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I got put in Time-Out last week, but I knew why. There are a poster who started a thread with a lengthy OP. No issue there. Then he felt the need to go from thread to thread, some in no way connected and kept pasting his thread's OP in the other threads. I reported it several times but nothing was done, so I posted immediately after some of those posts something to the point of trolling. I called it what it was. Then the other poster and I actually engaged in conversation as he/she didn't understand why I thought it was trolling, but before we got anywhere with that, we were both placed in Time-Out. All such posts were subsequently deleted by the mods. I let it get the best of me, handled it poorly, and sank to the level of the inane comments that some haters spew, so in the end I got what I deserved.

On a side note, at this point I think the OP Anthony and Sam have both stated their points several times and neither is going to agree to the others POV and you should probably drop it.
Not really.
It's just that the realists aren't motivated by fanboy attitudes and said what they had to say and moved on.
The fact is that the ipad is a toy, not a computer.

Right you are, Luis. That is exactly what the iPad is. And I can't wait to get my hands on one and play with it. And if it lets me play ssh, I can get real work done. If it lets me play vnc, I can get real work done. Oh yes, and if it lets me deal with email attachments (which we can't confirm yet), I can get real work done on the thing. So I will have something the size and weight of a notepad that will allow me to take notes on the road and occasionally do real work in a pinch. If the OS is well thought out and easy to use and makes the experience more like play than work then that's just the kind of toy I'm in the market for.
Not really.
It's just that the realists aren't motivated by fanboy attitudes and said what they had to say and moved on.
The fact is that the ipad is a toy, not a computer.

Most people use a computer at home nowadays as a toy, some gaming, mostly web surfing and email along with some home finance and the rest is generally media: music, movies, photos, home movies, etc. Most if not all of this is accomplished by the iPad in a very portable and light device. The truth is that most desktops and notebooks have long since surpassed in horsepower what the average user does with it on a daily basis. And that is what the appeal of the iPad will be.
Not really.
It's just that the realists aren't motivated by fanboy attitudes and said what they had to say and moved on.
The fact is that the ipad is a toy, not a computer.

By moved on you of course mean:

1. Opened Browser
2. Navigated to
3. Found iPad section
4. Found post about a product you don't care about, and have moved on.
5. Read through 4 pages of posts
6. Posted your snippy comment about how you have moved on.
7. Will surely return to see if anyone responded in said post about the product, which you have so clearly Moved on from.
Many of the naysayers have pretty good reasons. For many the iPad is just a waste of space and hype. Have fun using your iPad as a primary computer.

See, that just typifies the stupidity surrounding the device. While virtually all the rumor sites, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, were all saying "Media device, media device, media device" you were hearing "supercomputer on a shingle"and when you didn't get that, you were pissed. As if you had a right to expect Apple to fulfill your computer fantasy and a right to be pissed when their sales and marketing needs didn't match your fantasy.

Just amazing.
See, that just typifies the stupidity surrounding the device. While virtually all the rumor sites, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, were all saying "Media device, media device, media device" you were hearing "supercomputer on a shingle"and when you didn't get that, you were pissed. As if you had a right to expect Apple to fulfill your computer fantasy and a right to be pissed when they didn't.

Just amazing.

Ah reminds me of the days when there was a hole in the lineup.
Yes I'm referring to the oft stirred debate over the need for a midrange tower that gave consumers a lesser MacPro with 2HDD bays, a PCI-X slot, and no fixed display. I was one of them. I bought a 24" aluminum iMac and never found myself missing that midrange phantom.
r0k - brilliant

rolandg - interesting observation about how most computers are used in the home nowadays. I think it clear that that observation underpins Apple's thinking about the design of the iPad. re: Sam, I am legit interested in better understanding the point he's trying to make. It's felt like he's debating me on a point I'm not debating :)

hmac: yup, the expectations vs. reality. In fairness, Apple couldn't possibly have met - let alone exceeded - expectations. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that come OS 4.0 there will be an awful lot of crow being served up :)
Anthony -

We can agree to disagree on whether or not the iPad - as presented at the keynote is, itself "worthy." But I might point out that several of your comments - even most recently keep talking about the future, not now. And I can't "argue" with what may be - only what currently is.

Yes - eventually, when the internet opens up to much greater speeds, and quite a few years after (adoption rate, cost, and all that) only then will hard media like DVDs - but more likely blu-rays be less important to the consumer. Realistically - you're talking at least a decade.

CDs MAY not take as long - but for now, they aren't going anywhere either. It would be like saying books are going to be a thing of the past soon.

"Soon" is a long way off.

So is the iPad a great device today? Sure. But I think (and maybe I'm wrong - and if so, I apologize) the way you're describing your utopian vision of the iPad and everything it can do is rooted in the "what if" and future categories. Not to say it can't do a lot now.

And I'm not saying that to be negative. And I'm not a "hater." It's not a question of not seeing the potential - but rather seeing the current reality. At least for me. I won't speak for others who clearly just like to rant or say ApPle Sux. I welcome what the future holds for the iPad. And as fun or cool as it might be in its current state. It's a luxury item and one that fills no need FOR ME with it's current specs/os/functionality. Will that change... of course. But as the song says, "who knows where or when" :)
Well my macbook is instant on from sleep as well. His argument was that the iPad was instant on, aren't all netbooks and laptops from sleep? The longest I've ever waited for a windows laptop has been 5 seconds.... I guess I misunderstood.

There is a big difference between a sleeping laptop and iPhone/iPad in idle mode. A laptop/netbook in sleep mode can't receive IMs, voice calls, push notification, sound alarms or calendar reminders. The moment you close the lid and put it in your bag - it becomes useless as a communications device.

An iPhone/iPad can do all these things, whether you're actively using it or it's idle in your bag. So unlike a netbook, iPad can be used as a phone-like "always on" communications device. This is a very important distinction to me.
Most people use a computer at home nowadays as a toy, some gaming, mostly web surfing and email along with some home finance and the rest is generally media: music, movies, photos, home movies, etc. Most if not all of this is accomplished by the iPad in a very portable and light device. The truth is that most desktops and notebooks have long since surpassed in horsepower what the average user does with it on a daily basis. And that is what the appeal of the iPad will be.


Plus just wait until you actually get to hold one. I resisted the iPhone for Six weeks after it came out. When I actually held one, the game was over! I had to have it. I'm assuming iPad will be even more lustworthy.

Plus just wait until you actually get to hold one. I resisted the iPhone for Six weeks after it came out. When I actually held one, the game was over! I had to have it. I'm assuming iPad will be even more lustworthy.

I easily "resisted" the first version of the Touch. After they came out with the second gen, with speaker and volume control, I decided to spring for one. Two days later, I got my wife one. We both dearly LOVE our Touchs! Even better than a Touch is a Touch plus MiFi--giving me internet access EVERYWHERE I go, because Verizon's data service is everywhere I go.
I'm so glad you no longer have to suffer under the traumatic emotional experience of having people criticize an Apple product. I know that's a terrible thing to have to endure, to have someone not like something Apple makes or be able to make arguments about how there might be more applicable hardware out there for certain situations. It sort of ruins your whole day, and honestly, prolonged exposure to such obviously mentally deficient people - I rank them with people who use Windows and those that operate under the delusion that they can read better on an e-ink screen (honestly, how the hell would they know what they're comfortable doing, don't they listen to Steve?) - can probably lead to the need for prolonged therapy.

It's good we're finally getting past that initial hump and those that feel that they don't have any need for an iPad are realizing they're actually lesser human beings since they think something else might fit their needs better. It's obvious they need to change their computing behavior to better match Apple's vision.

Most brilliant thing I've read on these posts all day.
It's good we're finally getting past that initial hump and those that feel that they don't have any need for an iPad are realizing they're actually lesser human beings since they think something else might fit their needs better. It's obvious they need to change their computing behavior to better match Apple's vision.


Nice strawman.

I'm not in the market for a 4x4. Maybe I should go to 4x4 forums and complain about how a Jeep doesn't meet my needs.

Nice strawman.

I'm not in the market for a 4x4. Maybe I should go to 4x4 forums and complain about how a Jeep doesn't meet my needs.

Actually - you're being a strawman now, no?

Your logic fails in that the poster is already a member of this forum, most likely has apple products and there are many threads discussing the positives and negatives of this new product.

If you already owned a specific maker of 4x4, were an active member of a message board community for that maker's 4x4s - and a brand new 4x4 came out that was supposed to be the best new thing in 4x4 and you didn't think it did anything new or better for you than your current 4x4 - then you would be in a similar scenario.

Fair enough, but the critiques have been presented endlessly; I'm not sure what there is to be gained by rehearsing them further. When people are beating a dead horse, indignant hyperbole which amounts to "Hey, I have a right to get my kicks in" is dumb. It's certainly not "The most brilliant thing I've read on these forums all day".
But I think (and maybe I'm wrong - and if so, I apologize) the way you're describing your utopian vision of the iPad and everything it can do is rooted in the "what if" and future categories. Not to say it can't do a lot now.

And I'm not saying that to be negative. And I'm not a "hater." It's not a question of not seeing the potential - but rather seeing the current reality.

I actually do believe you're wrong (and I'm not responding to be argumentative, but rather to clarify my point).

For me, and my needs, and, I believe, for the needs of the many, what the iPad can do right now is enough to serve as a primary computer. I am 100% sure of this for myself. Yes it requires another computer to sync media from. But since I and most others already have a computer for this purpose...I don't need to wait for my "utopian" future.

My future is now. Or more accurately in 90-ish days when the 3G models get delivered and I use it as my primary machine :)

What's especially off-putting is people telling me that I cannot do this when in fact, I will.

By the way I don't think my vision of the future is utopian. I think it's inevitable.

One question I'd put to the nay-sayers...

How would you feel about the iPad if:
A) OS4 were announced prior to iPad's shipping, and offered true multi-tasking?
B) An Apple-specific cloud media store/sync service was launched?
Fair enough, but the critiques have been presented endlessly; I'm not sure what there is to be gained by rehearsing them further. When people are beating a dead horse, indignant hyperbole which amounts to "Hey, I have a right to get my kicks in" is dumb. It's certainly not "The most brilliant thing I've read on these forums all day".

One can easily reverse your argument in that arguments IN FAVOR of iPad have been presented endlessly, and there is no further inside gained in rehearsing them further.

When a new category of products like this hits the market place.. there are bound to be strong opinions on both sides of the fence - people who think the new product is the best thing since sliced bread.. and people who think the new product is lacking.

To say that the discussion should be limited to just "positive" or just "negative" commentary is somewhat ridiculous.
One question I'd put to the nay-sayers...

How would you feel about the iPad if:
A) OS4 were announced prior to iPad's shipping, and offered true multi-tasking?
B) An Apple-specific cloud media store/sync service was launched?

A) I would feel VERY GOOD about it, as it would put me much closer to considering buying an iPad

B) Ambivalent, if they tie it to MobileMe and I have to pay monthly fee for it.
I don't need to wait for my "utopian" future.

One question I'd put to the nay-sayers...

How would you feel about the iPad if:
A) OS4 were announced prior to iPad's shipping, and offered true multi-tasking?
B) An Apple-specific cloud media store/sync service was launched?

For one - I never said your utopian future. I said "utopian vision of the iPad and everything it can do" Very different.

And as for your A&B - as I said - as presented at the keynote - I don't have any use for the iPad at this time. You're adding a whole new element to the mix - so it would really depend on what was offered in OS 4.0. Multitasking isn't the only thing that would tip the scale (for me).

There are limitations that I've learned to deal with regarding the iPhone OS on my 3gs. And I live with them without really any complaints BECAUSE of the device it is. But the iPad would only multiply those shortcomings (for me) - and that's not acceptable. Again - for me.

An example - I want an integrated email inbox. There's really no reason it can't happen on the iPhone but I'm more willing to let that slide on that device. But if I spent money on a new device and one with more real estate that was touted as the missing link between phone and computer - I'd want an integrated email box more. Make sense? Does the iPad software have this yet? We really don't know. Which is why I keep saying to you and others that AS PRESENTED at the keynote, I have no interest.

That's just one example - but I think it's one that's easy to understand.
I received a 48 hour suspension of my posting privileges, which ended yesteday at 4PM. I presume it was because MacRumors is "pro Apple" and I posted a lot of negative opinion about the iPad. I guess, as always, there really is no such thing as "free speech" on any forum. sigh. (I was suspended without notice or private message--no warning and no explanation).

No I think it was because you were spamming the board with silly threads. :D
No I think it was because you were spamming the board with silly threads. :D

Spamming? Define spamming. Define "silly". ALL the threads about the ipad are 99% conjecture and opinion. I fail to see how any thread I started strayed outside the bounds of the typical threads here.
Spamming? Define spamming. Define "silly". ALL the threads about the ipad are 99% conjecture and opinion. I fail to see how any thread I started strayed outside the bounds of the typical threads here.

The thread Ipad vs a rock was a pointless thread.I mean come on, give the ipad a bit of credit. It's a little more useful than a rock is.

A lot of what you posted in the threads you created could have gone into pre existing threads. If you keep creating threads for every little point you bring up then you start spamming the boards. Just a theory anyway.
The thread Ipad vs a rock was a pointless thread.I mean come on, give the ipad a bit of credit. It's a little more useful than a rock is.

A lot of what you posted in the threads you created could have gone into pre existing threads. If you keep creating threads for every little point you bring up then you start spamming the boards. Just a theory anyway.

Aha, just as I suspect---you have NO sense of humor. That's why you deemed that thread "pointless". for gawd sakes, man, LIGHTEN UP!
I think I lost it somewhere :(

bummer! My dad (he's now 83) has a tougher time laughing at things than I do. I feel sorry for him. I mean, he has his moments, but he doesn't laugh as easily as I do, which I think is a shame. To get an idea of what makes me laugh my *ss off, have you seen Office Space? That's my all-time favorite satirical movie.
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