I called Customer Service a couple days ago. I didn't even ask where it was shipping from and he said "It looks like yours is shipping from one of our stateside warehouses"
Which as we near Wednesday is making more sense.
I know the Rep I spoke to yesterday he told me that all ipads are coming from China. But if that's the case, I can't see them making it here by May 15. I'm hoping that they just shipped a stockpile of the 16GB pads up here to the states to catch up with demand and our ipads will come from this shipment. It would seem so true because like I said before, within the past couple of weeks, I haven't saw that many people anywhere saying that they received their pre-ordered 16GB ipad. Even at the Apple stores around here, some of them have 32GB and 64GB ipads in but none of them have 16GB in. But last night, a lot of people that ordered 16Gb ipads received the "Prepared for shipment" status and this includes people from other forums that I'm following as well.