So would u guys recommend getting a HTC one over the iphone 5....
Yes and no.
IPhone 5
+ smaller, lighter
+ battery last as about same
+ camera is better
+ camera software (HDR) is vastly superior
+ iMessaging is great if your friends are using too
+ email client on iOS is perhaps the best at rendering HTML emails.
+ App Store for gaming is still ahead of android
+ Airplay if you have an appleTV is great and just works
+ software syncing to a mac is unparalleled
- iOS feeling little old (too familiar)
- legacy menu settings / system to set things like music EQ and turn on / off Bluetooth feel antiquated
+ fast, smooth (android finally getting the smoothness of iOS)
+ HTC ZOE are great fun and HTC Share is great way to share them
+ battery life has been good
+ 1080p screen is gorgeous
+ messaging app has handy secure box so you can lock away sensitive SMS messages (perfect for the cheating husband - Tiger Woods messaging).
+ sense 5 is best version of its OS HTC have put out
+ support for Facebook Home (if you want to go down that road)
+ aesthetics / design of the device are arguably more Apple hardware lookalike than the iPhone.
- Blinkfeed isn't for everyone
- camera is very good but more megapixels would definetly have made it better.
- software updates may be slower coming than on an iOS device
- menu button in some apps takes up screen estate until HTC push out the update to assign it to a long press on back button
- HTC Sync Manager is much improved but still sucks donkey balls compared to iOS device nd iTunes integration. Why android devices suck so badly when syncing to mac hardware remains a mystery.
Only you can decide what you prefer. Both great phones, both very different. Both have strengths and weaknesses.