Just came back from Regent Street and was rejected for the iUP even though I have already got my current X on the iUP and my situation hasn’t changed at all from last year. 999 credit score on Experian. Feels a bit crap. I’ll call Barclays tomorrow but I don’t think they’ll help. Meh...
There is definitely some sort of issue where people are being rejected from the iUP who are either already on the programme or have previously been on the programme and paid off their loan early to start again. I'm almost sure it has something to do with Barclays not allowing more than one iUP loan per person. I paid off my loan early last year then went to re-apply (never missed a payment, had a perfect credit score) and got refused, and I think what happened was their system hadn't fully updated to show I had paid my original loan off. This year I got accepted with no problems at all.
Of course I could be totally wrong, but a lot of people I'm seeing that got rejected are ones that have tried to re-join or take out a second loan.