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Just picked up a 13" MacBook Pro. I'm coming from a 13" Unibody MacBook (pretty much the same specs) but the screen and better battery won me over. I think I can get away with selling the other one such that the difference is about $150. I'll gladly pay that for this great screen and all-day battery! Might be the most perfect laptop I've ever owned :D
Ordered and waiting.

I ordered my CTO macbook pro on thursday afternoon ( 6 ish pacific time ) and payed for the 2-3 day shipping. The first possible date of arrival was today and no show :(. The printer I ordered as well shipped the 18th and could have arrived today as it got to the distribution center at 5 am. I was then enformed that I wouldn't be getting the printer today as it would be two convenient for fedex to throw it on a truck and deliver it today. My question is, If mine ships today the 21st, can I really expect it to get here on the 23 like apple keeps telling me?
Yes, handle with care

I've had my MBP for a week now and I'm too scared to move it around for fear of scratching it. Whereas my iBook got shoved and moved all over the place - in fact it's travelled around the world a couple of times. Not sure I'll be doing that so much with the MBP.

Perhaps in time I'll become a bit more relaxed about it.

I know the feeling. I've just upgraded to a 15" 2.53Ghz MBP from a 13" 2.0Ghz white MacBook. The MBP is just gorgeous and I'm scared to eat potato chips or have a drink near the damn thing!

Guess I'll have to stay being nasty with the MacBook (which has served me well over the last couple of years) :D
Well today's the day it's supposed to be delivered but the last update was on the 18th: "Preparing handover to final carrier"

Any idea when I can expect it?

(UK based)
Was on the phone to apple.

Yada yada yada, it is unlikely your order will be delivered today. We do not have any information about the location of this shipment but we will call you once we find out.

This is turning into a nightmare. Ridiculous **ckup by apple and their affiliates
Was on the phone to apple.

Yada yada yada, it is unlikely your order will be delivered today. We do not have any information about the location of this shipment but we will call you once we find out.

This is turning into a nightmare. Ridiculous **ckup by apple and their affiliates

I wouldn't stress. My laptop is due today and only in the last hour was the status updated to "In transit to customer, delivery on schedule". Before that when I checked this morning, the last update was on the 18th.
I bought my MBP at one of the local Apple stores this past weekend. I love it! It's my first Mac, so it'll take time to get used to it.. my goal is to barely have a need for the trackpad (except for the 2 / 3 / 4 finger actions).

I originally was looking at the 13" but I just HAD to get the 15". I bought the 2.66GHz (middle) one.
I wouldn't stress. My laptop is due today and only in the last hour was the status updated to "In transit to customer, delivery on schedule". Before that when I checked this morning, the last update was on the 18th.

Have you got yours? Quite unusual to get any delivery past 5PM so if it doesn't come by then ill stop waiting and go out for a jog
Have you got yours? Quite unusual to get any delivery past 5PM so if it doesn't come by then ill stop waiting and go out for a jog

I don't know where you're located, but here in the states, FedEx Home and UPS Ground both deliver until 7:00 PM, I don't know about the other varieties of service, but I imagine it's on their website.
No, I've now realised that "In transit to customer" doesn't really mean much.

My status changed to: "Delivery scheduled by final carrier, see estimated delivery date" (est del date = today) - and a tracking number has only just appeared (which I can't seem to use anywhere)

Apparently the final step is "Out for delivery" so still a while to wait :(
Just bought my 13 inch macbook pro thanks for everything guys

Wanted to say thanks for so much useful info on here. I finally took the plunge and bought my macbook pro yesterday. I got the educational discount, I bought applecare, I also had them upgrade the ram for me in store from the stock 2gb to 4 gb. I bought call of duty 4 and a mouse and a speck hardshell case.

Im loving this thing and it should be noted that the 13 inch macbook pro runs multiplayer cod4 flawlessly. I do have the 4gb of ram so maybe that has something to do with it, but I played last night for about an hour and it was awesome. Over all I am loving this machine, it seems very very well built for the money. I also got the new AEBS that has simultaneous dual band and hooked up my 500 gb hard drive to it for wireless time machine.
Congratulations on your purchase. Also nice to hear COD runs so well on the base model 13". I'm looking at grabbing that but will certainly be using a controller versus the mouse!
great choice! I'm sure you ll very much enjoy it :D

now we wait for shambo to come in and say you should have gone for the 15 inch.:mad:
You won't be sorry. A very capable and easily moveable machine. The GPU is wonderful as I have the same in my mini and it's driving quite a bit off of it.

Have you tested this with the airport extreme, external USB harddrive, and wireless time machine backups? I was told in the past that this would NOT work, but maybe the new updated version of the airport extreme allows it. It used to be that you could only use the USB external hard drive connected to the airport extreme as a file server. They did that so that you HAD to pay the extra money for the time capsule if you wanted wireless backups. Personally I like the idea of being able to plug in any USB external drive I want, and that way if there is a failure of the drive it is really easy to swap in a new one.

Wanted to say thanks for so much useful info on here. I finally took the plunge and bought my macbook pro yesterday. I got the educational discount, I bought applecare, I also had them upgrade the ram for me in store from the stock 2gb to 4 gb. I bought call of duty 4 and a mouse and a speck hardshell case.

Im loving this thing and it should be noted that the 13 inch macbook pro runs multiplayer cod4 flawlessly. I do have the 4gb of ram so maybe that has something to do with it, but I played last night for about an hour and it was awesome. Over all I am loving this machine, it seems very very well built for the money. I also got the new AEBS that has simultaneous dual band and hooked up my 500 gb hard drive to it for wireless time machine.
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