They really nerfed the "For You" section. I actually liked the variety of playlists in the old Music app.
I decided to sign up for the 3 month trial period last week before the WWDC.
Once I did this the Music app began to make perfect sense but before, not really.
The FOR YOU section was actually becoming very enjoyable to look at and use.
It was as close to a flea market record store browse as you might imagine on a small device or a sense of having a nice collection to wander through.
So I wondered if they planned to introduce coverflow at this level, the interface looked like it was using it by the way albums where partially stacked going right to left were you can see half of each album cover, but no.
This would have been the cherry on the Music cake for me. Now it's to be redesigned and I don't like the FOR YOU blocks. That's very Win 10 is it not?
I'm not beta user so rely on these reviews and user posting images.
One final point, personally I think the title of the Album/Sing title and song playing should be above the Album cover work and not above the controls and below the album artwork.
This is why in the current version the text is small/slim, it's trying to be discreet without interfering with the interface. So this to my eye looks like the response to complaints of it being too small was so some shouted at the designers make it BIGGER AND BOLDER! Yet sometimes repositioning an element clarifies something without having to make a size change. This to me seems like the kind of decision an non-design savvy Executive would DEMAND without question because they're sick of feeling the heat of complaints and they're right because they're the BOSS!
Placing it above would help differentiate and balance out the interface and clean it up.
Since the introductions of words as buttons, it's important not to have word-buttons and type that is informative close to each other. It's simply clutter to the eye, especially with all the white space everywhere and beyond. All that white space causes dimensional and perimeter problems as to what is what. It's disorientating to the eye. The eye needs places to rest and places to awe!
The iOS Design grammar seems once again inconsistent as appears to be the the reliable norm.