Hawaii appears to be updated. All the main islands as far as I can tell.
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Hawaii has been added for a while and just never seems to be mentioned. Was there when SoCall was added.
It’s really interesting (to me at least) to do side by sides with Google in the new areas and see what is “missing”...and by that, it seems to be purposefully done.
* Apple Maps building profiles really are incredible and are so much closer to real life...Google is just “blocks” for the most part. It really makes zooming in, particularly during navigation, so much more informative. I remember how wowed I was driving in Northern CA initially and can’t wait for this elsewhere.
* It looks like Apple has purposefully not included open roof structure buildings (like some gazebos in parks, parking lot shade structures, etc. where Google shows them as complete buildings. I’m just guessing this is done on purpose and may be aided by Lidor distinguishing the difference than just straight satellite data creating buildings.
* The difference in ground shading including golf courses, pools, baseball fields really does create a more realistic experience when viewing the standard map. Google just looks so bland now and monochromatic even when golf course and the like are described on purpose.
* Apple has definitely done extra work on some structures in the standard map mode to give them more detail. You can really see the difference when you look at The Stratosphere in Las Vegas versus other casinos like Paris, for example. It’s not that Paris doesn’t show the Eiffel Tower detail...it does...but there seems to be much more at The Stratosphere, which is maybe why it is called out as a specific “landmark” on the map.
I always thought Apple Maps was “prettier” and easier to read than the others, and now it’s only getting better. I really want to see the update technology in play though and corrections for roads, closures, etc. being implemented more once that portion is fully launched.
I think they may actually be able to pull this off for a September launch/announcement...but not holding my breath. I’m okay as long as they keep on this path.