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macrumors 6502a
Nov 12, 2020
Some people need their medicines pronto!!
Arguing with you is cake, especially since most of the conspiracy theories in your article from 2020 have turned into conspiracy fact.

Claim about the impact on DNA​

First, a video containing inaccurate claims about coronavirus vaccine trials, made by osteopath Carrie Madej, that has proved popular on social media.

Carrie Madej's video makes a false claim that the vaccines will change recipients' DNA (which carries genetic information).

Whoops, turns out that Madej was right. The Florida surgeon general has said that it's very possible for DNA contaminants in these vaccines to integrate with the contents of your own cells.

For that matter, you might want to look up what "SV40" is.

Claims about the pace of vaccine trials​

When the preliminary results of the Oxford coronavirus vaccine study were published on Monday, the topic provoked much debate in coronavirus-focused Facebook groups.

Some Facebook users posted comments saying they didn't want the vaccine as they felt they would be used as "guinea pigs" and that it had been "rushed into production at warp speed".

What do you think Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" was? They fast-tracked the vaccine, and the original control group from the short-lived trials they did do eventually were given the real vaccine. We have no way to look at long-term impacts, especially critical when a vaccine usually takes 7-10 years to get to market, and this was done in < 1 year.

You might also want to look at this clip where Pfizer admitted that they "really had to move at the speed of science."

Vaccine takers are so BTFO. It's game over for you. You were wrong and lost horribly.

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macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
The USA, the Land of the Free My Ass! LMAO
It's crazy how censorship is being push on all platforms and individuals if you dare to speak against the establishment. The 1st Amendment is the first for a reason. This is the most basic right. Free Speech is not negotiable.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
This may be the first thing Biden's ever done that actually is good for America. China is a sleezy country and needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Spy balloons flying over the US with impunity & spyware from the CCP on our phones.

Of course, true credit for this goes to President Trump who sounded the alarm on this (and was ofc pilloried in the press over it) and tried to do something about it.


macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2020
“ByteDance is also expected to launch a legal challenge against the bill by arguing that it will deprive the app's 170 million U.S. users of their First Amendment rights protecting freedom of speech.”
They have the ability to infringe on those deprived rights, that’s the problem


macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
Et tu, Mac Rumors?

...geez, the world in the era of the internet is simply a cesspool of conspiracy theories, terrible logic and lack of education.
Sure, that's a big part of it BUT also gave voice to independents journalists/analysts and ordinary folks outside or corporate media control exposing a lot of truth and the crimes of the establishment. In the end, you cannot censor speech. The only exception is if it incites physical violence.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
And they are surprised when Europe doesn’t want its data to be stored and processed in clouds operated by US-based companies.
There’s a big difference between potentially exposing data to allies and neutral countries vs exposing data to an adversary. That said, I don’t blame any country for wanting to protect their data as much as possible.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
I would honestly be more excited if the same thing happened to Meta and all these other social media platforms that basically do the same thing...
I’m not at all a fan of any social media either, and they’re probably all being used by some to control others to some extent, but whatever dangers exist with US-based social media, with the platform being US adversary-based there is a whole new dimension of possible dangers added. No one can reasonably argue against that.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 28, 2015
ÜT: 41.065573,-83.668801
With the weak old man in the white house, I don't see this happening.

Should it? Who knows. Personally I think they want an American company to own it so they can control the influence rather than China.

Social media is way more dangerous than I think we give it credit.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
The moment you called Israel a genocide country is the moment I saw your true colors. You don't f*cking know what's a genocide country, but ask your Communist friends, they are experts at it. And yes I'm not interested in arguing with you, is a waste of time, so I will stop here.
Typical Zionist response. Israel was founded on genocide, the Nakba, and continues it to this day. I’m Jewish, and I was raised being taught that Israel was a shining beacon of democracy in the Middle East, and that the formation of Israel was harmonious and ethical. It was gutting to discover I had been lied to my entire life. Israel was founded as an extension of British colonialism, and then the US saw the strategic advantage in backing Israel and now Israel is a US proxy state.

And don’t get confused, just because I call out Israel doesn’t mean I think China is innocent. Their treatment of Tibet and the Uhygurs is also genocide, among many other serious issues. There are plenty of things I despise about China, but that doesn’t let Israel off the hook.

You are a genocide denier, so it’s not me who doesn’t “f*cking know”. And your whole poor innocent Israel defending itself narrative is failing apart. People are seeing right through it. As is the absurd “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” canard.

Thanks for making that clear. I think the US is very problematic for a lot of reasons; so much so that I left living there.

But the same as China? That's a road I can't travel with you. But it lets me understand your future statements with a better understanding of what you think.
I never said they were the same. They’re two different countries with two different histories. My point is not that both are indistinguishable, but that neither one is morally superior to the other, so I disregard any argument based on the notion that the United States is any better than China.
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Jan 2, 2002
I never said they were the same. They’re two different countries with two different histories. My point is not that both are indistinguishable, but that neither one is morally superior to the other, so I disregard any argument based on the notion that the United States is any better than China.

It's easy to criticize everybody as bad. But at some point, one needs to put a flag in the ground to have any claim on morality whatsoever.

When you say the US is no better than China then you are, in fact, saying that the US and China are "the same" relative to morals. That was my point.

Until you can tell me what is good, you can't tell me what is bad. These things are relational by definition.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
And the Covid vaccine contains Government Microchips right :rolleyes:
Oh no, we all know they are 100% safe and effective! 🙄

Fail to see how this passes constitutional muster.
Fail to see how any of what has passed in the last 100 years or so has passed constitutional muster, but here we are. Thank you Woodrow Wilson.

I posted this on a Verge comments section about TikTok creating an Instagram rival:
I still stand by it.
So you're OK with the federal government controlling your speech?

All because of *Mister Yahoo!*
😒 we aren’t even allowed to mention his full name either for various reasons.
Sure you are. It's only a name and this is in the political news forum.

So many people on here seem wholly oblivious to geopolitical issues.

Just to give you some perspective, especially those of you who are decrying "first amendment" rights...

In China, the following apps are banned:

Don't forget old school Google, that is until they bent the knee.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
I’m not at all a fan of any social media either, and they’re probably all being used by some to control others to some extent, but whatever dangers exist with US-based social media, with the platform being US adversary-based there is a whole new dimension of possible dangers added. No one can reasonably argue against that.
Oh yes, because our data is so safe with American owned companies.

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macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
It's easy to criticize everybody as bad. But at some point, one needs to put a flag in the ground to have any claim on morality whatsoever.

When you say the US is no better than China then you are, in fact, saying that the US and China are "the same" relative to morals. That was my point.

Until you can tell me what is good, you can't tell me what is bad. These things are relational by definition.
Ireland is pretty good. Cuba post revolution, South Africa post apartheid (there’s still political corruption but it is undeniably a better international citizen post apartheid), Vietnam post revolution, Ukraine after the fall of the USSR. Generally the places that have resisted and/or rejected settler colonialism. I’m not saying that’s the only metric but it’s a solid starting point.

And I’m not foolish enough to argue that any country is or has been perfect, but the literal heart of the imperial world order and the most hyper capitalist country in the world, the US, is as morally corrupt as you can get. The US has destabilized and overthrown democratically elected governments for decades so they could extract as many resources as possible at the cost of the quality of life and freedoms for the populations of those countries. And then of course you have slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, internment camps for Japanese Americans in WWII, Jim Crow, etc etc etc. The US has no morals, it never has, and all the propaganda in the world will never change that.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Everyday I see the horrors of what the Sackler family has done to this country, along with so much other stuff. There’s never money or bipartisanship to help or solve issue’s facing nearly all Americans, yet there’s infinite money to fund foreign wars and the 2 parties always come together to strip Americans of their rights.

Yea China is bad and all that, but as an American citizen I’m far more concerned with what our own government is doing to us. Where’s the outrage and debate over the 4th amendment being completely nullified?

An app mostly used by teenagers to post dance videos is a “threat”, but all Americans being spied on is not a threat? Just can’t think of anyone who would abuse this kind of power in the future…🙄

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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
Oh yes, because our data is so safe with American owned companies.

Who said it was safe?


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
Who said it was safe?
My point is that this is political theater. Requiring TikTok to be owned by an American company does not prevent user data from going to China. All it does is line the pockets of TikTok’s competitors. And given how awful their competitors are, that is a worse outcome than leaving TikTok as is.
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