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macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2008
You directly injected yourself with parasites. Sample below of what was in vaccines. Why did those vaccines need to be stored at -40 degrees? Did you ever ask yourself that?

Oh, you weren't informed by your doctors or the government of its contents? Too bad, you accepted it under an EUA and now you have no legal recourse. Wish you the best of luck, mate, but you might want to stop laughing at everyone who dared to look a little bit further into this than you.

View attachment 2371478

At least it's not microchips!!! Whew!
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macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2008
To be
Both parties are funded by AIPAC, and they aren’t too happy with how pro-Palestine TikTok is.

Coincidentally, this TikTok ban was packaged with $26 billion in foreign aid support to Israel.

View attachment 2371416
To be realistic, everything that is proposed is also packaged with a massive amount of things many do not want. That age old game of party stuffing of issues. Pack 10 things in that my party wants, along with the 1 thing your party may be pressured to approve... all so that I can get the things I want. Sad that many do not care either way. And there are pros to both sides all over social media of various sorts. Hard to lump a platform as neatly as you can with Fox versus CNN.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
Apple should buy it
Can you explain why they should buy it? I am sincerely interested in reading what business factors you see as making it a solid investment for Apple. Given all the anti-trust issues and EU regulators, how could buying TIkTok possibly be a good move for Apple?

No, they shouldn't. No how, no way.

There is no business case to justify buying it and a huge one against buying it.

It is little more than a giant headache filled with current and future liability problems.


macrumors 65816
Sep 18, 2012
So much for free speech and/or "freedom". Seriously, anyone who supports this style of censorship needs to re-evaluate their understanding of what a free society should be. The data is hosted in the USA by Oracle (which itself was selling user data to foreign countries -- yet, oddly, Congress is silent about that too). Congress is concerned only by the fact that they can't manipulate the content on TikTok as easily as they can on other platforms.

Your access to information was just restricted. This is what fascism looks like.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
Both parties are funded by AIPAC, and they aren’t too happy with how pro-Palestine TikTok is.

Coincidentally, this TikTok ban was packaged with $26 billion in foreign aid support to Israel.

View attachment 2371416
So are you claiming shutting down Hamas / Palestine discussion on social media is the reason the US government has taken this position and AIPAC is ultimately behind this? What is the evidence for that assertion? What percentage of all discussions do the items on your list constitute? Perspective is important

If you check the facts, you will find the push to force divestment or sale was started more than a year before the October 7th war started.

The packaging with the aid bill is simple politics and is practiced with just about all legslation to give something legs that might not stand on its own. "I'll give you this, but you need to give me that in return."
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macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
So they let a Chinese spy balloon fly over the whole US and over our bases but I’m supposed to be concerned about china watching me watch women in bikinis all day on tik tok ? 😂😂😂
Perhaps you should be working instead of spending all day watching bikini clad women on TikTok.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
It is always scary when the left and the right unite against first amendment rights. If there is any credibility to their concerns, it could be solved by requiring algorithms to be transparent. This authoritarian approach will hopefully be shot down by the courts.
This is not even close to a 1st Amendment issue. No one, the government or otherwise is stopping you from saying anything you want. Go create and fund an app to take TikTok's place. You can be assured such moves are well underway by tech entrepreneurs.

Algorithms have even less to do with this.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
My point is that this is political theater. Requiring TikTok to be owned by an American company does not prevent user data from going to China. All it does is line the pockets of TikTok’s competitors. And given how awful their competitors are, that is a worse outcome than leaving TikTok as is.
I don’t know all the facts, but this sounds similar to the false argument that because the App Store doesn’t catch all scam apps, it’s worthless at catching any. I don’t buy that giving China direct unfettered AND indirect somewhat fettered access to data is better than giving them ONLY indirect somewhat fettered access.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2009
I kind of stopped after Facebook. MySpace always sorta stunk, Facebook (at the time, 2006 or 2007) was less of a mosh pit and more intuitive. All the other apps afterwards are kind of redundant to me. I have text for messages and Facebook for social. I use Yotuube for entertainment, all the other apps are just too similar in content or functionality (or both) for me to spend time with.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of downtime I waste on my phone, but ten different messaging apps and a half dozen video content apps which are essentially just bastions for random streaming videos are too much.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
It is stunning what so many of the assertions on this thread say. Such gigantic misunderstandings of the issue and false attributions are present all over the posts for this article. Just unreal some of the things being said and the absence of facts to justify almost all of it.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
I don’t know all the facts, but this sounds similar to the argument that because the App Store doesn’t catch all scam apps, it’s worthless at catching any. I don’t buy that giving China direct unfettered access to data is better than giving them indirect somewhat fettered access. And why makes you think Tik Tok is morally better than their competitors?
It's not the same argument as scam apps on the App Store because Apple works to catch and remove spam apps. Facebook's entire business model is selling advertising using targeted user data and selling user data.

I also did not say that TikTok is morally better than their competitors, but rather that giving more power to their competitors is not good for users.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2004
Swing the election for who? The vehemently anti-China and protectionist Biden, or the vehemently anti-China and protectionist Trump?
Pick your poison, both teams use it as a mouthpiece which I'm sure neither wants to lose the platform at this point in time as it's probably the most influential one on the planet right now. Either way it's most likely in hands of another nation to decide who gets the most traction.

Heck, the algorithm is right now probably only gearing up for what happens in 2028 when the current bull is just a distant memory and the 13/14 year old kids using the platform right now are the ones being influenced.
Anyone who believes this is about protecting Americans is a deluded fool. This is about protecting the interests of American tech companies who want to harvest all the data for themselves. Facebook has repeatedly abused user data, selling it to the highest bidder and manipulating algorithms to achieve their own political and monetary goals (including facilitating a genocide). Google is busy tracking everything everywhere that it can. None of the big American tech companies are regulated in any meaningful way.
Completely agree, every social media, advertising and news platform should be investigated for pushing agendas and be heavily regulated - but who has the balls to do it, is un-corrupt enough, and wields enough power to make those decisions on behalf of a nation? Even the EU, has not made any great strides in this area beyond data privacy.
Get your head out of the sand and stop drinking the bought and paid for American political kool-aid.
I'm not American, nor do I drink any kind of political Kool-aid.

As an individual, it's my personal belief that (any) foreign state-sponsored social influencing platform is a bad idea - this includes American to EU, EU to America, America to Middle East etc ...

Other nations learned early in the game that foreign social media influence causes domestic problems and have nipped it in the bud.

Do I believe Tik Tok's "investors" are capitalizing on "western free speech" (and willingness to be social idiots) as a means of both harvesting data on a foreign nations citizens and influencing social instability (or stability)? Absolutely, it's a smart move that any government would make against a potentially threatening foreign power if they had that ability - Propaganda works.

Almost half of the population of the United States have a TikTok accounts. One Billion people worldwide along with the 1.4 Billion people in China who's data is already collected makes over 1/3 of the worlds population being tracked and fed whatever (selected videos by other users) desired by a foreign nation that we know uses social media as a means of control against its own citizens.

Yes, Facebook, Google, X etc.. are as bad, possibly even worse as their agenda is that of private corporations to simply print money. No utopian future on the horizon, with no real agenda aside from simply trigger, engage, trigger, engage.

It is hilarious how the same people who are salivating to have this app banned also say America is the land of the free. :rolleyes:
USA? Free-er than some, less than others. Real freedom only exists if buy your own country - you are always going to be at the mercy of a governments laws, agendas, and policies, the only choice we have is which interferes with our own individual vision of freedom the least.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2004
So many people on here seem wholly oblivious to geopolitical issues.

Just to give you some perspective, especially those of you who are decrying "first amendment" rights...

In China, the following apps are banned:

You also forgot to include TikTok, as it's also banned.

Douyin the variant available there is heavily state monitored (censored).


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2022
Cronyism is definied (in every dictionary) as "the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications." Would you please connect the definition to your article?

Cronyism has not a thing to do with this.

The primary reason is legitimate national security issues. The Chinese have been doing it to American and European companies for years and both the US and Europe have largely allowed them unimpeded access to their markets.

In addition, Chinese control makes TikTok subject to the political and day to day control of the Chinese government. Any demand for TikTok's data will be almost immediately acceded to or just as we have seen = with other Chinese companies, the owners and executives will quickly end up Chinese prisons. Can you say with certainty that the data stored on servers in the US can not be copied and supplied to China if they tell one of their execs to get out for them?

Not everything is some kind of conspiracy. Some things are exactly what they are portrayed to be even if the players are of questionable integrity.

China is like Trump - me first, last and always and you better not get in my way.
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macrumors 6502
Let me burst your bubble. YES, your government spies on you, not matter which party is in power, no matter which country, even progressive Europeans ones, if not they ask US to do the dirty job on their citizens for them. It is been always the same, in the 30's in the 40's in the 50's, 60's 70's 80's and on... It's part of the way a responsible government stops mass attacks against their own citizens, criminal activities and terrorism. It's part of our life. What we, as citizens must demand is accountability and a way to avoid abuses by our leaders in using those tools.

As for Tik-Tok, the problem is that that platform is used by some guys in the Chinese Government to spread chaos, confusion and anti-democratic ideas between our young generations, it's being abused by foreign assets.
And please don't compare USA with China, we don't have Uyghur's extermination and reeducation camps. Here we are still a democracy, a wounded one if you wish, but DEMOCRACY!
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
It's not the same argument as scam apps on the App Store because Apple works to catch and remove spam apps. Facebook's entire business model is selling advertising using targeted user data and selling user data.

I also did not say that TikTok is morally better than their competitors, but rather that giving more power to their competitors is not good for users.
I meant the argument is similar because (I think) you say the data is getting to China through other means anyway so it doesn’t matter if the US bans Tik Tok.

You caught that last remark from my post before I removed it (I wanted to keep the debate more focused), but I’d say it’s very speculative/unfounded to say that 3(?) domestic evil competitors is worse for the public than adding in one more evil competitor from an adversarial authoritarian state.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2014
Cronyism is definied (in every dictionary) as "the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications." Would you please connect the definition to your article?

Cronyism has not a thing to do with this.

The primary reason is legitimate national security issues. The Chinese have been doing it to American and European companies for years and both the US and Europe have largely allowed them unimpeded access to their markets.

In addition, Chinese control makes TikTok subject to the political and day to day control of the Chinese government. Any demand for TikTok's data will be almost immediately acceded to or just as we have seen = with other Chinese companies, the owners and executives will quickly end up Chinese prisons. Can you say with certainty that the data stored on servers in the US can not be copied and supplied to China if they tell one of their execs to get out for them?

Not everything is some kind of conspiracy. Some things are exactly what they are portrayed to be even if the players are of questionable integrity.

China is like Trump - me first, last and always and you better not get in my way.
I didn't use the word cronyism, and your myopic focus on that word feels like you're dodging the point. Facebook spent 8 million to get this outcome. They wouldn't have done that if they weren't planning to gain massively from it AND they couldn't have done it without willing politicians who were happy to take Facebook's money in exchange for their vote.

The argument that it's for national security is extremely weak. China hoards data, the US hoards data, the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and every other country without strict privacy laws hoard data. If it's a national security issue, ban it for civil servants and politicians. Banning it outright is not a national security move. As I've said numerous times above, Facebook is happy to sell their data to China, and I'm sure Google is too, along with many other tech companies besides. China is very good at using our capitalism at all costs mentality against us.
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