I decided to upgrade my 2017 MBP 13' to a 2020 MBP 13'. My motivation behind this was the 80% faster internal graphics, faster CPU for heavy Parallels processing, renewed AppleCare+, and the keyboard. I did the trade-in with Apple for my 2017 MBP... got a same day delivery on a 2020 MBP 13' TB. With Apple Card's 0% interest, looking at $128 payments for a year (AppleCare+ included).
I had the i5 3.3Ghz 2 core Mid 2017 MacBook Pro 13 TB (16GB Ram / 1TB). I went with a 2.0Ghz QuadCore i5 2020 MacBook Pro 13 TB (16GB/1TB).
Why? I was experiencing some CPU and eGPU slowdowns with my previous MBP using Parallels (Visual Studio 2019, etc) and decided I'd spring $1500 to upgrade those for work and personal purposes.
While I didn't mind the butterfly keyboard (had 0 problems with it), I find this new keyboard to be FAR superior. Typing on it is a pleasure and relaxing. I couldn't type on my butterfly keyboard without causing a lot of disruptive noise and feeling like I was breaking it. This new keyboard is a quarter as loud. I love it.
CPU wise, there's a huge difference using Parallels (in my opinion - not scientific). Graphics wise - I notice much less of a slow down with my 4k monitor. Very noticeable speed difference.
I kept my 2017 MBP for 29 months. Planning on keeping this one a full 3 years.
My 2017 MBP ended its career with 89 cycles, 4071 mAh capacity (~94% life).
My 2020 MBP has 103% capacity and 0 cycles. Looks like I lucked out. Charge Limiter to 55% - we'll see how 3 years of this does.
Only negatives - I notice the CPU fan coming on a lot more. So if you have a 2017 MBP, it stays far more quiet. I don't really mind because the speed difference is noticeable.