the 2.66 GHz 15" MBP the other day, my first Mac.

But I noticed today that it has 1 or 2 dead pixels in the upper right. :mad: I was wondering if anyone else has seen something similar on their machines?
Got mine :D But the experience at the store was blah. Might just stick to ordering online from now on (but saving on tax was nice...)
Wow, after 20+years becoming a moderately advanced PC guy... I am way impressed with my new MacBook Pro. I caved in to a Mac after coveting my iPhone the last few months. Talk about easy, but powerful! Who knew? :D

LOL... I'm PC before~
Now... I decide to use MAC : ):apple::apple::apple::apple:
I love APPLE product~ Don't let me feel dispointed:rolleyes:

Delivers: 23/06/2009 - 24/06/2009
Late posting, as I've been managing a few projects the last few days, but I wanted to write in to say that I welcomed into the world my new 17" MBP with CTO 3.06 and anti-glare screen at 12:31 pm on Thursday, June 18, 2009.

She is beautiful. :)

Oh, she is. Most definitely. MOST. DEFINITELY.

Mine is spending the night in Chicago tonight, so it looks like it got past the volcano madness. FedEx is still targeting a Tuesday-by-10:30 delivery. I've already taken the day off.

Mine is spending the night in Chicago tonight, so it looks like it got past the volcano madness. FedEx is still targeting a Tuesday-by-10:30 delivery. I've already taken the day off.

mines chillin in Memphis after its stay in Anchorage...its been to places that i havent been lol. FedEx changed from tues 1030 to wed on mine but im confident in a tues delivery as the ipod and printer were able to accomplish the same tasks in less time. It better arrive tues as im off but wed i work 11-7!!! of course! please...give me some quality time with my baby! :)

EDIT: after lookin through this thread i love seeing all the anchorage to indianapolis trips. i live in indiana like 20 min from MBP went instead from anchorage to memphis..geez lol.
I'm loving my Macbook Pro 13

I got my MBP 13 on Wednesday, since then I've spent a couple of hours per night installing apps and getting it ready to start using for my traineeship next week. So far I've been amazed by the LED display, the feel of all the materials in the keyboard and trackpad area is great, and the battery life is amazing. So far, with only a couple of hours of use per night I have not had to recharge after an initial charge when I got it out of the box.

Apple has done a great job with the MBP 13 and unlike my iMac I have not had a single problem. This is the great Apple experience I've been told about and I'm glad to be experiencing it. This is what all computers should be like.
I'm really happy for you! :D

I did have an initial concern about the screen size myself. But I don't think it's an issue, the resolution is right (as good as my work Dell Latitude D830 with 15" screen) and the panel quality seem far superior on the MacBook Pro.
I'm happy for you! Hopefully next month I'll be experiencing that same joy. It'll be my first Mac and my first laptop.
Congratulations on your new MBP! I am hoping to get a 13" too, is the screen actually big enough? I don't want to have to stretch for the 15"

Anyway, congrats again and enjoy!
I got my MBP 13 on Wednesday, since then I've spent a couple of hours per night installing apps and getting it ready to start using for my traineeship next week. So far I've been amazed by the LED display, the feel of all the materials in the keyboard and trackpad area is great, and the battery life is amazing. So far, with only a couple of hours of use per night I have not had to recharge after an initial charge when I got it out of the box.

Apple has done a great job with the MBP 13 and unlike my iMac I have not had a single problem. This is the great Apple experience I've been told about and I'm glad to be experiencing it. This is what all computers should be like.

Just be sure to Calibrate that battery first thing.
MBP 13.3/2.26/ CTO
Ships: 1 - 3 business days
Delivers: 23 Jun - 30 Jun

Now it says "prepared for shipment" :D
Im so excited to get my first new macbook pro!!! Can't wait! :D
Congratulations on your new 13" MBP and I'm delighted that you are enjoying it. I have the 15" MBP myself and can say that it is easily the best computer I have ever had. Good luck and may both you and your new MBP live long together and prosper.

Cheers and good luck
Yup your right. It went INCHEON to WARSAW to KOELN then to the EAST MIDLANDS. And it's on time for Monday 22nd, oooooo cant wait!!

Yep mine went the same way, I live near derby so mine was on delivery truck quite quick.
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