I ordered a MBP 13" 2.23 and upgraded to 4GB RAM and a 320 GB HD last Thursday at the 1-800 Apple shop. With a "free printer and free 8GB touch". Plus the usual student discounts on Apple care, iWork 09, memory etc. Saved over $550, including about $120 tax as it was tax free in GA last weekend. MBP and Touch (with free engraving) left Shanghai and some
other Chi-com city Saturday night and arrived at my door by Fed Ex with free shipping @ 36 hours later just before 8am Monday morning. Printer, Mac care and other stuff arrived in various packages the following day. Have purchased a superb Timbuk2 13" MBP compatible all black laptop bag from REI outlet for $60. Got a Seagate Free Agent Go 320GB Mac 800 Firewire external HD with free dock and cables from Best Buy for $75. Just bought The Missing Manual for iWork 09 from Amazon. Also ten days ago I bought a Samson CO1U Podcasting kit with aluminium case, mic stand etc for $108 off Amazon. That arrived with printer. Also got an Apple adapter to connect my Samsung 22" LCD screen to the MBP, which works on VGA without any driver problems.
Now begins the sharpish learning curve to master the OSX thingy. Bought the MBP primarily for Garageband podcasting capability to mix and produce professional sounding CD's to flog to discerning punters. Plus the Apple version of Powerpoint **gentle smirk**. After the new Mac OSX upgrade is released wil maybe have to get a book on that to learn how it all works. Have been a steadfast, increasingly unhappy windows user for 15 years. Hopefully no more Blue Screens of Death for me. Although 64 bit Vista has been quite stable.
The MBP is a very cute cutting edge (until the next upgrade) toy, with clearly a great deal of potential for productivity and fun. Have never had a webcam thingy before. Funny how there are so few steps to doing most things - unlike before. Its a totally different mindset. A bit pricey like - but U get wot U pay for http://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/icons/icon12.gifhttp://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
These smilies "work" very differently to ones on English footy web sites.
Now begins the sharpish learning curve to master the OSX thingy. Bought the MBP primarily for Garageband podcasting capability to mix and produce professional sounding CD's to flog to discerning punters. Plus the Apple version of Powerpoint **gentle smirk**. After the new Mac OSX upgrade is released wil maybe have to get a book on that to learn how it all works. Have been a steadfast, increasingly unhappy windows user for 15 years. Hopefully no more Blue Screens of Death for me. Although 64 bit Vista has been quite stable.
The MBP is a very cute cutting edge (until the next upgrade) toy, with clearly a great deal of potential for productivity and fun. Have never had a webcam thingy before. Funny how there are so few steps to doing most things - unlike before. Its a totally different mindset. A bit pricey like - but U get wot U pay for http://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/icons/icon12.gifhttp://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
These smilies "work" very differently to ones on English footy web sites.