Really? What happened? I ordered mine Monday 10th, it shipped Saturday 22nd, I'm expecting it Friday 28th. Pretty smooth.
Wow, some people...
Well, like I said, from a PERSONAL viewpoint, this has been a bad experience FOR ME.
I just woke up so my brain isn't working so good yet, but i'll give it a go.
1. "60-90 days for UK release" was announced in late January -really? We all had to play constant guessing games as the release date was repeatedly pushed back.
2. " an unbelievable price" -well, they got that part right I guess. But that's okay, because nobody is forcing me to buy one. However, it took them until the beginning of May just to tell us the damn prices! Which takes me to..
3. ..Preordering. No indications as to whether reserving for instore pickup would be possible (it wasn't, even though lots of people were basing their buying decisions on the USA launch model i.e. many people wanted to reserve). I myself planned to buy one this way, but like I said we had to preorder 'blind' and did not know that the reservation option would not be available internationally until the ordering went live.
4. No time was given for when preordering would start -this was given for US ordering, here in the UK we just had to guess by showing up repeatedly to the Apple site and hitting refresh. Who would have guessed 1am?
5. Personally, I ordered as soon as the system went live -my order went through at 1.11am BST. Except that it didn't. No confirmation emails or otherwise. When I woke up next morning, my confirmation email had still not arrived and when I called Apple they did not have a record of my order, even though I had an actual order number. So I was told to order again. To cut a long story short, this meant that by the end of May 10th I had TWO orders as the original order eventually showed up on their systems -meaning I had to call them again to cancel one. Not very convenient, i'm sure you will agree.
So I AM 'chilled out', thanks. It's just a shame that 'some people' don't all agree with you that this has been a satisfactory customer experience.
Have a great day