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HTC potentially putting out an HTC One refresh version later this year. Are they repeating what was regarded as a mistake last year with the One X refresh?

Also, true successor to come in 2014 (duh). What will the camera be like, I wonder? What will the home button configuration be like, I wonder?

They'll never learn if they actually do this.

If it's a newer LTE-A model, then we shouldn't see it here (like the new GS4 with the 800 processor), but if they bring it to the US with a larger battery, etc á la One X+, then... I don't know what to say...
They'll never learn if they actually do this.

If it's a newer LTE-A model, then we shouldn't see it here (like the new GS4 with the 800 processor), but if they bring it to the US with a larger battery, etc á la One X+, then... I don't know what to say...

Regarding your specific concern, ironically, a larger battery isn't what the HTC One needs.

Personally, I'm not terribly concerned with "refreshes" or slightly upgraded versions a few months down the line. Usually, it's not enough of a major refresh to warrant a full on upgrade/purchase. In fact, I wish it took a certain company (cough, Apple, cough cough) to be quicker with their "refreshes."

Having said that, at the same time, I understand people feeling slighted in some way when a refresh happens so soon after the "one flagship a year" model just came out.

If they upgrade the camera in the refresh, and somehow reconfigured the home button so that the HTC logo is now the home button... THEN I'd get mad. But only because that's what they should've done in the first place.
Regarding your specific concern, ironically, a larger battery isn't what the HTC One needs.

Personally, I'm not terribly concerned with "refreshes" or slightly upgraded versions a few months down the line. Usually, it's not enough of a major refresh to warrant a full on upgrade/purchase. In fact, I wish it took a certain company (cough, Apple, cough cough) to be quicker with their "refreshes."

Having said that, at the same time, I understand people feeling slighted in some way when a refresh happens so soon after the "one flagship a year" model just came out. .[/B]

According to posts on elevate, this refresh model is actually likely to be the model with the new microphone hardware, that is all.
Out of interest, what google edition rom are you running. I see on XDA they just got the official bootloader and stock recovery meaning you can turn your phone into essentially an official google edition if you want to and I may be tempted when 4.3 ships. :)

I'm still running the one that was released last week, can't find the thread right now.
I won't be doing anything until I can get a nice handy walkthrough to fully convert the phone! Might even wait for 4.3, to do this, like you.
was that microphone confirmed to be better? I have not looked at reviews

I've not read or seen any direct comparisons and as the phones look identical it's going to be hard for people to even do a side by side comparison because we don't know if under the hood its the new version or old.

The only way would be maybe with a Verizon model, as you can guarantee they will all have the new microphone in them.
HTC potentially putting out an HTC One refresh version later this year. Are they repeating what was regarded as a mistake last year with the One X refresh?

Also, true successor to come in 2014 (duh). What will the camera be like, I wonder? What will the home button configuration be like, I wonder?

If they put a 8MP camera or better in it, I'm all over it!

Please HTC... do it, do it!!!!
I'm sitting here looking at my iPhone 5 and so badly wanting to go back to the HTC One but I don't know if I trust HTC as a company to support this phone! At least on my iPhone I know I'll get iOS7 & iOS8 and maybe even iOS9 if I'm lucky. Feels like One owners will be lucky to receive 4.2.2 is they ever will at all.
I'm sitting here looking at my iPhone 5 and so badly wanting to go back to the HTC One but I don't know if I trust HTC as a company to support this phone! At least on my iPhone I know I'll get iOS7 & iOS8 and maybe even iOS9 if I'm lucky. Feels like One owners will be lucky to receive 4.2.2 is they ever will at all.

The OTA 4.2.2 is already out across Asia, Western, Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, save for the UK and Ireland. It is a staged release.
I'm sitting here looking at my iPhone 5 and so badly wanting to go back to the HTC One but I don't know if I trust HTC as a company to support this phone! At least on my iPhone I know I'll get iOS7 & iOS8 and maybe even iOS9 if I'm lucky. Feels like One owners will be lucky to receive 4.2.2 is they ever will at all.

I did not buy it at release but I do not feel the wait for 4.2.2 was too long. I could have kept the s4 but that was not a reason for me to do so.
I sold my HTC one. It's an excellent device in most ways, but for me the problem is not with the phone but with the company.
What concerns me is that, although the One is a gorgeous phone, something as simple as having the battery replaced apparently requires almost destroying it. This is a problem if the issue were to occur after the one year warranty is up.
Second is how HTC stopped updating the HTC One S, a phone out for not much more than a year. Is that going to happen to the One as well? Troubling.
And the third reason that I decided to dump the One is over this 4.2.2 fiasco. Come on, I can't believe it should take this long to update an unlocked Developer Edition of this phone. It's ridiculous really.
Nexus devices will have 4.3 before I would have 4.2.2 it seems.
Best to sell now while it's still a "hot" phone and not 6 months or a year from now when HTC drops support for it.
I sold my HTC one. It's an excellent device in most ways, but for me the problem is not with the phone but with the company.
What concerns me is that, although the One is a gorgeous phone, something as simple as having the battery replaced apparently requires almost destroying it. This is a problem if the issue were to occur after the one year warranty is up.
Second is how HTC stopped updating the HTC One S, a phone out for not much more than a year. Is that going to happen to the One as well? Troubling.
And the third reason that I decided to dump the One is over this 4.2.2 fiasco. Come on, I can't believe it should take this long to update an unlocked Developer Edition of this phone. It's ridiculous really.
Nexus devices will have 4.3 before I would have 4.2.2 it seems.
Best to sell now while it's still a "hot" phone and not 6 months or a year from now when HTC drops support for it.

All valid reasons, really. I too sold my One a couple of days ago. Like you, I believe it to be a wonderful phone. The build is incredible and that screen is gorgeous. I really enjoyed Blinkfeed as well. But in the end, the tug of the S4 proved too much. That and the camera was the clincher for me. While it took great pictures up close and in low light, I take more wide angle nature type photos and for that, it's awful.

The dual boot app mentioned above is amazing, however. I kept a nandroid backup of the GE ROM and would switch to it every once in a while. To be able to do that on the fly is going to be pretty amazing.
All valid reasons, really. I too sold my One a couple of days ago. Like you, I believe it to be a wonderful phone. The build is incredible and that screen is gorgeous. I really enjoyed Blinkfeed as well. But in the end, the tug of the S4 proved too much. That and the camera was the clincher for me. While it took great pictures up close and in low light, I take more wide angle nature type photos and for that, it's awful.

The dual boot app mentioned above is amazing, however. I kept a nandroid backup of the GE ROM and would switch to it every once in a while. To be able to do that on the fly is going to be pretty amazing.

I'm looking into the S4 as well. The camera looks to be an improvement over the One but more importantly for me, it seems Samsung offers better support for their devices than HTC.
Also, the fact that the battery can be changed so quickly an inexpensively is a giant plus.
I really liked the 64 gigs storage on the HTC One DE but this is not really an issue as the S4 allows you to put in your own 64 gig micro sd.
The HTC One is a pretty damned nice looking device though.
This is a long way off, but I'm looking forward to switching to a Galaxy S5 next year.

Hopefully Samsung will get with the program and rid us of the physical home button (lead the way LG!), and use a more premium look/feel for their design. And hopefully it stays under 4.99".

There's so much to love about the HTC One, yet so much to hate about HTC.
There's so much to love about the HTC One, yet so much to hate about HTC.

I really don't get this mindset. The One performs better on 4.1.2 than the GS4 does on 4.2.2; imagine the outcry if HTC had rushed the update and launched with buggy software. The One's silky smooth performance is one of the few things HTC has going for them. I'm glad they took their time to iron out any issues before release (unlike Touchwiz).

Design quirks aside, the 4.2.2 update pretty much fixes the complaints people had with Sense 5; the menu bar is gone, the dock behaves as normal, quick settings are included, and we (finally!) have battery percentage included as stock. In my opinion the One is now the best android device you can buy - HTC have done a cracking job in producing such a lust-worthy device.

My only issue with updates is when we eventually come to 5.0 (4.3 doesn't seem to offer much in the way of improvements) - if it's a major redesign then it may pose problems integrating it with Sense, though I suspect that by then we'll be onto the Ones' successor.
Design quirks aside, the 4.2.2 update pretty much fixes the complaints people had with Sense 5; the menu bar is gone, the dock behaves as normal, quick settings are included, and we (finally!) have battery percentage included as stock. In my opinion the One is now the best android device you can buy - HTC have done a cracking job in producing such a lust-worthy device.

Sounds great. I'm on a Developer's Edition bought directly from HTC. Where is it?
I'm coming back. Having played with iOS 7 I now know what the iPhone is going to offer for the most part over the next couple of years and whilst the lick of paint is nice I still crave for more.

I like the idea of a GE HTC One. She arrives Monday and will be flashed with a new rom come bed time :)
I sold my HTC one. It's an excellent device in most ways, but for me the problem is not with the phone but with the company.
What concerns me is that, although the One is a gorgeous phone, something as simple as having the battery replaced apparently requires almost destroying it. This is a problem if the issue were to occur after the one year warranty is up.
Second is how HTC stopped updating the HTC One S, a phone out for not much more than a year. Is that going to happen to the One as well? Troubling.
And the third reason that I decided to dump the One is over this 4.2.2 fiasco. Come on, I can't believe it should take this long to update an unlocked Developer Edition of this phone. It's ridiculous really.
Nexus devices will have 4.3 before I would have 4.2.2 it seems.
Best to sell now while it's still a "hot" phone and not 6 months or a year from now when HTC drops support for it.

The One S was never a flagship device though. And while waiting for 4.2.2 is a bit annoying, the Note 2 and S3 aren't even getting it anytime soon so HTC is doing a bit better right now.
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