As a public service, I shall now gaze into the crystal ball to describe the personality of a typical Mini buyer. The Mini purchaser desires a machine with many input ports, in order to be able to connect a vast array of devices such as Firewire things, Ethernet things, USB things, HDMI things, and Thunderbolt things. This means the purchaser has a significant stash of these various things lying around, even though they are outdated. Why should someone persist in using an old Firewire external drive, or in purchasing a machine with an HDD drive, when there are faster and more modern alternatives available?
The Mini purchaser is a technology hoarder. They probably have a box in the closet full of dongles, PCMCIA cards, SCSI cables, serial cables, parallel cables, phone cords, gender changers, PS/2 to serial adapters, PS/2 to USB adapters, serial to USB adapters, serial to parallel adapters, VGA to S-video adapters, S-Video to DVI adapters, 1200 dpi scanners, diskettes, DAT drives and tapes, floppy disks, PPC software, power cords, sound cards, old RAM, dead hard drives and extra bricks along with obsolete mice, touchpads, microphones, cameras, and printers which can not be used because either the driver or the connection is no longer supported.
The Mini purchaser cannot let go of all this hardware which was once so valuable, partly because of the investment it represents and partly because of the knowledge that it will be landfilled, or scrapped at best, and they hate the idea of waste. So they cling to their bag o' crap, and idolize the Mini because at least it has a bunch of ports which allow them to maintain the illusion that the old gear is "still useful". This means the Mini purchaser is in a state of complete and utter denial: denial that the once valuable peripherals are deceased, denial that they will be able to continue to use their current, outdated devices, and denial that Apple will actually release a new Mini some day.
Yes, I see all these things in my crystal ball .... oh wait ... that's my mirror. Never mind.