Hi all,
I’ve been scrolling through this forum and thread for a little while to gain some insight into how the process works so I’d like to say thanks to you all for the info you’ve shared. I’ve never preordered an iPhone directly through Apple, only ever through a carrier back in Australia, but I’ll be giving it a go this time around.
I have a question about the likelihood of getting a preorder phone and when the next availabilities might be if you miss out? I am leaving the UK to travel for 4 months on the 28th September so really hoping I can land a new iPhone before then. I am concerned that if I place an order online and miss out on the first release that the phone will be delivered while I’m gone.
With this is mind, do you guys think placing a pre-order to pick up in store would be a better option? Am I able to cancel the order altogether if they allocate me a phone after the date that I leave?
Sorry for the 50 questions and I’m probably over-complicating it, just trying to make sure I’m prepared and know what I’m in for!
Thanks guys
Hi. You’ve not said which model you might be going for. I assume you’re looking to preorder 8.01 on Friday like the rest of us?
IMO the XS will be the phone with the greatest availability followed by the XS+ then 9.
Apples shipping estimates usually start with “delivers 24th, ships 3-7 days, 7-10 days, 1-2 weeks.. etc” (similar wording and timings etc)
The rate at which stock estimates change will depend on stock levels and demand so if you’re quick on the order first thing Friday (8.01am) then you’ll likely get release day stock or one soon after.
So worst case (based in my assumption in stock) you ordered a XS+ or 9 >8.20 onwards, you’ll be waiting a week or two for stock.
Saying all this, apple have history of under promising and over delivering. For the “high demand” of the X last year I placed my order at 8.08 and shipping estimates has slipped to 1-2 weeks, and moments later even further. (I’m not expecting the XS to be that quick off the shelf). Even based on my shipping estimates the order shipped quickly and was delivered and in my hands on the 9/10 with the release day being 3/10.
So my advice is be quick on the pre order, get our account in order (add the payment card you want to use in advance) and try getting on the website ASAP.
As it was mentioned before you can cancel your pre order before it’s ‘preparing for shipping’ so if you get a date you don’t like you can cancel (or wait a few days trying to secure store )
When it comes to trying to reserve in store stock, from the Saturday after launch day, so 22nd, you’ll be able to look at stock availability at Apple stores and reserve online. With this they usually update stock around 6am or people do get up early daily to check stock in the past. If you do find stock, you can reserve it and pop in store pay and collect.
It’s worth looking at sites like istocknow who offer live stock checkers with notifications.
If you’re also not fussed about buying directly from Apple, places like John Lewis, Argos, very.co.uk and others will have some stock too
Good luck!
....where is everybody going, to collect their phones?!
We should make an effort to meet up outside the

Stores, to put real life faces to all these usernames!!!!!!!

I know
@Jinjin will be going to Bromley - same as me!!!
yup, if the IUP upgrade is a breeze and I secure an XS for next friday, i'll be there!