At this moment (about 3 hours after unboxing, and migrating previous machine data to it), I am not an instant fan of the touch bar.
Years of knowing the precisely where brightness (both screen and keyboard), volume, and later on with the addition of the Mission Control key mappings are now lost.
Perhaps I fidget with these more than I should, but nonetheless. Now, its a matter of expanding the half sized arrow control next to the brightness slider button/toggle, to reveal all of the old favorites (and no apparent way to keep this bar open, overriding any application specific functions if you dont care to see them).
But, I can see this changing. Open up Photos app Lots of functionality there. Finder, can add lots of commonly used functionality. Chrome... well, it's a third party app - so nothing here just yet. Would be nice to have so generic options to be shows when the app has no support for the bar.
Took me all of 10 minutes to get used to the keyboard. I might actually prefer it in time. Very flat. Kind of pleasing crunchy sound of the keys bottoming out when I'm typing quickly. Similar to the motivation the mechanical keyboard gives you, without the travel of course.
So, with that said. The return clock has started. I have a perfectly good 2015 Macbook Pro if it doesn't work out.