U.K. Folk!!!
Looking for an M1 Mac at a far cheaper price than direct from Apple? Try Tecobuy.co.uk
They are a Hong Kong based retailer.
I ordered my M1 Mac Mini from them. 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD. It cost £799 which is £100 cheaper than direct from Apple.
Now the Mac took one calendar month to arrive. I ordered on 24 November and it delivered on 19 December.
It is Apple Malaysian stock. The Mac Mini came in full complete, unopened, original Apple packaging with an Apple U.K. power cable inside the box, wrapped in the cardboard the exact way Apple package their cables. I presume that Malaysia use the same power socket as U.K. does.
Because this is an Apple product the warranty is valid worldwide. I’ve been using the M1 Mac Mini for a few days now and it’s perfectly fine. Check my post history.
This is their promotional email that Tecobuy sent me today...
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