You know what else I'm not too crazy about? The app drawer. After seeing it in action in videos, what the heck is the deal with scrolling up/down?
Why is HTC trying so hard to make Android different, but in all the worse ways?
-The changing of the home button from the center (all for a logo). I've yet to hear a sensible reason to remove home from the center, or at least not make the HTC logo itself home.
-Blinkfeed being unremovable (you can change which is your home screen, but Blindfeed is always a home screen. If I'm mistaken, please correct me. That would be nice information to know. I forgot which review said it best, but any user can install and use Flipboard so easily, that BlinkFeed just doesn't seem necessary to force).
-The app drawer scrolling up/down instead of pages left/right.
What's the deal, HTC?
The hardware is so ace (minus a few poor decisions), but the software so lame.